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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1025117-Nasal-Napalm-Oh-yes-it-is-a-real-thing-Trust-me
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #2223920
The Igloo of Madness. Come for the Crazy, Stay for the Fun!
#1025117 added January 21, 2022 at 9:23am
Restrictions: None
Nasal Napalm? Oh yes it is a real thing. Trust me!
When you can take a long 15-second whiff of a horseradish called nasal napalm and not puke... You know you have got no sense of smell. I really should have bet my brother money on that. He didn't believe me; I couldn't smell anything at all. I tried so many things yesterday, all his hot sauces, hot mustard, garlic, all nothing.

Now with that said. Good morning to the very few people who read this. Not that I write for views or anything. I write because I can be the insane person I want to be lol kidding. I've just started on my first cup of coffee of the day, so I'm not fully awake yet. Sadly today is a two-cup max day because no one bought me more cream yesterday. I don't like regular cream in my coffee, so I have to wait till mom buys me some later. LOL, well, she better buy me some later. She is finally going to the store. She is not as paranoid now because we all had Covid already. Hopefully, there is some immunity with that for a few months at least. It's only the second time since this pandemic started we all got sick anyway.

These animals are driving me insane, especially the damn dog. It's in heat already and bleeding all over the place. I seriously do not know why they did not get her fixed yet. They probably plan to breed her once or some shit like that. She also is like doing gross stuff like eating the cat's shit. She runs down to the litter box and will take it out of there. She will chew on everything and anything. She takes stuff out of garbage can's, steals and chews on all the tv remotes, and takes game controllers. Anything not nailed down is a chew toy, and well everything is nailed down because she chews the shit out of the dining room table. And she is pulling off baseboards and chewing on them also. Also, the little bitch is chewing on the cable wire. I put the fear of the broom into her. Whenever she chews something around me, I give her a little light swat on the ass with it. So now she just has to see the broom, and she runs and starts barking. We also use it during meals because she gets really aggressive in her mooching or table chewing. So we just have to show it to her or put it under the table, which stops bad behaviour for now.

See, there is one massive problem with that dog: her owners. Not my dog, not mom's, not my kids, but yet we are the ones doing her care. We tried to train her, we actually did have her trained, but my brother, wife and kids are lazy. So she shits and pisses inside the house, no matter how many times you put her outside.

So now my brother is gone for six weeks, you know the best part of that is mom will be the main cook once again. She uses spices, onions, and garlic. Not bland-ass food to cater to my niece and nephew, who are fussy. Mom's rule is if you don't like it, don't eat it, and you don't get anything else. Last night my brother made meatballs and sauce for dinner. The meatballs were okay but lacked a lot of seasoning. The sauce was just horrid. All he does is use a plain jar of sauce. Why? Because of his wife and kids like that. I added so much red chilli peppers and parmesan cheese just to kill the fucking taste of it.

My nephew announced yesterday at dinner his teacher tested him, and he is reading at a grade 9 level. He will be 11 in April, so I don't know if I believe that, but I did hear the little fucker use the word Psychopath correctly the other day, LOL. Probably because he is one. Oops, did I say that?? Sorry, I know it's mean, but I really dislike that kid.

Okay, on my second and last cup of coffee for the day. This is where I cry and curse the gods for me running out of my vanilla creamer. Though I looked at the number of blueberry coffee pods I have left. I'm not going to make it till the end of the month. Must guilt trip mom into ordering me more when she gets her money from the bank today. I told her we need fruit badly, but to get only stuff Ramona doesn't like. Bitch rarely shares her fruit with us, so fuck that shit!

My brother told my mom this morning before he left to make sure his son went to school today. Since it is cold and Ramona has to walk him because she doesn't drive, amazingly, he is sick and not feeling good today. So now he will sleep with his mom every night for the next six weeks, probably miss a ton of school, and my brother will call pissed off daily. So be the cycle of life begins again. God, I can't wait to move.

Okay, I'm done for now. I am going to eat perogies for breakfast and finish my coffee. Have a great day, folks! Because I know I won't! LOL.

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