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Rated: 13+ · Book · Travel · #2032403
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#1032726 added May 22, 2022 at 12:55pm
Restrictions: None
Trip to Portugal 2022 Assessment #1
A recent-travel assessment prodded by Sumojo 1

1. I am out-of-practice with speaking to strangers, youth and fellow travelers. Perhaps others are too. That said, there are more working-nomads less amenable to conversation. Gen-Z hides more behind electronics than Millenials. I think folks find conversation more awkward in general, especially with strangers.

2. My relationship with others has shifted. I'm no longer the quirky uncle... more like the doddering grandpa. I've definitely slowed down since Taiwan 2020 and I was having physical issues even then. That said, Portugal was good for my legs (tiring, but good).

3. I truthfully do not have the energy for 18 hour days. 12 is more like it and even less at times. Less energy = not joining in on activities, not moving around as much in the past. Doing less = less to share, fewer people to share it with.

4. Two years of doing 'nothing' has upped the 'I'm boring' factor. Even at home... what to talk about? Most folks in Montana, here at WdC, at fb, avoid discussing racial or social issues. No one watches Thai TV or is interested in BL series (except Shannon *Smile*).

5. I oddly connected with Brasilians. My attempt to speak Portuguese disarmed some, especially Ellison from Bahia, who couldn't believe I've never been to Brasil. I speak with a Brasilian accent. My language skills improved a bit.

6. My natural social-awkwardness was apparent at times. I really goofed in Lagos. I'm good at initiating conversations, but not as good at listening. Matthew from Ireland, who I met in Lisboa at the end of my trip, is a natural connector and 'can opener'.

7. I was sick on-and-off. Coughing in Faro and Silves didn't help much. Vomiting/diarrhea in Evora didn't either. I know people were concerned. I also cough if I over-exert myself. I lost weight and frankly, stank more than usual. Laundry was an issue at times.

8. Being alone in a room (Silves, Castro Verde) and almost alone (Evora) was a godsend under the circumstances; but, being alone doesn't lead to many opportunities for interactions.

9. Stress was a factor at the beginning and end of the trip. Changing my flights and arranging covid tests took up time. Not properly planning led to a couple 'hiccups' (nothing major).

10. In general, the trip did not go as smoothly as hoped for. Social hostels (The Independente in Lisboa and TAGhostel in Lagos) went better than other places. But I did make friends, like Evelyn (Poland/Germany) in Lagos/Faro. I will do a separate entry on people. *HeartO*


1  Sue wrote: "Hi, I’m sorry you found fellow travellers unwilling to participate in decent conversations on your vacation this time. I hate to suggest that as one gets older you become of less interest to anyone younger. And I suppose society has changed over the years. The question is, how and why?

Maybe Covid has made us less willing to get close, either physically or figuratively. Or as you suggest it’s social media. When we were doing our travelling twenty years ago we found people were so interested in their fellow travellers, but now we take our family and friends with us everywhere we go. They are in our contact list, ready and available to talk to anywhere in the world.

I wasn’t on WdC in those heady years you speak of, so can’t comment on changes here. The only suggestion I have for the change is that back then blogging was in its infancy. I read only today the number of blogs there are on line at any given time. I can’t remember just how many there are but it was in the millions.

So maybe it’s just burn out or “ whatever can you tell me that I don’t already know” syndrome.

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