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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1025318-You-mustnt-be-afraid-to-dream-a-little-bigger-darling
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #2223920
The Igloo of Madness. Come for the Crazy, Stay for the Fun!
#1025318 added January 24, 2022 at 9:26pm
Restrictions: None
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
Today first off, we got a lesson of the day! When the dog wakes you up at 7:30 am, and you get a major bad cramp in your calve, don't forget you got only one leg and try to jump up to walk it off! To the floor, I went like a fish, flopping around. LOL. Then for added amusement, I spent the next five minutes trying to stretch out my leg and ease the pain from the still raging cramp in it before finally hauling my ass back into bed to get in my wheelchair because I really had to pee at that point! FML, my morning already starting great! LOL. Still trying to figure out how the dog got into my room through my closed door also.

Twice, in fact, she got into my room with my door closed. She just woke me up now when I was having a pretty peaceful nap finally. I'm writing this entry today in parts. I keep getting distracted and will get distracted in a few minutes again because dinner will be ready. Mom spent all day making homemade pea soup. Of course, my niece and nephew had to have a special meal of frozen pizza because they are fucking special and can't eat it like the rest of us. Though I have noticed one thing, my niece will actually eat her meals when my mom cooks stuff she likes. She is famous for never finishing her dinner when her dad cooks. Still, if, for example, mom cooks her breakfast and cleans her plate, hell, yesterday we had roast pork for dinner with mashed potatoes and creamed corn, she had seconds.

The animals are being bad today. Okay, let me rephrase the dog and mom's cat Sabby. My cat Jasper is being good. His old fat ass just lays there watching the other two fight. The damn dog will not leave Sabby alone. Plus, she pulled off the baseboards again, chewing on shit. I think it's time to break out the broom! Put the fear of me back into her. LOL.

My sense of smell still not has returned. I keep trying to smell that horseradish to try to kickstart it, or I don't even know anymore. I want to smell again. I had this delicious spicy ramen from South Korea today. Shin Ramyun Black. OMG, Sooo good!

Okay, I am thoroughly fed now, two bowls of that fantastic soup and two bagels with whipped mixed berry flavoured cream cheese. I kind of pigged out. I'm on a mission to gain weight, and honestly, it's finally working. I was already underweight by a lot before I lost my leg, and during those months in the hospital, I lost so much weight that it dipped under 100lbs. Not something I am proud of or have really admitted till now. The first month I was in the hospital, I barely ate at all. I was being given special liquids in my IV. I was getting offered popsicles and everything under the sun for snacks. Those I took, but the food in the first hospital was so bad, and I was so depressed that I just didn't want to eat at all. When I got transferred to portage, thank god I got real food and stabilized. Now though, I try to eat three meals a day. Usually, a big breakfast mom cooks me, a decent lunch, and a big portion I can get at dinner. Plus, I snack a lot when I can. So far, it has worked. I'm up to 130 now. My goal is 150 to 160. I'd be happy with 170, honestly, with my height. I'd like some of that to be muscle, though. When we move, I won't have access to the meals I have right now because, honestly, my brother pays for most of the groceries except for my drinks and our junk food.

Okay, so right now, there is already a noticeable supply shortage out there regarding groceries and stuff because of Covid, right? On January 15th, a mandate went in that truckers need to be vaccinated crossing the border. Otherwise, they face two weeks in quarantine. Which I find is fair. So fucking instead of just giving in and getting vaccinated so they can keep doing their jobs, making money. Some truckers are protesting this! In fact, there are like 100 truckers doing across Canada driving rally right now to protest it. They are calling it the "Freedom Rally," LOL. Fucking just get vaccinated if you want to keep your job. Quit this bullshit, people. It's not going to seriously solve anything at all. Neither government is going to be like, "Oh, those fucking crazy anti-vaxxers want to put more people on both sides of the border at risk, we can't replace them, we must change the law!" Fuck that. I see a lot more job openings for truck drivers in the future, well not that there isn't now. Just fucking grow up. It's a couple of needle that actually helps you in the long run, especially if you do catch Covid.

With that, I'm out!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1025318-You-mustnt-be-afraid-to-dream-a-little-bigger-darling