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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1044335-47nd-week-of-a-weakening-year-179
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1044335 added February 12, 2023 at 9:29pm
Restrictions: None
47nd week of a weakening year, 179.

Up before 8. Unexpected waking dream. Reminded me that it has been 20 years since I left my ancestral home.

Mavis asked whether I will stay in Thailand. Good question without an answer.


On internet: "What better way to control people than saying promises of heaven or being condemned to hell? I consider myself an agnostic atheist."

15:48... not much done. *Sad*

Important video: https://fivethirtyeight.com/videos/americans-are-lonely-that-has-political-conse...

Visited Paulo and Sam. Met Taen.

Ponnya arrives home at 9 p.m. Tired.


To Neva: "I'm more perplexed by American Halloween and Christmas going on for months. Festivals here seem to be short, a week or two. V Day has turned Udon a shade of pink. Chinese New Year was red. January 18th was bright orange. December was white (it never snows here... but...). I suspect most if not all displays will come down or be changed on the 15th. Remember department stores that would change their windows on a regular basis? Seems like that.

Everything is commercialized in Thailand! But ... it doesn't feel the same. I've been here such a short time so I don't have proper perspective.

Christianity co-opted many prior festivals. Commerce monetized those festivals. Globalism spread many of them around the world. So... snow, icicles and penguins in the tropics.

A discussion between Valentine and Nicholas would make an interesting creative piece. Throw in Jeanne d'Arc and Priscilla in a discussion of origins and myth."

31 degrees at 11-ish? On its way to 37 today. Will need to turn on the a/c.

grievance farmers? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-republican-distraction-farm-is-faili...
synethesia maybe? https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/john-mayer-has-a-neurological-condition-sim...

Neva posted on fb: https://reference.bahai.org/en/t/ab/PT/pt-54.html...
The only real difference that exists between people is that they are at various stages of development. Some are imperfect—these must be brought to perfection. Some are asleep—they must be awakened; some are negligent—they must be roused; but one and all are the children of God. Love them all with your whole heart; no one is a stranger to the other, all are friends.
Paris Talks‘ Abdu’l-Bahá p.171
#bahaifaith #TheBab #Bahaullah #bahaireligion #bahaiwriting #unityindiversity #bahaihistory #Bahaiyouth #hiddenWordsofBahallah #Abdulbaha #Shoghieffendi #bahaiquotes #bahaidailyreading #bahaimemes #bahai #bahaiwritings #bahainews #bahaiprayer #bahaicommunity #bahaifast #unity #deepening #peaceonearth #humanity #bahaihistory #unityindiversity #Ridvan #theshininglamp

Death by a thousand cuts... just worn out trying to make something happen. *sigh*


Up at nine, but I was up late... again. Didn't sleep that well... again. Sucking at the Well of Caffeine... already... again.

Today is Klass ss ss. Normally I'd look forward to it because it's a hoot; but, I'm worn out and out of sorts. I have 5 hours to pull myself together.

I agree with the headline but imho that's not quite what the article is about. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/respectfully-disagreeing-doesnt-work-when-it-c...

I spoke with Ponnya. He comes home tomorrow instead of today. The timing is better, but still... *Sad*.

Class went fine. I borrowed flash cards and on the way home I bought a comic/manga for children: "Plants vs Zombies". Lots of pictures. I'm hoping that the vocabulary is MG.

I didn't finish some chores because Ponnya wasn't on his way. What's put-off catches up with me.


Slept in till after 10. Didn't sleep well again. Mosquito got me. The local variety is small and pesky.

Small chores every day. But today = clean. Ponnya is coming back tomorrow and I don't want him to be greeted by a mess. Place is small so it's not that difficult.

Class tomorrow at 2 so I need to work on Thai as well.

A nice wake-me-up badge:

Merit Badge in Pride
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on your nomination in the category for   [Link To Item #2270971]   in   [Link To Item #quills]  ! Your voice is a beautiful representation of who we are, and   [Link To Item #readerie]   hopes you’re celebrating yourself! Excellent job, and thank you!

To Charley: "1. If you can't climb it or go around it or burrow through it... Migraines are apparently part of your landscape at this stage of life. But... they don't have to control your life. At least that's what I get from what you wrote.

2. I do need to unplug from the insanity of American angst over anything and everything. Traveling helps because I don't have time and from a distance a lot of it seems silly. In Thailand it recedes to the edges of my mind.

3. I'm a cafe kind of guy. Covid closings devastated me. Folks in Montana became more distant than normal. Making new friends in Thailand poses some challenges though. I do get out and acknowledge the people I pass. Walking helps.

"It's cheaper in Thailand" *Rolleyes* Only if I budget and don't buy 'eye-candy'. We need a rice-cooker. I needed a blanket.

My writing continues but in a different way. I'm slowing down as I age. One excuse: I have to learn Thai, and I'm taking classes."

But there's this: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/poll-a-third-of-americans-are-christian-n...

I bought greens, 30 eggs for 130 baht, a loaf of bread for 32, a peach-colored rose for 30. I priced rice cookers and electric frying pans. I can buy both for about 1.000 baht (about $30). Talked to Rick about that. Hard to mess up rice with a rice cooker.

V Day displays are up. UD Town and Centara do displays. Very photogenic.


To Blue Moon: "College isn't the only answer for most people to tell the truth. But for me, that has nothing to do with language. Street vendors here speak snippets of English because it's practical. I'm learning Thai because it's practical. Language is a part of culture, but culture encompasses so much more. I'm learning a different way of looking at life. I'm 70. I refuse to use age as an excuse to stop learning.

Crayons*Crayons* More durable than ephemeral chalk (unless sprayed). I have the Big Box. *Bigsmile*

I could only safely finger paint if I were naked. *Shock2*"

My concern as well: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/large-numbers-of-americans-want-a-strong-rough...

Slow day small tasks. Less stress that way.

I do need to make a list of exercises in Thai, checking them off each time and then crossing a line through it when it's memorized. I also need better habits. Learn enough to order at the market and then practice every time. And read... all signs, all labels.

Gave in and bought dinner. I also bought two packages for breakfast tomorrow.

Saw David and met a couple from Canada.

To Adamski at fb: "I like getting lost in the alleys. It's where people live. After seeing numerous tourist sites it becomes apparent that nobody lives there... which is overstated; but, off season, in the back alleys, life goes on."


Thai class completed... I must prepare for next one.

Managed to buy dish detergent... finally.

Bought 4 dumplings... 20 baht each. Two would have been enough.

Not 100% today.

Clean tonight... or tomorrow?

To Holly: "If you want to know how my day went or my opinion about walking in Thailand... then please ask me. BUT if you want to know about general climate or traffic, google it. Safety? Don't bother asking because according to Americans no place outside of their gated community is safe and my experience won't change your predetermined attitude."


To Sara: "If it's not in the house, I can't eat or drink it. I [don't] drink bottled soda-pop, but in Thailand bottled water is essential unless one trusts the tap water. It supposedly is safe and probably is so I decided to start using tap water to make my coffee. That way we use less bottled water (six packs also take up a lot of space).

I must come up with a plan to use up some vegetables instead of wasting them. Boil with broth? Soup?

Eating out at the market is cheap here but it does add up. 7-11 has throw-in-the-microwave packages for less than $1.50 but it also has snacks that I've never had. I'm going through them one-at-a-time.

The strawberry-cream crispy puffs were nice (a tad too sweet) but must be eaten up immediately as once opened they soften (it's really humid here).

I did the Dear Me... just to do it. No expectations and I really don't care. This year isn't writing nor travel goal oriented. I need to learn Thai language and culture and that's less measurable."

I started on the Quotation Inspiration contest!

To TJ: "I immediately thought of 'parrot'. Not because they make bad pets; they can be excellent pets!

The problem with parrots... or elephants... or some cacti... is their longevity. They are better thought of as multi-generational members of the family.

As for being eaten by a pet? Sounds like a win-win to me. *Smirk2*"

I made soup. Onion, green beans, greens, garlic finely chopped with bologna in a pork-flavored broth. Now... I need a rice cooker.

It's warm. 90 already. I'll wear my short-sleeve yellow shirt when I go out.

Call from Ponnya. Surprised to see his co-worker. I'd love to visit Khon Kaen.

I have to study Thai today. Class tomorrow.

Bought fish. Cooked and partially eaten. Also bought a blanket (green/orange for 230 baht).

On the way back I met Paulo (Douro, Portugal) who introduced me to his husband Sam (Nong Bua Lamphu). Sam sells coffee.

I spoke with Ponnya again. He seems much better.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1044335-47nd-week-of-a-weakening-year-179