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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1029195-314-319
Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2243707
Welcome to my blog: I intend to share heartfelt writing about anything that comes to mind.
#1029195 added March 19, 2022 at 8:46pm
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March 14th
What has God done for you or in your life lately? Write a testimony of God's goodness in your life recently.

My ID came to the right address in spite of having the wrong apartment number on it accidentally. I thank God he was watching over me.

March 15th
Do you believe you have any spiritual gifts? If so, write about them. If not, why do you think that is?

I believe I have the gift of edification. I also have experienced a few others at times. I believe nothing is impossible with God. Therefore, with the Holy Spirit as a partner, Iam able to do anything the Holy Spirit enables me to do. I do believe in Spiritual gifts. 1 Corinthians chapter 12 lays it all out, and did you notice chapter 13, the "love" chapter directly follows the chapter about spiritual gifts. Let all things be done with love.

March 16th
How do you think we can go about eating for God's glory? Is it possible?

This is a huge struggle for me right now. Prayers are appreciated as I fight this physical and spiritual battle with food. If you have any thoughts on the subject, I'd love to hear them. I know that overeating/ gluttony is a sin. I need to find the proper boundaries for myself spiritually and physically in this area. I will be journaling more about this struggle in other areas of my port as well.

March 17th
Write your thoughts about St. Patrick's Day and about Saint's feast days in general.

Ok, this can be a touchy subject for some. I know in Catholicism Sainthood is believed in and practiced. As a Baptist, I do not believe in praying to the dead. I believe in praying to Jesus, but he was raised again on the 3rd day and is alive sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Therefore, I do not pray to Mary the mother of Jesus either. Now I like to have fun as well as anyone, but we must be careful what we are worshiping and who and what we are praying to.

Jesus died on the cross so we could have communication directly with the Father. As the ultimate authority, why not go directly to him? A Catholic friend of mine once explained to me like this. She prayed to Mary because it was like when children at first don't get their way with their father, they go to their mother to try to get their Father talked into it. Hmm! Doesn't that sound like childish manipulation tactics? Can we not respect the no of our Father who knows all and controls all? That's just something to think about. Why pray to the lesser authority just because you are not getting your way with the higher authority? Am I the only one that sees an issue with that? Of course, that is just my personal opinion.

March 18th
Write about how you deal with storms in your life both literally and figuratively.

Obviously, prayer is a huge part of my life. Praising God is also something I do even when I don't feel like it or the circumstances seem impossible. When real storms come and I begin to feel afraid, I like to sing, "Master of the wind", to remind myself God is in control.

Here are the lyrics.

My boat of life

Sails on a troubled sea
Whenever there's a wind in my sail
But I have a friend
Who watches over me
When the breeze turns into a gale

I know the master of the wind

I know the maker of the rain
He can calm the storm
And make the sun shine again
I know the master of the wind

Sometimes I soar
like an Eagle to the sky
Among the peaks my soul can be found
But an unexpected storm
May drive me from the highs
It may bring me low
But it can not bring me down

I know the master of the wind

I know the maker of the rain
He can calm the storm
And make the sun shine again
I know the master of the wind

He can calm the storm
make the sun shine again
I know the Master of the wind

Let Jesus calm your storm
make the sun shine again
He is the Master of the wind

March 19th
Either by consequence or example, sin affects other people too. How have you justified little sins in your life? What is the correct way to deal with them?

I usually justify those little sin with little white lies to myself and others. That doesn't make it right, but none of us are perfect. I am not completely without sin. I could not cast the first stone.

The way to deal with any sin is immediately with confession. repentance, and Godly sorrow. When we resist the Devil, he will flee from us. We must keep resisting and repenting.

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