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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1024656 added January 14, 2022 at 9:13am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 7 - School Drama 2
Ember jumped and looked blearily over the neck of Sebastian's jacket before settling back down again. "About time. Wasn't happy you kept my brother waiting because of me, Vi."

Violet laughed nervously before looking back to the three remaining future alphas. "Please understand why we did it."

"We were afraid of leaving Ember alone and unsupported," Rita added, looking imploringly at Raven. "With all the bullying and numerous wolves saying they would reject her as their mate, we were afraid she would be all alone."

"So Vi created the necklaces to hide our scents from you," Toby said with a nervous sigh. "We wanted to make sure she was safe and loved before we came to you."

Violet's eyes brightened happily. "But we know Sebastian would never hurt Ember or reject her. He doted on her so much even before he found out she was his mate." She giggled as Caius stood up and pulled her into a tight hug before burying his nose against her neck. "So we felt safe to reveal ourselves to you."

Raven extended his hand to Rita with a gentle smile. "We understand… Just surprised." Rita shyly sat in his lap and smiled as he wrapped his arms around her.

Toby felt nervous. Logan had shown no indication of being gay before. Silence spread between the two as Logan looked him over. He prepared himself for the worst. "You can reject me if you want to…" he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut.

Logan got up and quietly got as close as he could to Toby's ear. "Now why would I do that?" He smiled at the shiver that rippled through Toby's body to the sound of his voice. "I see a delicious looking wolf before me. Why would I make him go away?" Logan grabbed a hold of him and flopped backwards causing Toby to let out a loud yelp in surprise. "Mine!" he growled possessively.

"So are we doing this?" Sebastian asked quietly. He wanted to make sure everyone was on board before he mind linked the principal and the alphas. A round of nods gave him the all-clear. He looked down at Ember, who snuggled deeper into him before he smiled. "Alright then."


Alpha Alexius took a deep breath. After hearing from his son about their plan, he had had a long chat with the other alphas about Ember and Sebastian.

Contact the Werewolf King and see where you stand. Alpha Arazel suggested. There may be something he can do for those two.

Alpha Alexius paused. He wasn't sure how to phrase the next part. I already have… He wants to meet them.

Alpha Lucas asked. Then what better way to stop gossips and solidify their bond than the Werewolf King being present. The others voiced agreement with this idea.

Then I'll ask the principal to make part of the weekly school assembly. Alpha Alexius replied feeling good about this plan. He'll be here to meet them within the week.

We'll make sure to be there as well to give our support.
Alpha Marcus producing another round of voiced agreements.


Sebastian sat nervously in the backstage prep room. Despite Ember giving him little butterfly kisses along his neck and shoulder, he couldn't stop staring at the man who was talking to his father opposite him.

The Werewolf King… He couldn't understand why he was so nervous. I met him before on a school trip to the palace. I wasn't nervous then… why am I now? His nerves grew more intense as he approached.

"Future Alpha Sebastian of the Shadow Runners pack?" The Werewolf King extended his hand towards him. Sebastian nodded and shook his hand. "Nice to see you again, young wolf. You caught my interest when I met you the last time." He glanced down and appeared slightly surprised by Ember looking back up at him. "And your young mate?"

"Glacier says hello," Ember replied confusing both Sebastian and Alpha Alexius. The Werewolf King smiled widely in response. "You can see, yes?"

Sebastian stared down at her even more confused. "He can see what, my love?"

Ember shook her head. "In time you will know…" She tilted her head and looked back up at the Werewolf King. "Glacier says prepare."

"Will do," he replied placing a hand on her head. "You look so much like Ebony," he added with a gentle smile. "I'm glad my intuition was right when I first saw your mate."

Alpha Alexius glanced at his son's confused face. So that's why his Majesty took an interest in Sebastian and Ember… He's the next generation! All of our speculations were true. He glanced around the room at the other future alphas. I wonder how many of the knights are hiding in this school as well. His thoughts were interrupted by the principal calling them all to the stage. Following the group, he took his place behind Ember and his son.

"I am pleased to announce our future alphas wish to introduce and mark their mates before all of you today," Principal Jihyo said through the microphone. "And to bless these unions his Majesty, The Werewolf King, has offered to preside over the proceedings."

The Werewolf King bowed his head in thanks for the introduction before addressing the school. "Unique circumstances have prompted me to be present. However, I am pleased that these future alphas have found mates worthy of them." He moved across the stage to Raven, his eyes darting briefly to the silver hourglass on Rita's chest, as he continued. "I spent time with all four future alphas and feel very comfortable that our future is in good hands." He swept his hand towards Raven. "Future Alpha Raven of the Deep Water pack and his mate Gamma Rita of the Shadow Runners pack."

Raven and Rita gave him deep bows before taking each other in their embrace. Raven teased Rita's marking spot, blowing it lightly, and causing her to let out a moan of pleasure before her cheeks turned a bright red. Chuckling lightly, he paused before sinking his canines into her neck. He felt hers a few moments later and released her to regard the developing mark. A pair of wolves held an hourglass between them, their tails entwined around the base and blended almost seamlessly.

The Werewolf King nodded approvingly. He smiled and turned and glanced at Caius and Violet. They're all here. They're all together. He mused to himself glancing at the silver clock face on Violet's chest. It all now hinges on Sebastian realizing what… or rather, who… he is meant to be. He swept his hand towards them. "Future Alpha Caius of the Dark Moon pack and his mate, Beta Violet, also of the Dark Moon pack."

Caius gave Violet a little twirl before pulling her close, the pair laughing at the momentary silliness. He wasted no time marking her. Violet teased him a little before marking him back. A mark that looked like a circular patch developed. A pair of wolves with their tails entwined sat within a large circular clock face.

The Werewolf King continued on. He swept his hand towards Logan and Toby. "Future Alpha Logan of the Poison Fang pack and his mate, Toby, son of the Healer to the Deep Water pack." Murmurs of dissent rose from the crowd. The Werewolf King looked out towards them. "The Moon Goddess has deemed them to be true mates, despite being the same gender. She sees and knows no boundaries when it comes to love."

Logan nudged Toby lightly. In the short time he had known him, he learned that his mate had also endured bullying that bordered on abuse. All because he was gay. He was determined to bring Toby back out of his shell. He held him tightly and waited for Toby to give him the ok to mark him.

Toby nodded and tilted his head to the side exposing his neck. My mate. He purred softly in his head as Logan's canines bit down on him. No matter what anyone else says, Logan is my mate. He marked Logan a little more forcefully than he intended prompting Logan to gently stroke his arms comfortingly. Toby watched their mark take form on Logan's neck. Two wolves with their noses touching. Their bodies and tails formed the infinity symbol. He smiled and kissed Logan's mark before giving Logan a small chaste kiss.

The Werewolf King moved on to Sebastian. Before he made a move to introduce the final couple, cries of dissent and disagreement filled the air.

"She can't be his mate!"

"She's not yet sixteen!"

"She's not worth anything to be his mate!"

"SILENCE!" The Werewolf King roared, his royal tone forcing everyone quiet despite the clear wish to continue protesting evident on their faces. "I am aware Ember is not yet of age." He glanced at the silver crescent moon that sat proudly on her chest. "This is why I am here." He swept his hand towards Ember. "My dear Ember, daughter to the Alpha of the Dark Moon pack. There is a way to mark your mate without your wolf. Alpha Alexius and Alpha Marcus both wrote to me with concerns that you might be in danger in the remaining three months to your sixteenth. So I am here to ensure that you are marked by your true mate and no other." Ember nodded understandingly. "Please start by marking Sebastian. If he is your true mate, your mark will appear. Understand that if no mark appears, I will not allow the marking to proceed and erase the tie between you that was created. Do you understand?"

"Yes, your Majesty," she replied softly. She yelped at Sebastian as he pulled her close and leaned down so she could reach his neck. She poked his marking spot with her finger. "Here?" she whispered quietly. Sebastian nodded with a slight smile on his face. She bit him, gently at first, before pressing her teeth harder into him. Sebastian winced. The Werewolf King had warned him it may hurt a bit more as Ember had to use human teeth to mark him instead of canines.

"Ok my love," he whispered when Ember made a little questioning note. "Let go." He giggled lightly at the face she was making. "I know. Blood tastes differently when you're human in comparison to when you have your wolf."

The Werewolf King moved behind him to watch the marking spot. Slowly, a mark of two wolves in the formation and colouring of a yin yang symbol appeared on his back. He smiled and lightly turned Sebastian so his back was presented to the crowd. A gasp rippled through, disbelieving of what they were seeing.

"I've now seen proof that you are both true mates," He brushed his fingers against Ember's marking spot. "The curse on marking this underage she-wolf has been lifted." He nodded to Sebastian. "You can safely mark your mate."

Sebastian's eye grew wide. He wasn't expecting to be able to mark her today. "Really?" He could feel his excitement welling up inside him. The Werewolf King nodded at him encouragingly. He growled lightly and playfully against Ember's neck. She giggled and pat his chest to let him know she was ok for him to go ahead. He nuzzled her before sinking his canines into her marking spot. He purred lightly and withdrew giving her a lick to help speed her healing. He could feel Ember's anticipation filling him as he eagerly watched to see what their mark looked like.

"Your emotions feel like a puppy wagging his tail," she murmured against his chest. "Or is that Griffin I can sense?"

It's me! She can sense me!

Sebastian chuckled and said "A bit of both."

Wait… I can sense her wolf just under the surface. Sebastian closed his eyes to try and hide his surprise. Glacier. She says her name is Glacier and she can't wait to meet all of us.

Glacier says prepare.
Ember's voice echoed in his head. She already knew her wolf's name was Glacier.

Glacier said she's been able to contact Ember during sex with us. She said she's been able to so far tell Ember her name and a message for the Werewolf King.
Griffin paused as if hearing something he couldn't. She says when you next have sex with Ember. See and act accordingly. I'm not sure what she means by that.

Ember said something similar to me.
He felt a nudge in his side and saw Caius laughing at him.

"Assembly is over," he said with a smile. "Griffin happy about what happened?"

"Very much so," Sebastian replied. "He's bouncing around my head like a cat on catnip."


Sebastian smiled and caught the eye of both Alpha Marcus and Alpha Alexius. Thanks Dad. Thanks Alpha Marcus.

No problem son.

Happy to help you out. My daughter deserves the best and you're the best by far.

"Are you crying?" Ember teased. She giggled at his almost shocked expression. "Aww… I didn't expect my very protective mate to be so moved."

"Blame your father," Sebastian replied wiping away a stray tear. "He told me you deserve the best and that I was the best by far." Ember wordlessly wrapped her arms around him comfortingly.
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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