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A collection of various short stories and poetry. |
A Human Woman Spends Christmas With a Lioness. Involves some characters from my Dungeons and Monsters Interactive. Alexa shivered from nervousness, as the cab drove through the area. “Are you alright?” the driver, an orc, asked. “You seem worried.” “It’s my first time visiting my friend at her place,” said Alexa. “I mean, normally, we meet up on D&M night at the Flaming Dragon where we play Dungeons and Monsters.” The orc chuckled. “I used to play 3.5 back in the day. Good times. Cleaved through a bunch of bandits once.” “Had my own encounter with a group of bandits,” said Alexa. “I got ate by their captain. Thankfully, I got rescued.” “Always some kind of story,” said the orc. “She was the one that saved me,” said Alexa. “Since then, in game, we’ve been, well….” The orc chuckled once more. “I understand. Still, must have been something special to go to her place on Christmas Day – my family plans to get together later, play that Munchkin game.” “I’ve played some of that,” said Alexa. “That can get crazy.” “My son likes to combine the decks,” the orc said. “Nothing like having a Spy Thriller set in Outer Space with Christmas and Halloween stuff going on too, to say nothing about Cthulhu showing up.” “Sounds like fun,” said Alexa. “So, how did this decision come about?” the driver asked. “I see that you have some sort of present and a bottle of wine.” “Long story short, my family live on the other side of the country, hers live in Africa, neither of us could afford plane tickets or pay the teleportation spell fees, so we decided to spend Christmas together,” said Alexa. The orc smiled. “No one should be alone for the Holidays. My one husband made up something for our neighbor, as they live alone, if only to prove to him that someone cares about them.” They soon stopped at the address. “Here you are,” the driver said. “$15.50 is your fare.” Alexa gave them a twenty. “Keep the change.” The orc chuckled, driving away, getting a notice for another fare needing to be picked up. Alexa walked up to the door, and knocked on it. A few seconds later, the door opened, and there stood Nala. The lioness was dressed in an outfit that was both festive, and very suggestive, as she was wearing little more than a fleeced-lined set of red panties and bra, along with a matching Santa hat. “Aren’t you cold in that?” Alexa asked. Nala chuckled. “Not at all. The fur helps there.” “Okay,” Alexa said, as she entered the place. She took off her coat, placing it on a hanger, along with a hoodie. “It’s cold out there for me.” “I hope you can stay,” said Nala. “No spiked drinks,” said Alexa. “Not my style and it’s not my fault that you failed the Constitution Save,” Nala said, recalling the last session. She walked up to the human, and carefully kissed her lips. “What kind of wine did you bring?” “Sangria,” said Alexa. The lioness smiled. “Good choice. I got the food ready.” Alexa sniffed the air. “Smells delicious.” “Ham, turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, to say nothing about apple and pumpkin pie, and a whole lot more,” Nala said, as the two of them walked into the dining room/kitchen. Alexa looked around. A lot of the food seemed to be meat based. “I don’t think that the two of us can eat all of this,” she said. “I mean, you got enough for at least ten people.” “Maybe for ten humans, but today is what you might call a Big Meal day where I need to consume a lot of food,” said Nala. “I can easily eat ninety percent of this, and still have room for the real dessert.” “What do you mean?” Alexa asked. “Who gets the other ten percent, and what’s this real dessert?” Nala looked at her with a grin. “The answer to both of those questions is you. After all, you’d be one of ten humans, and I’ve been looking forward to having you in my belly for real.” “Are you sure it’s safe?” Alexa asked. “I mean, the game is one thing, but this is real life.” Nala chuckled. “Oh, it’s very safe – Judy’s hopped into my stomach more than a few times in real life since we’ve met. That rabbit’s a real, what’s the word, gutslut, as it were. Also, I’m not the only one whose guts she’s traveled through – she works as a Meal at this one restaurant that serves up Sapient Meals – the ways she’s been prepared surprise me. Simply being swallowed whole and being let out by being brought back up or going for a full tour is nothing by comparison – impalement, chopped into pieces, roasted, fried, grilled, barbequed, poached, stuffed, baked, steamed, smoked – the owner of the place is very skilled with their magic, especially those that involve not feeling pain, bleeding, and reformation. I mean, I can hold you and all the food indicated in my stomach, and only the food would digest, even if I was in a food coma. Trying anything like this guy, I would need to spend a few years training my magical abilities to do more than some of the basic stuff. Of course, I guess that’s why Judy likes getting the classes she tends to get – in so much as she likes kicking butts and hopping into guts, she also likes to help with the healing, sometimes while in a gut before she crawls out the butt – and she does have some actual healing magic.” “Alright,” said Alexa. “So, just to be clear, this is all safe?” “Of course,” said Nala. “After all, I wouldn’t want to digest my favorite bed buddy.” Alexa chuckled. “Okay.” She looked at the table. “So, what do we start with?” “Presents first,” said Nala. “It will be hard for you to open yours if you were in my stomach with all the other food.” “In that case, let me give you my gift,” said Alexa, as she handed out her relatively small box. Nala smiled as she slowly opened the package. She pulled out a figurine that made her gasp. It was a figure of a female leonin wearing plate armor, wielding a sword and shield, similar to what she used when they played Dungeons and Monsters. “This is wonderful. Is this supposed to be me?” “I have an account on one of those sites that makes miniatures,” said Alexa. “Got one of everyone, and they arrived the other day. I mean, I know we use the immersion cube thing, but just in case we decided to not use it. I even got one for Vickie – I thought that fox might get a kick out of having one.” Nala grinned. “I guess I’m lucky enough to get theirs first.” “True,” said Alexa. “Let me go get you yours,” said Nale,” as she set her gift down, and left the room. She came back a minute later, with a small box. “Here you are.” Just like Nala a minute before, Alexa carefully opened the gift. It was a set of metal dice that were gold colored with silver numbers. “The sort of dice a rogue would like,” said Alexa. “I got everyone else their own unique set of dice,” said Nala. “Vickie’s going to like the gold-red one I got for her.” “And folks wonder where our money goes,” Alexa said, with a chuckle. “Worth it, though,” said Nala. “Got some cloth I can give this d20 a roll on?” Alexa asked, as she got the dice out. “I’d hate to leave any dents or scratches on the table.” Nala chuckled, as she walked over to a drawer, got one out, walked back, and placed the cloth on the table. Alexa shook her hand, and released it, the dice landing with a thud. It was a Nat20. “Good omen,” said Nala. “So, do we just eat?” Alexa asked. Nala chuckled. “I have a little spell set up that will allow us to enjoy the food when we want to. Small plate here, small plate there, a whole chicken here, half a ham there.” “Sounds more spread out,” said Alexa. “So, what do we start with?” “Start with whatever you want, and go from there,” said Nala. “I know what I’m finishing with.” There was a grin on the lioness’s face. “Something tells me that there’s more going on,” said Alexa. “More like a lot coming off first,” said Nala, as she grabbed another package. This one was plainer except for a slogan saying “Edible Garments. Perfect for having a Well-Dressed Meal for Any Occasion.” Alexa looked at her. “Really?” Nala chuckled. “Open it up. I think I got the sizes right, not that it matters, too much, as they should stretch enough to fit.” “And of course, end up being digested anyways,” Alexa said, as she opened the package, revealing a skimpy outfit that made one look like a deer, with antlers. “Are you sure that it is warm enough?” “Given where you’re going to end up afterwards, it will be warm enough,” said Nala. She gave Alexa a lick. “But, before you put that on, there’s another reason I want you to take your clothes off.” She then whispered in Alexa’s ear. “I want to have a taste of my treat before I eat it.” Alexa blushed at this. “You’re up for sex already?” “Good sex burns calories, meaning, more room for food,” said Nala. “Besides, sex in an immersion game is only 98% accurate – I want to know what 100% feels like with you.” Alexa chuckled. “Alright – Christmas sex sounds like fun. But, are you up for it?” “Of course I am,” said Nala. “So, would you prefer to do it on the floor, the couch, or the bed?” “A bed would be a good idea,” said Alexa. A grin came to Nala’s face. “Good.” She gave her a kiss, as they walked towards her bedroom. Alexa looked the room over. It reminded her of those videos of the Serengeti. The room was also very warm, warm enough she removed her clothing without much hesitation. She then turned to look at Nala, and saw that the lioness was not only naked already, they seemed to be very much home in this sort of place. A shiver came upon Alexa’s spine as Nala looked at her, as if some primitive ape DNA in her was activating at the sight of this fearsome predator. “Ape caught in the gaze of a big cat, right?” Nala asked, with a grin upon her face. Alexa gulped, and nodded. Nala chuckled. “Well, unlike most encounters between apes and big cats, this will leave both of us alive, and very satisfied.” She then walked up to Alexa, and looked her in the eyes. “How about you start?” At this, Alexa place one hand behind Nala’s back, one behind her head, and with some help from the lioness herself, the two of them kissed, causing the temperature of the room to go up by a few degrees. It didn’t take too much effort for Nala to carry Alexa to the bed, and crash on it, still kissing her lover. Fifteen minutes later, Alexa’s energy spent from the passionate lovemaking, Nala had gotten up, left the room, and came back with some platters of sliced meats and such, along with the wine. “Another slice of turkey?” “Sure. You want another slice of ham?” “Yes please.” “I hope that we don’t leave a mess,” said Alexa, as she placed a piece of ham into the lioness’s mouth. Nala chuckled, as she swallowed, placing a piece of turkey into the human’s own mouth. “I wouldn’t worry about that, given what I plan for dessert.” She held the bottle. Alexa held up her glass, the universal signal for more. Nala filled the glass, along with her own. “I like a good Sangria wine. Nice and fruity, and it keeps the mood going for me.” Alexa sipped her glass. “I’m glad I got it then.” A smile came to Nala’s lips. “It also makes me hungrier.” She then licked Alexa’s lips. “Even hungrier after I’ve also had some good sex.” “Something tells me that you want dessert now,” said Alexa. The lioness chuckled. “Yep. Of course, since I won’t want to get out of my bed afterwards, I’ll go bring the rest of the food here while you get dressed – I’ll swallow the chunks big enough that you shouldn’t have too much of an issue getting what you want and leaving the parts that cause you issue.” “Sounds like a tapeworm to me,” said Alexa. Nala chuckled. “A poor comparison, as I don’t see you as a parasite,” she said. “That being said, there is one part of you I want to enjoy first.” “What’s that?” Alexa asked. Nala then proved how flexible she was, placed her head between Alexa’s legs, and began to lick her out, the lioness’s ministrations causing the human to moan and groan in pleasure. Of course, all being fair and such, Nala moved both of them in such a way that Alexa was on top, and had access to the place between Nala’s , beginning to use her tongue as well. Soon enough, Alexa was drained of energy. Nala smiled as she got off the bed. “Let me help you get dressed. I do so enjoy the taste of venison.” Alexa smiled as Nala gently helped her get the outfit on, getting in a little more fun along the way. “How will I see inside of you?” she asked, as the antlers were fastened to her head. “I might want to be able to see what I’m eating.” At this, Nala chuckled as she walked over, and pulled out one last thing. “Rudolph had a very shiny nose. You might even say it glows.” She placed it over the human’s own nose, and tapped it. A soft red glow came from the object. “That should help you.” She tapped it again, turning the glow off. “Be back in a few, my little deer.” She walked away. Alexa chuckled, as she tapped the nose on and off a few times. She picked up her glass of wine, and had a few more sips, while the glow was on. “I have a red nose, so I must be drunk or getting there. Still, I got a good wine.” It didn’t take Nala long to bring in the food, setting it up near the bed. Among this were some pots of warm gravy – chicken, turkey, beef, and a few others. “Are you sure that this is alright?” Alexa asked. Her energy was coming back. Nala chuckled as she placed the gravy into some cups. “My place, my bed, my rules,” the lioness said. “Besides, my maid is coming here tomorrow, and she’d be annoyed if she didn’t have the aftermath of some sort of Christmas/Holiday celebration to clean up. Some servants seem to be like that.” “You got a maid?” Alexa asked, as she grabbed a piece of ham to snack on. “More like a Family Servant, whose family has worked for ours for generations,” said Nala. “Can’t complain too much – it beats hiring a cleaning company after a wild party.” She picked up the cups, and began pouring them onto Alexa. Alexa chuckled. “It seems I’m more of the main course.” She ran a finger along some of the gravy concoction, and placed it into her mouth. “Mm, tasty.” Nala grinned. “I still see you as dessert.” She took a brush, and began smearing the gravy along Alexa’s body, adding more as needed, until her front was covered. “Now, flip over, so that I can get your back.” “Your sheets are going to get messy,” Alexa said, as she did as asked, the gravy squelching upon the bedding. “At least they’ll be intact,” said Nala, as she stated working on Alexa’s back. “Try taking the maleness of a canine or feline up the ass without some protection in place, and you’d be ripping the sheets into shreds.” Alexa grimaced in sympathy. “Do they really have bulbs or barbs, respectively?” “Oh yeah,” said Nala. “Thankfully, there’s usually lubricant that makes things smoother, but at the time, me and my two buddies were both too drunk to care to use them – having a set of barbs up the ass will sober you up." “Probably would,” said Alexa. She snagged a piece of turkey and ate it. “You’re a good cook.” “Can’t wait for the venison to be ready,” Nala said, as she began to place gravy into Alexa’s hair. “I hope that this is worth it for you,” said Alexa. “I’ll admit, it feels nice.” “Oh, it will be,” said Nala, as she moved on to Alexa’s legs, brushing them. “Are you sure your maid won’t mind the mess?” Alexa asked. “You should have heard her complain the one time I didn’t throw a party for some holiday I didn’t know about – that Fat Tuesday thing,” said Nala, as she finished the legs and started working on Alexa’s feet. “I knew harpies could scream, but that was bad enough to make my ears bleed. Since then, regardless of who celebrates it, if it’s a holiday, I’m doing something for it.” “Well, keep me in mind if you want to throw a random party for no reason other than to keep her busy,” said Alexa. “I like a good party.” “I will,” said Nala, as she got herself ready. “If nothing else, I’m glad you came over.” She licked Alexa’s toes. “Mind placing your arms at your sides?” Alexa chuckled, as she did as asked. “Please, be gentle.” “Alright,” said Nala. She opened her mouth, and soon, Alexa’s feet were heading down the throat as she crawled along the bed at the same time. True to her word, she was very gentle. It didn’t take her very long to swallow them. She rolled over onto her back, affecting Alexa’s orientation a bit. “Alexa, you’re a tasty deer.” Alexa chuckled, as she tapped the light on. “So, how are we going to get food for me?” “Let me know what you want, and I’ll swallow a piece big enough to make it worth your while,” said Nala, as she sat up. “As for any more wine, I got dinner rolls and bread slices that could be soaked in it, if you don’t mind soggy bread.” “We could soak some of the pie in it,” said Alexa. “Speaking of which, mind cutting me a slice of the apple?” Nala chuckled as she sliced a nice piece of pie. “Get your hands ready to catch it.” She then swallowed the piece without chewing – it was Alexa’s slice after all. “Got it, more or less,” said Alexa. She began to eat it. “This is good.” “I’ll swallow more for you when you’re ready,” said Nala. “I’ll let you have first dibs for a while.” “Thank you,” said Alexa. “Is there anything you want me to do in here, before things get too crowded for me to move?” Nala grinned. “Mind squirming for me, or rubbing my belly at any rate?” “Alright,” said Alexa, as she started rubbing the inside of the stomach. “Like this?” A purr escaped Nala. “Yes, like that.” “Could you send me down a stuffing sandwich?” Alexa asked, finishing her pie slice. Nala chuckled as she placed a scoop of stuffing between a slice of pumpkin bread and a slice of poppy seed bread. “Coming down.” She swallowed the concoction. “Got it,” said Alexa. “Enjoy,” said Nala. “Nala, Merry Christmas.” “Merry Christmas, Alexa.” |