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Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #2223920
The Igloo of Madness. Come for the Crazy, Stay for the Fun!
#1024715 added January 15, 2022 at 8:20am
Restrictions: None
Early morning ranting
Well, I been up around half an hour now and enjoying the peace and quiet of being the only one up. I know it won't last long, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can. So far this morning, I am feeling okay, not really coughing, just tired, and a little bit of a toothache I had since yesterday afternoon. Honestly, today would be one of those days I probably would have slept in if not for someone locking Captain Attention Whore, aka my cat Jasper in my room this morning. He is relentless when he is up and wants attention. He lays his fat ass on you, head butts, nuzzles, walks on you, hits you, anything he can think of. He does make you wake up and pet him. If you dare fall back asleep, his wrath is worse. I need some bad coffee already, but I don't want to wake up people turning on the light.

They're something that has bothered me all week: our local government here in Manitoba. We have been told we are on our own now, literally. It's all for one, and fuck if you live or die. They have given up. They have thrown in the towel and will now only take advice from big business. Prevention is out. They want to overwhelm our already struggling medical system because they see money over people. Personally, I hate them all.

The PC party needs to go and be gone. Wab would honestly be our best vote right now out of all our options. We got "throw you under the bus, Heather." Even as much as I hated Pallister, at least he tried at first. The only thing he saw was the soon-to-be imploding doom and fled for the hills. He stepped down, which we all cheered, but the smart thing would have been to call an election, now we are stuck with this puppet government who will probably put half the voters in the grave before they go, and I do have faith in the sensible citizens of this province to get rid of them as soon as we can. We can not have a PC government in the future. This Pandemic has shown us that we do not matter to them. They are more concerned with the almighty dollar and ignore any good advice. We are not sheep. We care about each other. It's not every man for themselves as Heather wants it to be. Let's just pray that we make it through this for our future, our children, and the good people of this province.

For anyone who doesn't know what the PCs are, just think of them like Republicans in the US. Thank god, on a federal level, they are not in power. I'm glad we managed to get a liberal government again leading this country. This world is going through its most challenging time in a long time, and we need to work on containing and stopping the spread of this horrible virus, not pushing herd immunity. Basically, that's not going to work. Everyone needs to get vaxxed, social distance, try to keep away from those who have it, and if you do get it, isolate, not five days, not ten days, but till the symptoms are gone, and you have two negative tests in a row.

Enough complaining about government now, and let us change topics. How about this one. The evil, ugly, crazy, and insane Pug called Pugsly decided to shit in the hallway once again, where I couldn't go around it to get into my room, and I got to pee. I wouldn't say I like that dog, and with my shoulders the way they are, I can't go pick it up, so now I have to hope someone comes and wakes up very soon. Karma, I tell you, fucking karma for something. Lol, I'm joking.

Okay, I'm done. I hear mom choking because her cough seems to worsen, which is kind of scary. At Least now I can make some coffee.

And make sure you check out my contest. Round 2 ends tonight!

The Humdinger Word of the Day Contest!  (18+)
Win GP's or more using the word of the day in a sentence!
#2265069 by DoXx, The Renegade Monkey

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