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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1045126-49nd-week-of-a-weary-year-179
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1045126 added February 26, 2023 at 8:45am
Restrictions: None
49nd week of a weary year. 179.
49nd week of the weary year 179.


66 (19c) breezy degrees. It would be perfect if it were breathable.

One fast note: I seem to be increasingly susceptible to cold! Whether that's due to old age I have no clue.

Paulo took me to the other side of town for coffee. He showed me around an upscale home furnishing store. Shades of Portugal and a glimpse into how the middle and upper class might live. I'm definitely lower class.

Grammar-check... doesn't like my dialect nor my personal way of expressing myself.

Thinking of new ways to tweak relationships. Not everything here works like it does elsewhere.


I am deeply hurt.

Boiling greens, pork bouillon, catfish (or is it snakehead?), two eggs... in my rice cooker.


To Innerlight: "It feels more like climate chaos (a roller-coaster with extremes and anomalies) instead of one-directional climate change. Overall the weather is part of the climate but they aren't the same thing.

Here in NE Thailand the weather does reflect the season; but, a local tells me last year at this time was a bit cooler than normal. This year... perhaps warmer.

I look outside. There's a haze due to smoke. There's a breeze. It's a pleasant 85 degrees at 13:30. Thankfully it's cooler than yesterday. Highs/lows this week are 91/56. Not one drop in the forecast.

But earlier there was severe flooding in other parts of Thailand... during Dry Season.

But enough of a rant.

You miss Eddie. You need hugs. *Care*"

Totally worn out. Up late, slept in, got little done.


When rains fall
as they must fall every winter
will you let me cry alone
or offer me your umbrella.
Will the tear-drops I shed
mean nothing,
as their melodies have always meant nothing,
or will the songs of the rains
wash away pain
and the dust of summer.
Beyond shimmers of doubt
will harmonies of healing begin.

Inspired by a scene in "My School President". I'm watching it on GMMTV right now.

Ponnya surprised me at 13:40. I had no time for more than a hug. I had to go to class at 14:00. He's back in Khon Kaen tonight. He explains nothing...

Coffee with Paulo.

Mieuw is helping me understand a culture where people do what they are told. No questions asked. No curiosity nourished. It's a bit like Catholic grade school with Sister wielding a ruler. Authority is absolute.

Middle of the night... Ponnya comes back for his make-up supplies and goes to Sakhon Nakhon without one word of explanation. I stayed up to make sure he could get in. I thought he was coming home to spend the night... my bad.


Hard getting Ponnya out of bed this morning. I swear he said 7 am. Up at 8:30? Out the door to Khon Kaen for 7 days... maybe?

Left over bao, leftover fish stew, finished up the ice cream. I do a little this-and-that. There's no rush.

I'm thinking of naming the stuffed toy cat "Reject" ปฏิเสธ. Getting upset won't get me anywhere.

There are different stages in coping with a new culture. I'm at one of the difficult stages.


Visa stamped, but they only gave me till March 24th. That means a trip to Laos.

Ponnya really hurt me today by what he said. It's evening and we've moved on but still...

Bought chocolate ice cream. Because we have a freezer and it was only 59 baht,

Also bought a cat. Ponnya doesn't know yet.


What hysteria? Can't Ponnya explain anything? Bus at 08:30. Smooth trip Got in around 15:45. This compared to the 9 hour nightmare on Saturday through Ubon to SiSaKet.

Now? Nothing... Tomorrow could be another harrowing day... or not.

Choice of rice, lasagna, chicken. I must either straighten out things tonight or get up early. Tomorrow is a big day.


Ponnya went to the doctor. He looks better but I'll need to ask him directly what is going on. Side-effects of meds can be brutal.

We caught the bus from Khun Han to Si Sa Ket. About 90 minutes and 45 baht. Lots of water buffaloes in rice fields (not plowed yet).

Khun Han isn't pretty and it isn't well-kept and it seems sleepy. Si Sa Ket is clean! Very well organized. Not overly ugly (it's also bigger and vibrant).

Hotel T4 is about 550 baht per night (king size bed). Very nice and close to the bus station, walkable from the train station.

Ponnya did walk me to the train station and market. He took a moto-taxi back while he arranged for me to take a sam-lor (3 wheel peddle rickshaw/tuk-tuk) The man peddling is 81 years young. Awesome! They are uncommon these days. Unless one is in a hurry they are a good way to see a place.

We are planning to take the morning bus to Roi Et and onward to Udon.


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