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A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life. |
Tysdag, den 8 mars. I finished 50 dordles with a 84% success rate. Best was 4/3 for grill/about. It's quite addictive. It's snowing. We could get inches before this is over and could get down to 5 degrees in a couple days. Made lasagna. Turkey, cheese, marinara sauce. I may have over eaten this evening. My aunt died in North Carolina February 6th. Dorothy Margaret Deuel Murray (1929-2022). ![]() “It’s 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep, but there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing.” There’s clearly been a terrible international incident. The narrator asks, “Who do you want answering the phone?” Hillary ad against Obama but still a valid question. Personally, I'd rather have JRB than DJT. 11:37 More snow, blustery 25 degrees. Saw a picture of my mother from last year. I was shocked. I last saw her when she was 93. Called my sister. No answer. Busy? My anxiety rises. ![]() Comment to Stik: I feel like I'm using people, a feeling that prompts me to withdraw a lot. I need to buy a phone, glasses, get a booster shot. All in places close to each other... but not close to me. I can take a bus... but the weather has made me hesitant and... I forget. I should call 'friends' but see your comment above. Joyce died; Travis is in Pennsylvania; Laxmi is in Mexico; Bri moved to Bozeman. I withdraw a lot. Don't ask about health issues... My aunt just died and she was the only one who made an effort to keep in touch. My mother is 99. New friends? Sure! When I travel, but locally that's not happening. And I do need new younger friends. Today I just wanted to scream. ![]() To Nikola on Wednesday the 9th: 14°F at 09:55. Sunny, breezy. Cold stretch for a week. Spring delayed. I need to decide whether I walk to the grocery store today. If not, tomorrow or Friday. ![]() My big news is that I managed to hack at my blue hubbard squash I bought in October. Those monsters are hard! ![]() Sliding towards 0. Very cold outside. Earlier, bought groceries. Not much but cheese and potted meat were still on sale. Gasoline now 3.99/gallon. Entemann died. I really loved his pastries when I lived back East. The squash is cooked. Lots of squash. Got to speak to my mother today. It's time to let go. I asked Willie about becoming an orphan at our advanced age. She said she realized that she is no longer a daughter. She also mentioned abandonment issues. Nice long chat with Alishka today. ![]() Yep. I need that phone a.s.a.p. Also need to ask someone for a ride. I cannot continue disconnected for much longer. ![]() Still eating up the squash. The cake/pie turned out fine but more still needs to be consumed. Mentioned to Brian: "I can't bring up memories like this... although I should try. So much blends together and makes little sense. Perhaps that's the point. I was just trying to go unnoticed. Bland, beige, blond, boring defined my existence." Comment to Charity: "I have mixed feelings about traveling and being busy again. I may need to beg for a ride to get some things done beforehand. Warmer weather after today = bus is possible. I'm not used to 'hiring' people. My blue-collar roots = do it yourself or do without. ![]() ![]() March 12. Warm. 58 degrees. Went for a walk. Opened windows. Not much energy though. Feeling weak. A comment I didn't post to Stik: "We are not a very churched community here. Oklahoma was though and scripture trumped everything. Oklahoma is 1/3 Baptists. Internet note on Southern Baptists: "Together, these congregations teach that the Bible contains no errors and that personal acceptance of Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation." If there is only one acceptable path and your guidance is infallible then anyone who questions that may face opposition. Scientists and teachers tend to ask questions and few scientists believe they are infallible. They are demonized." ![]() March 13. 39 degrees and misty moisty. "All turns to mud" Took me two hours to realise the ckock change. There's no need to change the clocks. I have made 13 trinkets. An assessment update from (January 11): 1. Easily collected. A total of 645 (644). 121 (120) Lanterns (Taiwan) NCYVWJLR 118 (118) Monkees (Taiwan) HCKWTVGW 124 (124) Umbrellas (Japan) YHQSSXPL 124 (124) Man at Work (Slovakia) MNWQKMYW 158 (158) Moon (Hungary) LZJXQNGJ 2. Attached to a blog. A total of 186 (174). 65 (63) Porto (Portugal) 23 (20) Out of the book (Sweden) 18 (17) Blue butterfly and me (Costa Rica) 17 (16) Bees on a rose (Norway) 17 (17) Volcano (Costa Rica) 18 (17) Boat houses on the fjord (Norway) 28 (24) Cat (Taiwan) 3. To be given out. 42 (42) Vultures clean up messes (Costa Rica) A total of 873 (860). ![]() Pi Day... but I didn't go buy pie. ![]() 50 degrees or so, mild, cloudy. I sat at the Senior Center and worked on editing and submitting two old poems: "Smoke" ![]() ![]() Deadlines shatter my nerves. Also wrote "Micro 100 #17 Chance encounter [178.379]" ![]() 5651 |