Ego is everything ... Maybe. |
"We hold these truths to be self-evident," Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Continental Constitution. But, what does God hold to be self-evident? Abortion was an amendment to the U.S.A. Constitution. God is the biggest abortionist in the world. More people have been aborted by an act of nature than medically. Nevertheless, abortion was not in the Continental Constitution. The Continental Constitution was written by wealthy members of the U.S.A. Congress Colony. They kept slavery intact and did not give the vote to white women either. Indentured servants exist today mostly in prison. Why should someone who can't take care of themselves be allowed to be free? That is why we have hospitals and nursing homes, and retail. God allows the strong to eat the weak. I don't think democracy is interested in God. Most democratic states want the taxes low and the weaklings silenced. They don't care about abortion rights. They just want the girls silenced. Christen states are anti-abortion and want their girls virginal. But, most rape victims are girls. Their rapist can be their father or any male leader. But, Christen states want these girls to give birth. I don't think God cares about rape there is a lot of it in nature. It is not mentioned in the Continental Constitution. Although it is rumored Thomas Jefferson had illegitimate children from his slaves. Did Thomas Jefferson rape his slave girl? Just my two cents for the ferryman... Will the Supreme Court make gay marriage unconstitutional? God hasn't made a comment. Christen states would vote against gay marriage. I think we should let adult people decide who they marry. But, no one important cares what I think. Bob County Still alive and kicking! |