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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1024332-Look-at-me-Ma-I-can-spell-my-name-some-days
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #2223920
The Igloo of Madness. Come for the Crazy, Stay for the Fun!
#1024332 added January 7, 2022 at 11:46pm
Restrictions: None
Look at me Ma! I can spell my name some days!
So trying something new here this blog entry. I've never really done one of these pop-up challenges before, but tag me in anything and give it a full shot because I'm always up for anything. So when Kåre Enga in Montana popped up with her challenge post "Round 4 Blogvillian Pop Up! January 7-8 POST HERE"   I had to jump at it, especially when I saw the topic of Taboo! My heart leapt in my chest, and it was off to the races I went.

I've never been one to shy away from any topic in my writing, even back in the earliest days on my first account (which I deleted because I was young, dumb, over-emotional and a girl pissed me off on the site.) I have always been drawn to writing gore-slash horror stories. I can dig down inside me and touch places that a well-respected father of six probably should never touch. I'm a dark writer; I won't deny that, and I set out to do it. I like to pull out a reaction with my stories when I write about murder and serial killers. That's my particular genre.

*eats a chip loudly*

Wait for it, though. I can brutally write the goriest, brutal, murder-filled stories, but I can not watch them. I don't like blood on tv. I will sometimes turn my head away from the tv when I know a scene like that is coming up. My kids, though, they all love that kind of stuff. Even my youngest started watching and loving horror movies around the age of five. As a responsible parent, I tried to do the right thing and limit her exposure to what she watched, but in this day, good luck with that. She went behind my back and just watched stuff on the internet without my permission. Does that make me a bad father? No. I sat her down and explained the difference between real and not actual. I told her to come to me with any questions she had. No questions yet, and it has been years. I can just hear many people saying, "Omg, he is such a bad parent!" but with many things in life, I have always taken a lighter, straight-up approach with my kids on many topics. Personally, if she can handle her own mortality daily, then the kid really deserves to live a little.

Personally, I think we all are raised with too many things we avoid because we taught them they feel wrong for us to read or watch. At this point, I have the right to remain silent, anything I say will be misquoted and used against me in the future, but you all need to remove that firmly lodged stick up your asses when it comes to telling people what they can write about and what they can't. If I want to write about brutal murders, I'll write about them! If I want to throw some sex into the mix, guess what? More power to me because guess what? I like sex. Who honestly doesn't? The prudes don't, but ya, that's about it. That's my opinion. Once again, I'm not forcing it on you as with everything I saw. My word is not law. It's just my thought process.

I'll pose a question here. Would you rather watch a murder being committed or read it? Well, actually, two questions. Would you rather have your eyes witness something they could never unsee or your mind merely briefly imagine something as you are reading a story?

I've had my mental stability called out over some of the stuff I have written in my past. People have questioned that maybe I have seen too much in my life or just experienced too much to be so-called "normal." No one is normal these days. We all have experienced life unless you've lived under a fucking rock your entire life. Don't get me wrong; I know there are rock dwellers. The ones who stick their heads deep in that sand and like to pretend all things are rosy and good, but I'm like most, a realist. Wait, did I say like most? Omg, I must be losing my mind. I meant to say that I am like some. There I corrected it.

I have noticed that there is not a lot of +GC-rated stuff. If you enter a contest, it has to be 18+ max. Most people write 18+. I've had things I've written that were extremely tame for me moved to +GC because I mentioned blood in it. Sometimes I feel the ratings on here can feel almost draconian and limiting. Please remember once again this is just my opinion. I try my hardest to give everything I write the proper rating, and I'm not scared to write the +GC aka graphic content rated story or poem or even essay.

I think we should all give reading something new a chance one day, especially a topic we shy away from. I'm pretty sure there is something I have or will even shy away from at one point. I haven't found it yet, but I am willing to try anything once when I do!

So with that, I will go sharpen my literary knives and go back to writing one of the two horror stories I started today. May the odds be forever in your favour! Or some other bullshit inspirational book quote here.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1024332-Look-at-me-Ma-I-can-spell-my-name-some-days