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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1024657 added January 14, 2022 at 9:23am
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Chapter 8 - Secret Avatar Business
Sebastian growled lightly at the sunlight that filtered in through the window. He smiled remembering the previous day and finally being able to sense Ember's emotions and talk to her through their mindlink. His thoughts however were rudely interrupted by an impatient wolf.

You're finally awake. Griffin drawled almost bored with the situation. I wanted to talk to you about last night.

What about it?
He asked confused. Last night had been filled with passion like it always. Even now, Ember's petite frame was curled up against his chest.

Did you see Ember's chest?

Sebastian rolled his eyes. We had sex! Of course, I saw her chest. He replied incredulously.

No Sebastian... Griffin's tone was patient. Did you see her silver tattoo? It wasn't there before.

Silver tattoo?
Gently, he rolled her onto her back. Sure enough, a silver crescent moon sat over her heart. When did she get that?

I don't know.
Griffin replied with a slight huff. I asked Glacier about it and she said that all she could tell me was that it was of divine origins.

Meaning we wouldn't have seen it until we marked her.
He traced his finger over the moon. I wonder what it means.

Why not ask your Dad?
Griffin suggested. Or Raven. He's a pretty big history buff.

Sebastian thought about it for a bit before tapping into the Alpha link to contact Raven.

Hey man! What's up?

I wanted to ask you something. I'm not disturbing you, am I?

Not at all. Rita was giving me a hand in the library but I can spare a moment.

Cool. Do you know much about silver tattoos of divine origin?

Sure do. There are only four true divine silver tattoos in existence.

Sebastian was curious. How was a true silver tattoo different from any other silver tattoo.

Silver tattoos would harm a werewolf. Only true divine tattoos don't. Was there one, in particular, you wanted to know about?

A crescent moon...
Sebastian paused briefly uncertain how to continue but Raven interrupted his train of thought.

Over the heart? Yes... That's the tattoo of the Avatar of the Moon and Mate to the Werewolf King. I have a book here I can lend you about the pair if you like. His words flowed, almost sounding practised.

Sebastian felt nervous. Sure. At school Monday?

Sure thing. I'll bring it with me then.


Raven ended the mindlink, his eyes landing on Rita. "It's begun."

"He asked about Ember's tattoo?" she asked, her fingers unconsciously touching her own hourglass tattoo.

Raven nodded. "Monday, I'll give him the history book that describes the Avatar of the Moon and the Werewolf King." He pulled her into a tight hug. "Let's hope he gets the ball rolling." He released just enough so she slid around into a cradled hug before kissing her tattoo. "You sure surprised me."

"You didn't have any sort of inkling," she asked looking pointedly around the room. "Knight of the Past, your library of collective historical works would put all the pack libraries of the world to shame."

Raven laughed. "Until you came into my life and revealed who I am," He gave her a light kiss on the tip of her nose. "I just thought I loved history and wanted to collect what I could."

"Well then, dear heart," she whispered giving him a quick kiss before giggling. "It seems just like all the knights before you, you'll be adding your collection to the palace library."

Raven joined her laughing. "Poor Future Knight. I have memories of my past self getting blasted by the past Knight of the Future. He was digitizing the old documents and realised he had more work now because my past self had added to the collection that needed digitizing."

"Ahh yes I remember that well," Rita replied with a giggle. "He told you not to collect anything in your next life."

"Doesn't look like the demand stuck," he wheezed trying to control the near hysterics the two had fallen into. "I was doing it before I even realised I was the Knight of the Past."

Rita began to subside to giggles again and the two flopped back onto the couch in each other's arms. He leaned in to give her another kiss but was stopped by her hand on his lips.

"Let me give the other Avatars the heads up before you kiss me senseless, Dear Heart," she said softly before diving into her mind links.

"You're not going to tell me who the other Knights are?" he asked nuzzling against her neck.

"Nup," she replied popping the p with her lips.


I can't wait until he finally proclaims himself and unlocks the powers of our mates. Violet purred softly. Caius keeps asking me who the other Knights are.

Logan too.
Toby chimed in. He keeps trying different ways of asking and keeps asking for hints. He gave a little squeal and then added. Ember knows yet?

Not yet.
Rita replied softly. Her part of our link seems like a void so she might be asleep. Silence spread over the link before Rita added. We need to keep an eye on Trance.

Toby's voice was low and almost threatening. Did you see his expression when Ember and Sebastian marked each other? The girls made notes of affirmation. He's going to cause trouble come Monday.

Chelsea as well.
Rita said, her voice equally low. She's determined to be Sebastian's mate ever since she turned sixteen. She literally kept throwing herself at him. Remember? That day we revealed ourselves to our mates? Sebastian had used his alpha voice and told her what for.

Silence once again reigned through their link. Why is our link active? A very sleepy voice rippled through the silence producing giggles from the three. What happened?

Sebastian contacted Raven!
Rita told her excitedly. He's borrowing an abridged and abbreviated version of the History of the Werewolf King.

Ember giggled lightly. That will be a sight to see. Sebastian gets bored very easily reading history.

He has an incentive to learn.
Toby's voice was amused. If he wants to know about your tattoo then he needs to read it and pay attention.

I'm so excited!
Violet sounded like she was about to burst. I can't wait until the boys realise they've been in the presence of each other the whole time.

And the Werewolf King can finally get his rest.
Rita's voice floated ethereally through their mindlink. Being alive for several generations must be tiring but having the last eighteen years without your mate or the rest of your court by your side would be absolute torture.

His eyes light up when he sees Ember tho.
Toby said, his voice relaying the smile on his face.

That's because I apparently look like Ebony. Ember replied softly. She could feel Sebastian gently brushing some stray hairs off her face. My mate is staring at me sleep... I better go.

See you Monday!
The three chirped at her before their link fell dormant again.


"So this is the book?" Sebastian looked at the small leather-bound book in his hands with mild distaste. He didn't like reading much and couldn't sit still long enough to get past a few pages.

"If you can't sit still then put Ember in your lap and let her sleep like she usually does during lunch while you read," Raven replied with a huff. It always frustrated him that Sebastian was more inclined to be told history and not read about it himself. "It's barely 50 pages. It's more a booklet than an actual book."

"Actually," Sebastian smiled widely. "I like that idea. I can sit for hours with Ember on my lap. Hell... I waited about 2 hours, the morning I mind linked you about it, waiting for her to wake up. I was on my side with her using my arm as a pillow and snuggled into me for that entire time."

"See?" Raven chuckled lightly. "I'm sure Alpha Alexius has noticed it as well as has made her sit in the office while you train to be the next Alpha." Sebastian's face grew bright red causing Raven to laugh harder. "Oh, that is gold! You can't concentrate long enough to focus on your training so Alpha Alexius has to use tricks on you."

"I was called in from my super comfy spot from outside too..." Ember's voice startled both wolves. They had neither smelt nor sensed her coming. "Now I have a lounge I stretch out on in the sun to read." She glanced at the book. "Abbreviated version?"

"Yeah," Raven replied with a smile. "I take it you read the official version? The large tome with gold scrollwork?"

"It was such an intensive read," she replied with a sigh. "I got in trouble for being in the old library where it was kept... Not for reading it but more for not letting anyone know where I was." She looked up at Sebastian. "You left without breakfast this morning..." She peeked into her bag and pulled out a small paper bag. "Your Mum said to shove this in your mouth when I caught up to you."

Sebastian blinked in surprise when she pulled out a large blueberry muffin and pushed it in his mouth as soon as he opened it to speak. He could see her amusement before taking a bite, pulling the muffin away from his mouth. "I was going to eat when I go here," he mumbled at her before taking another bite of the muffin. "The cafeteria is open now..."

Ember sighed and looked down at the book. She took it and thumbed through the pages quickly. Her eyes darted back and forth looking for something. She smiled as she neared the end. "The abbreviated version does at least some justice to the history," she murmured softly. She ran a hand over the leather cover gently. "But it does miss some key elements."

Both wolves were stunned. She had skimmed through the book and was able to read it so quickly. Your mate is going to be quicker at doing pack paperwork than you. Maybe you should delegate yourself to physical duties while she takes care of the administrative. Raven commented through their link.

I know... She's even pointed things out faster when Dad was teaching me about certain documents. She's already has adjusted how we do our paperwork to make it more streamlined and less disjointed. He watched her tuck the book into his bag before fishing around for something else. She pulled out another book that looked old and worn from abuse.

"This poor book needs rescuing from you," she said with a sad tone in her voice. "It's been at the bottom of your bag for a long time, getting damaged from everything you pile on top of it." She gave it to Raven for him to look at. "It probably needs repairing."

"Leave it with me," Raven murmured examining the book. He could see the pages were mostly intact but the cover was damaged beyond repair. He knew he would have to discover what book it was before he could repair the cover with the correct title. "But this doesn't look like a book from any of the pack libraries. It seems much older than that..."

Sebastian's face flushed with embarrassment. He had forgotten about the book ever since the school field trip to the palace. The Werewolf King had given him the book to read and expressed that he wished it to return when he was finished with it.

"Umm..." Raven and Ember, who were looking at the book with curiosity, turned their attentions to him. "That's because that book is from the palace. His Majesty gave it to me with the expressed wish for me to return it once I was done." He wanted to hide when their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Then this book would be at least several generations old!" Raven exclaimed as he gingerly moved the book to his other hand. Ember looked at it before taking it from his hand. Just like she had done with the leather-bound book, she briefly skimmed this book albeit slower than she had the other book so as not to damage it further.

"This..." She once again skimmed through it. Her third skim had the two future Alphas curious. "This book... Is the story of the fourth King... Faust... The fake king." She handed the book back to Raven before dashing into the school building.

"Ember?" Sebastian called out confused before he and Raven followed after her. Ember?

Later, Sebastian, I'll explain later.
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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