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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1044888-Andres-Share-the-Love-Month-Pt-2
Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #2278909
Just things that I think about now and then.
#1044888 added February 15, 2023 at 9:41pm
Restrictions: None
Andre's Share the Love Month, Pt 2
Blog Comments:

1. "Entry #9 of the February 2023 Contest

2. "Entry #8 of the February 2023 Contest

3. "Entry #6 of the February 2023 Contest

4. "Invalid Entry

5. "Invalid Entry

6 "Invalid Entry

7. "Invalid Entry

8. "Invalid Entry

9. "Invalid Entry

Blog entries (7 not done before, 2 of my own)

1. P10. Rant about annoying situation(s) that keep happening

I don't know if this is a rant, but I fuss at myself for doing things, even after telling myself that I need to do better/quit doing those same things. I mean, I "know" better, right? But why do I continue to do them? I honestly cannot say. Bad habits, not taking it seriously enough? What? I'm actually at a loss for words. One of these days, I will do better, but by then it might be too late to do better. It might be too late to do anything...I better get off my butt and do something now. (WC 100)

2. P15. Words that you shouldn't use in polite company.

You've heard when a child, "We don't say that in polite company" or "If you say that again, I'll wash your mouth out with soap" Or this one: "Swearing is a sign of a poor vocabulary". I've had an experience of having my mouth washed out with soap, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what it was I said *FacePalm*. Maybe as a kid, I blocked out unpleasant memories? But what of the soap? Hmmm. Anywho, there are words that I was taught at a young age that were inappropriate. When I was a teenager, I went through a phase of saying "F#@k this or that" in regards to anything and everything. Now it just doesn't thrill me as much as it did, although there are some times driving that test both my patience and my vocabulary. *Headbang* I try my best, as I can, and sometimes I still mess up. Life goes on. (WC: 152)

3. P5. Depth of WDC that you've experienced (check out left column as well as Forums)

I've kinda dove in head first. This is really my home at home. I've entered several contests, made a game, Anagrams; I've done a madlib and several search-a-words (which are my favorite) . I've given and received reviews, Merit Badges, and have made several fans of people I've gotten to know, as well as their activities. I've recently volunteered to put together a reviewing package/awardicon for a raffle coming up. I have several blogs/writings that I'm doing, and I've also entered NaNo for the first time last November. Do I do too much? Probably, and I've had to learn how to scale back just a bit. But like I said, this has been my sanity and saving grace since my illness. (WC: 123)

4. P7. Interesting discovery in your closet or cupboard

Well, I found some interesting things in my son's closet and in a bathroom drawer. My son had told me a few months before I came to Texas that he felt what I now know as gender dysphoria. He's my kid. I was a little heartbroken over this discovery, but hey, my kid's gonna get unconditional love NO MATTER WHAT. After I got to Texas, I found some women's clothing, a red headed wig, and some make-up/nails stuff. I really had no idea of how much my son felt like this. He doesn't do anything about it right now, but I know it's not because of me...at least I don't think it is. I think he's not 100% sure himself what he feels. (WC:107)

5. P11. Most enjoyed chores you must do

I think the chore I enjoy most is cooking. I like trying out new recipes and looking up new recipes on Allrecipes.com. It gives me something to do, since I'm not working outside the home right now. I prefer baking, and have done several different new recipes as of late. My newest try is a sausage kolache. It is basically bread dough wrapped around large seasoned smoked sausage links (such as Eckrich). Turns out that they were pretty popular with the kids. I also did a cookbook for NaNo last November. (WC: 101)

6. P16. Complain about something in detail.

Intolerance...a biggie on my list. I know people who are genuinely unhappy with how their life has gone. They believe that the answer is to become someone different - even as far as a different sex. It's not a choice that I would make, but I'm not going to drag someone over the coals for choices they make. My only request is to respect my choice to disagree. I will respect someone's choice to do with their bodies what they will. Just don't shove it down my throat. I won't shove my beliefs down yours. Pray? Yes I will. But the decisions are their own. My job is to love them regardless. (WC 102)

7. P13. Crayons, finger paints, or colored chalk do you prefer?

I guess it depends on my mood. I like all of them. On canvases I like paints - finger, acrylic, pouring paints. On sidewalks, I like chalk, as it's not permanent. I also enjoy working with my grandkids with chalk. I also like the adult coloring books and the assortment of crayon colors boggles the mind. Especially the "skin tone" colors from Crayola. Wow! Right now, I am hooked on something called "diamond painting" pictures using little colored plastic pieces to make a picture. It takes a long time, but it comes out pretty cool. (WC: 100)

8. Addicted to YouTube Music: I've been in Lubbock for about a year now. When I first got here, I was introduced to music on YouTube. I honestly didn't know there was such a thing. I have since become a fan of a few groups: VoicePlay, The Bass Gang, Home Free, Jonathan Young, and Caleb Hyles. Some others are Geoff Castellucci (also a member of VoicePlay) and also the different Reaction channels - Peter Barber, Mortius, Charismatic Voice, Jennifer Glatzhofer and Brad Steele. I've learned that some Disney songs make killer metal covers. I also love the way these guys do collaborations with other singers. It has been eye opening for me, and I listen pretty much every day. (WC 111)

9. Listening to Music I don't normally Listen to:

Now that I'm officially a YouTube addict, I've found that I listen to quite a bit of music that I wouldn't normally choose. But who knew that Disney songs could be done as Metal covers? Disney Villains covers done by Jonathan Young. I also have been listening to musicals such as Hamilton and The Greatest Show, as well as Phantom of the Opera, and even Prince of Egypt and Hunchback of Notre Dame. I've always had a pretty simple music collection that I would listen to, but now I listen to anything from classical to metal to musicals to country and pop and rock. (WC 105)

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