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Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #1670440
A collection of various short stories and poetry.
#1034366 added June 27, 2022 at 8:33pm
Restrictions: None
Champion Dog Food
Can a condemned woman be happy with her fate?

Savanah looked at the tattoo on her wrist that the Veterinarian gave her for her final Grade - that of D.

"Are you sure that's right?" she'd asked. "I've done everything I could."

"Well, you are on the border between a C- and a D+," the vet said. "But, in this case, I'm afraid that I have to go with the lower grade."

"Well, thanks for the information," Master Robert had said.

Savanah sighed. That had been but a few hours prior. All her life she'd wanted a werewolf to eat her, or a vampire to drain her. But now, with her current grade, she was only fit to be Pet Food.

"What's wrong?"

Savanah looked up, and saw that it was the Prime Grade Breeder, John.

"I don't know if you could understand," she said, as the older male sat next to her. "You're a Feral. You don't know what it's like to have all your dreams taken away."

"So, what is the matter?" John asked.

Savanah showed him her wrist.

"I see," said John. "Well, at least it wasn't a F-Grade. I've only see one get that Grade while I've been here."

"What happened for them to get that?" Savanah asked.

"Young man had one of those cancers," said John. "It was pretty bad."

"So, what happened to him?" Savanah asked.

"A week later, this huge werewolf, easily three to four times as wide as Master Robert is after Big Meal Day, pulls up to the gate, asking where the sack or fertilizer was at," said John. "I gave that idiot a good whack in his guts, making him fall on his fat ass, and told him to never speak of Thomas like that again."

Savanah grinned at the image. Whatever John might think of other werewolves and vampires, he respected the Wolfe family for addressing livestock by their name, even though their fate was inevitably the same in any case.

"So, what happened afterwards?" she asked.

John smiled. "Mistress Julia did Thomas up as if he was a Prime Grade meal. Fixed him up the way he wanted to be fixed. The smell made my own mouth water."

"And after that?" Savanah asked.

"Best tasting F-Grade that fool had ever eaten," said John. "He didn't even use the usual Rapid Digestion pills that he'd normally use. Seems he called up his superiors, and told them that he wanted to enjoy this particular Meal. He actually put Thomas's name on the bag, and Master Robert bought back said bag."

"That's good to know," said Savanah. "Still, it would have been nice knowing that I was helping out the family, and not just food for a pet or non-human livestock. I mean, I'd like to actually contribute to something important, like maybe be a Surrogate Mother for a fertilized egg of a B-Grade, or be a mother of one of your offspring, so that my line could continue, or be fed to a Prize livestock or Champion Pet."

"I understand," said John. "You want your life to mean something useful. I'll have a chat with Master Robert."

"Thank you, John," Savanah said, as the older human got up, and started hobbling on his walking stick towards a tree that Master Robert was resting under.

Some hours later, after supper, Savanah got a knock on her room's door. She walked up to it, looked through the peephole, and saw John.

"What's up?" she asked, as she let him in.

"I spoke with Master Robert," said John. "And since you've been a good stock, he has decided to......

"He's decided to feed you to Mille," said John.

"His Champion Sheepdog?" Savanah asked.

John nodded. "She's also pregnant, therefor needing the extra food. She's also gentle with her meals."

"I see," said Savanah. "Well, at least I'd be helping out the family, in a way."

"I'm glad you're okay with it," said John. "You get to spend a week taking care of her, before you're Prepared for her Meal. That is, unless she decides to eat you early. Either way, be a Good Meal for her."

"I will," said Savanah.

John looked away, and headed towards the door.


John looked back.

"Um, thanks for talking to Master Robert for me," said Savanah. "I wouldn't like to just be fed to an ordinary pet or non-human livestock."

John chuckled. "You're Champion Grade Dog Food."

Savanah smiled at this. "Yes, I am."

John opened the door, and left the room.

"Well Millie, I guess we'll see how you like me," Savanah said, as she got ready for bed.

Over the next week, Savanah spent every waking moment with Millie. She walked her, watered her, fed her the regular dog food, and so on. During this time, she kept a journal. It was a Tradition - during the week before Big Meal Day, the Wolfes had their Meals-to-be write in a journal, as the selected Wolfe family member spent the week with them, as part of Meal Appreciation. The Meal-to-be wrote down thoughts, likes, dislikes, wishes, how they wanted to be remembered - favorite flowers, fruit or shade trees, berry bushes, vegetables, have a family member or pet named after them - as well as their general health information.

Millie was indeed a Champion Sheepdog - multiple ribbons adorned her doghouse, and there were trophies in the house. She'd also produced ten litters, each of which had produced three or more Champions themselves.

Savanah was sitting under a tree, filling out her last entry-to-be, as Millie lay beside her, somewhat protectively. Savanah gave Millie a nice petting. Millie looked at her. Champion Sheepdogs were unique, even among sheepdogs - while most livestock dogs either protected or herded, Champions could do both. Furthermore, the specific breed that Millie was of had a tendency to produce dogs that were capable of swallowing human-sized meals with little-to-no issues, with Millie being one of them. That being said, Millie only got fed a Human Meal once a year, during late stages of pregnancy, when she needed the extra food for milk production and getting the puppies ready for life outside of her.

"Looks like we'll be together real soon," Savanah said, jotting down a few last words in the entry. "I want to be remembered by having one of your puppies named after me."

Millie seemed to understand this, and started licking Savanah, causing her to giggle.

"Alright, alright," she said to the dog. "Just let me say my Good-Byes, and have Mistress Julia prepare me for you."

However, just as Savanah stood up to head to the barn to say her Good-Byes, Millie also got up, and got between her and the barn, with a look in her eyes, sitting back down, to watch her.

"Oh, I see," Savanah said, understanding. "Alright. I guess you can enjoy your treat now. Just let me get undressed and put the journal in your vest."

Millie's mouth opened, her tongue hanging out, as she panted in excitement.

Savanah gave her an affectionate petting. "Be inside you soon." Savanah then removed her clothing, which was basically a tunic and skirt. Granted, Millie could have simply shredded, or eaten them, but she was used to having her meals "sheared" down to bare skin, most of her Big Meals being deer or sheep, usually those under a mild sedative that wouldn't bother Millie.

As she wrapped the journal with the clothing, she saw John hobbling over. For a moment, she wondered if John was going to try to get her to escape from Millie, but based on his walk, it was clear that he wasn't going to interfere.

He soon got up next to the tree, and leaned against it. "The other Meals are saying their Good-Byes now, Male Meals trying to get one or two mares impregnated with their last Naturally Mated offspring, and Female Meals getting some extra Seasoning for Stuffing. I guess Millie wants you as is."

"That she does," said Savanah. "She doesn't want me to head back to the barn."

"Well, at least it's peaceful and quiet out here," said John. "I came out here to escape some of the noise. Saw you, and saw her, waiting for you. Figured that I could at least say 'Good-Bye' to you, and give you a nice conversation as Millie eats you."

"So, you're not going to try to get me to escape?" Savanah asked.

"Part of me wants to, I won't lie about that," said John. "That being said, it wouldn't be worth it. You'd still be eaten, and so would I. At least this way, it's by someone you care about, and they have no reason to be cruel about it. So, I guess my last words of advice are to simply be a Good Meal for Millie."

"Thank you," said Savanah.

"Now, if I had the time, I'd ask if you wanted to get in a quick Mating with me, so that maybe you could have some additional Seasoning, but Millie doesn't look like she wants to wait that long," said John.

Savanah chuckled. "That she doesn't."

"That being said, how about I give you a Kiss Good-Bye, so that you have a good last moment?" John asked.

Savanah smiled. "I'd like that."

With that, John stepped over to her, very carefully held her to his body, and kissed her lips. Such was his embrace, that Savanah wished that she had more time, for a proper Mating, but she was accepting of the time that she did have with the buck, as he gently massaged her body with his arms.

There was a smile on her face, as John carefully released her.

"Now, lay on your stomach, arms down," John said, as he guided her to the ground. "Millie likes eating her meals this way, and she likes teasing them for their own flavor."

"I understand," said Savanah. "Will it hurt?"

"No, you'll pass out long before the acids start working. Any last messages for the rest of the Herd?" John asked, as he leaned back against the tree.

"Not really," said Savanah. "Except for maybe telling my siblings Good-Bye for me, and that I hope to see them again."

John smiled. "I'll do that. Enjoy."

With that, Millie was indeed done waiting. It didn't take the dog long to swallow her Meal's legs up to their knees. Soon enough, Millie was up to Savanah's groin, and working on increasing her natural flavoring there. Savanah had to blush, as she realized how skilled the dog's tongue was. As she looked up, she saw that John had one of those carefully fixed neutral expressions upon his face. Whatever else he might have felt, he wasn't going to ruin things for her. Soon enough, Millie resumed swallowing, teasing her with every gulp.

Soon, all that was left of Savanah, outside of Millie, was her head.

"Hold," said John.

Millie paused.


Millie sat upright, and Savanah found herself looking at John.

"One last kiss before the final swallow?" John asked.

Savanah smiled. "Yes, please."

John gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. "Good-bye, Savanah."

"Good-bye, John."

With that, Millie gave a big swallow, sending Savanah down to her stomach.

"Good girl," John said, patting Millie. "Enjoy your meal."

The big dog sat down under the tree to enjoy their meal in peace, as John walked away.

Savanah soon found herself, curled up inside of Millie's stomach. A moment later, her world grew a bit smaller, as she felt the dog lay down, possibly under the tree. Still, despite her situation, she was glad that she'd listened to John's advice about keeping her hands down, as one was in the perfect position to take care of her last few needs.

As for the other hand, it was in the perfect position to give Millie a good Stomach Rubbing. So, like any Good Meal, she gave the one that ate her some pleasure. It was quite clear that Millie enjoyed it.

After a while though, her energy was spent, and it was harder to breath, her eyes having trouble staying opened. Soon enough, her eyes closed for the last time, and she passed out, unmoving.

Next thing she knew, Savanah found herself on a place that looked like the farm, under a familiar tree. Only thing was, there was no fence.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"The Afterlife."

Savanah turned, and found herself looking at a familiar looking buck and mare. Recognition came over her.

"Mother? Father?"

The buck and mare came up to her, and embraced her.

"The image of your mother," the buck said. "How was your life?"

"It was, alright, father," said Savanah. "What is this place?"

"It's the Afterlife," said the mare. "More specifically, it's the Wolfe Family Farm Afterlife counterpart."

"The counterpart?" Savanah asked.

"It's familiar, so it makes adjusting easier," the buck said.

"What about the fence?" Savanah asked. "I don't see one."

"There isn't one," the mare said. "We can go where we want."

Savanah looked around. "Wow."

The buck chuckled. "Come on - got some folks to introduce you to. It's quite the family reunion - your older siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and more. Then there's the Past Wolfes - they're good folk, mostly. Then there's the other Past Livestock. Once you get your Afterlife legs though, there's a whole world to see."

"That sounds good," said Savanah.

They started walking to the counterpart of the barn.

"By the way, which family member ate you?" the mare asked.

"Um, that would be Millie, the Champion Sheepdog," Savanah said, a little embarrassed.

The buck chuckled. "Well, that's a step up from me. Prize-winning Borkshire pig had me - admittedly it was an accident."

"Considering that you were F-Grade, becoming that thing's meal was a lucky break for you," the mare said, giving the buck a playful shove.

"Didn't stop you from letting me mate with you," the buck said, grabbing ahold of the mare. The pair then kissed.

"Um, so, what about you, mother?" Savanah asked.

"I was a C-Grade," the mare said. "It was James that had me, for his first Big Meal."

"So, what happens now?" Savanah asked. "I mean, I'm just a D-Grade."

The buck smiled. "Not any more. Here, we're all Prime Grade. Also, we don't have to worry about getting eaten anymore - we're already dead, after all."

"What do you mean?" Savanah asked.

"We'd just come back near where we were, if we liked the spot, or someplace we preferred," the mare said. "It's quite wonderful."

"I see," Savanah said, with a grin, as she realized the implications of this. "Do you know of a Wolfe that's feeling hungry? I want to experience what it's like to be eaten by a werewolf."

The buck and mare smiled.

"Alright," the buck said, as he placed an arm on his daughter's shoulder.

The mare walked to the other side of Savanah, and mirrored the buck with her own arm. "I think we have someone in mind."

"The Original Wolfe is whom I'm thinking of," the buck said.

"I was thinking of the one before Robert," said the mare.

"Why not both?" Savanah suggested. "Get eaten by the Original, and then the later one."

"Good idea," the buck said.

"That's our daughter," the mare said.

Back in the world of the living, John entered Savanah’s old room. Waiting there was Robert, looking out the window at a resting Millie.

“I saw the whole thing,” the werewolf said. “From start to finish.” He looked at John. “Saw the kiss you gave Savanah, both of them.”

“Someone had to say Good-Bye to her,” said John. “I wanted her to at least have a small amount of happiness before she died.”

Robert smiled. “That’s what I like about you John,” the werewolf said. “Always thinking about those under you. Do you have her journal?”

John pulled it out of the pouch he had carefully taken off of Millie. “All here.” He set it on the table.

Robert picked it up, and skipped to the end. “Remember by having a dog named after her – that can be arranged.” He looked at John. “I’m about to bring Sam 1539, Alice 4284, Carl 8367, Dan 2704, and Becky 5209 into the house for the Big Meal. Is there anything you want to say to them?”

“I already told them my Good-Byes before I said Good-Bye to Savanah,” said John. “Just treat them well.”

Robert chuckled. “Doesn’t my family always treat you livestock humans well?” He then gave John a lick. “One day, I’ll enjoy you as a Prime Grade Meal.”

“The herd will escape first,” said John.

Robert grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He left the room.

John sighed, and started removing anything that had personally belonged to Savanah, gently placing them in a box for storage. Everything else would be prepared for the next livestock human that got the room.

He then glanced out the window, as he saw Robert lead the five Meals-to-be to the farm house. “One day,” he muttered. He then glanced at the gate. “One day.”
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