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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2276445
A collection of stories about my family's trip to the movies going sour quite fast!
#1035649 added July 25, 2022 at 6:55pm
Restrictions: None
A Trip to the Movies gone bad - NOPE movie
*Star* *Star* *Star* The following story contains material that may offend some readers. Reader discretion is advised!*Star* *Star* *Star*

It was July 22nd, 2022, and you are still fuming over your brother's announcement about his new trip to New Orleans. Sure, it has been weeks since he made the announcement, but your blood is still boiling over it. You did have a brief moment of joy when you saw that part of his psychopath friend's house has been burned down, and that the food got ruined because the electricity got messed up during the restoration process.

While fuming, you decided to check up on his Twitter and found out he is going to see a new Horror movie: NOPE!

You couldn't believe it! First he was seeing Indian movies, now he is seeing shit made by a Negro! Your family would not stand for this and immediately start to get your camera and equipment ready! Your girlfriend suggests dropping the kids off at your sister's place before you go and you agreed.

After you drop off the kids at your sister's trailer, you two resumed your journey to the movie theater! You could not fathom why a white man would want to watch movies from another country, as well as movies made by a negro! You just could not understand at all! Eventually, you arrive at the theater...and oh boy, the parking lot is mighty full! You had trouble parking the SUV, so you decided to park it right next to a ditch and walking the rest of the way to the theater. You arrive at the theater and...Holy Shit, THE LOBBY IS SHOULDER TO SHOULDER FULL OF PEOPLE! How in God's name are you suppose to get anything done with this crowd?!? You simply gave up on the popcorn and started heading to the showroom.

As you go into the showroom, you saw something that you didn't think you would see in a million fucking years...Your goddamn brother Ross, sitting in between two, big, fat, NEGROS! Sure, the room was full of them, but you recognize those two! One of them is the one that nearly kicked your lard riddled ass last time you were here, and the other one you think is his boyfriend! And then there's your brother. You wonder why the Hell he is with these two! You would later figure out just why...turns out, your brother is a kind of "pet" to these two orangutans! That's right, A WHITE MAN BECOMING A SLAVE TO BLACK PEOPLE! Oh, if your father was still around, oh he would be so "happy" to see your brother in this situation! He be so happy in fact, that he would be more than glad to show off his best friend, Mr. Winchester, and his other friend, Mr. Colt! Oh, he would not stand for this! You, being wise for once, decided to sit down a few rows down from your brother and those primates!
Eventually, the previews started to play, but then you see a preview for one movie that has set you off again...

Are these people fucking serious? Making a movie about blacks attacking and killing white people?!? What is this blasphemy here!?! You have finally run out of patience and began to go on a tirade! During your tirade, you have let slip a certain "n-word" a few times. Eventually, another black man would hop out of his chair, blood boiling, and begins to yell at you, asking if you are serious! He then begins to threaten to beat your ass as everyone else in the room suddenly, without warning, wanted to seek out your blood! Your girlfriend tries to calm the mob down, but a few police officers come rushing in as the room got even rowdier. You attempted to tell the officers to start making arrests, but you ended up getting slammed into the wall, along with your girlfriend, as you two get handcuffed as the angry noises are quickly replaced with thunderous applause and cheer! You and your girlfriend are then dragged out of there like a couple of bags of trash as the crowd continues to cheer on for the police!

The officers didn't seem to give a rat's ass about your well being, for as you were being dragged out, you often got bumped into the wall, or worse yet, a trash bin! After what felt like an hour, you and your girlfriend are finally outside of the theater and slammed up against the cop car. The cop begins to yell at you, asking if you have lost your mind or why you have such a cold heart! You try to tell the cops about the insanity you saw in there, but the police would have none of it and threw you into the back of a cruiser! They tell you that you are being charged for trespassing and disturbing the peace with your racist tirade! You then stare into oblivion as the cop slams the door shut, nearly striking your face again!

As you two are hauled off to jail, your blood begins to boil again at the idea of your brother being a "plaything" to those negros...
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