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Just things that I think about now and then.
#1049042 added May 27, 2023 at 5:16pm
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Welcome to My Reality - May 2023 Edition - 35 entries/Done
1. Friendship: Write about being friends with someone.

The definition of friendship is this according to the Encyclopedia Brittanica:

A state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. I've had acquaintances aplenty, however; I've had a few friends in my lifetime. Someone that I cared about, valued and trusted. I had thought it would be for life, but it wasn't to be *Sad*. I miss my friend, but life does have a way of going on. I have a few people that I've developed a friendship with here on Writing. Com. Only time will tell if they become lasting friendships. I certainly hope so.

2. Dragon: Envision a dragon. Do you battle him? Or is the dragon friendly? Use descriptive language.

The dragons that I picture in my mind are those from Game of Thrones. I would like to think I could ride these dragons, however, being afraid of heights might give me a serious pause. I don't think dragons are tamable creatures. They seem to me more like cats - doing what they want, when they want, and only listening to you when they feel like it.

3. Greeting: Write a story or poem that starts with the word “hello” or other greetings.

It's so good to see you.
It has been a while since we've met
And I'm glad to rekindle our friendship.
I hope you are doing well.
I hope you are happy.
I hope that our
Will go

4. The Letter: Write a poem or story using words from a famous letter or inspired by a letter someone sent you.


(Henry VIII's letter to Anne Boleyn)

How I long to hear from you;
Can you not see how tormented I am?
How can I show you my love
If you will not show me love in return?
I ache for you, I'd die for you -
Why won't you tell me your feelings?
Give me something to look forward to;
Something to give me hope.

5. The Found Poem: Read a book and circle some words on a page. Use those words to craft a poem.

Taken from the prologue of the book The Island, by Natasha Preston

"I've uploaded my latest trailer to TikTok advertising my new YouTube video, Killer in the Family...My hard-core followers comment on both. Then on Insta too."

(Source: ISBN 978-0-953-48149-3)

I have to post on TikTok
My fans don't want to wait.
I upload on YouTube
The fans my channel make.
Instagram is the right way
To get a following;
Personally, it's all hooey to me -
Social media's not my thing.

6. Eavesdropper: Create a poem, short story, or journal entry about a conversation you’ve overheard.

I cannot believe my ears!
It is beyond belief for sure.
How will this gossip play out?
There's no telling, except that it
Will forever change her heart.

I dare not repeat this tasty morsel.
Fingers will point and tongues will wag.
Those not caught up in the scandal
Will be able to look down their noses;
Saying that they always knew.

7. Addict: Everyone’s addicted to something in some shape or form. What are the things you can’t go without?

I have a very pronounced sweet tooth. Not a good thing, as I am a diabetic. I cannot seem to help myself - I enjoy sweets of all kinds. I don't think there is a candy that I could say I dislike. Except for some "diet" or "sugar free" candy. If you eat too much, it upsets your stomach. That is the price you pay. I try very hard not to eat a lot of candy, and it helps greatly that I don't keep it in the house. But if it is here, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will definitely indulge. *FacePalm*

8. Dictionary Definition: Open up a dictionary to a random word. Define what that word means to you.

Funny, I do not have a dictionary, except online. I used the first random word generator that I came across online, and the word is NEIGHBOR. To me, a neighbor is more than just somebody that lives next to you. It is someone that you can talk to, share experiences with, and even get advice from. (Gee - perhaps even being a friend?) I think about neighbors I have seen on TV. I Love Lucy with Lucy and Ethel being not only neighbors, but besties. I think of Tim the Toolman's neighbor that you never see, except maybe the eyes and the talks that they have. I have a neighbor here at the apartment - they check on me from time to time and are very nice people. They are good neighbors to have; we chat from time to time, but we just don't "hang out". Anyway, that is my two cents' worth on the word neighbor.

9. Cleaning: Hey, even writers, and creative artists have to do housework sometimes. Write about doing laundry, dishes, and other cleaning activities.

Dishes, laundry are almost a daily thing. Especially with 4 adults living together. Cooking, baking usually falls to me, although the kids know how to cook as well. Sweeping, mopping, taking out the trash - every other day, it seems. It's hard when we don't have a formal "dining area", but we are working on getting a bigger apartment; we shall see.
The laundry is it's own animal - juggling the clothes of 4 people. Washing, drying, folding and putting away...could be an Olympic sport in my opinion.
Then the fun of food shopping, shopping for supplies that are not food. We are all homebodies when not at work. So we shop if we don't want to pay a fortune for eating out.

I'm sure there is more; but my brain is fogging at the moment.

10. Great Minds: Write about someone you admire and you thought to have had a beautiful mind.

Growing up, my admiration went towards my dad. To me the sun rose and set on him. I even fussed about being a girl, because I wanted to be just like him. And it's funny, because he is my step-dad technically. But he is the only Dad that I knew. I didn't find out about the "step" part until I was 9, and I was angry about that for a while. But I got over it; he never treated any of his kids differently. I really never heard him raise his voice to anyone. He is just a calming influence in my life. As I've gotten older, I realize that I placed an insurmountable pressure on my first husband because he "wasn't like my dad." And to be honest, that was one of the things that broke us up. (Water under the bridge - like 24 years ago). Dad has his faults, his feet of clay, if you will. But he is still my dad, and I love him dearly.

11. Missed Connections: If you go to Craigslist, there is a “Missed Connections” section where you can find some interesting storylines to inspire your writing.

Found this title in the Missed Connections for Craigslist Lubbock:

"Wondering where the good men are"

Are there good men still around? It is hard to see them.
I don't find myself looking anymore.
There was a time, that I hoped I would find someone for companionship
For friendship, maybe even a chance at love?
I'm older and set in my ways,
I doubt I would find someone, anyway.
I have a lot of baggage right now, and I need to concentrate
On getting my own life together.
I wouldn't put "all of this" on another human being.

12. Foreclosure: Write a poem or short story about someone who has lost or is about to lose their home.

It's hard to say what started it all.
Life just sometimes smacks you around.
Juggling bills became too easy; however,
It became a house of cards, waiting for the wind to blow.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul
Is never a good strategy;
Living within your means is hard,
But the only way to survive.

If it's unattainable,
Then something has to go -
Discipline is a necessity.
When faced with losing it all.

13. Smoke, Fog, and Haze: Write about not being able to see ahead of you.

Venturing into the Unknown;
Blind to upcoming events -
Having to go by faith and not by sight;
The future is uncertain.

I don't know what the future holds;
I do know Who holds the future.
I must step out in faith that is not my own,
Trusting in His unfailing care.

14. Sugar: Write something so sweet, it makes your teeth hurt.

To be honest, sweet things that I've once enjoyed, are now pretty much too sweet. I've quit drinking soda (99%, anyway). I still have a sweet treat now and again, but even an ice cream sundae is too much to take. It bothers me, not being able to enjoy things that I have in the past, but that's life, sometimes. One has to adapt in order to live. Trust me - Diabetes sucks!

15. Dread: Write about doing something you don’t want to do.

There are a few things that I don't want to do. Some of them involve the things that I have to do. I have to watch my sugar intake, as I am a diabetic with kidney damage. There are consequences of the "not pleasant" type if I do not get this under control. I do not like being home and not working to help the kids out. I was enjoying doing my part of keeping the household going. (Though I suppose I could find a job working from home. Is that still a thing?)
Another reason I hate "behaving myself" in regards to sweets is that I have a major sweet tooth. It is easier not to get goodies as I don't have an income to spend on it *Headbang* . I guess that is good in a way.

16. Fear: What scares you a little? What do you feel when scared? How do you react?

I don't like being alone for extended periods of time. It just gives me the willies..I like knowing where my people are, and not worrying about them.

17. Closed Doors: What’s behind the door? Why is it closed?

A door might be closed for many reasons. 1. one did not choose to open it. 2. one tried and it was blocked, or locked. 3. Someone told them not to open the door. 4. one was not supposed to open it.
What's behind the door? It could be anything. It could be an opportunity to be seized. It could be a temptation best left alone. One doesn't always know what is behind a door unless they open it. Then again, it falls to the person in front of the door to make a decision.

18. Shadow: Imagine you are someone’s shadow for a day.

I wonder at the definition of "shadow" here. I know if you follow someone around to see what they do, or for part of training, it is called "shadowing someone". I rather like the idea of actually becoming a shadow - something that is not seen, or paid attention to (kind of like a fly on the wall). I'd like to shadow our political leaders and get the "nitty gritty" on what they actually are doing and thinking. I'm not sure what I would do with that information, but it beats not knowing what the heck they are doing and scratching my head in wonder/disbelief. This is just my opinion on the matter.

19. Good Vibes: What makes you smile? What makes you happy?

There are several things that make me happy. Here on Writing.Com, I can participate in many activities, I can write, review, and just talk to people that are here. My kids and grandkids make me happy (for the most part) esp. since they are grown (and I don't have to babysit grands all of the time). I enjoy reading, puzzles, and listening to music. I also enjoy a good television series, such as Boston Legal or Downton Abbey. I also enjoy growing flowers and plants and playing in the dirt. These are some things that make me happy.

20. Shopping: Write about your shopping wish list and how you like to spend money.

There are several shopping lists that I have. One is a day to day list of necessities - things that keep the household running; food, cleaning supplies, and things like that. Another is a window shopping list, where I get ideas about designing or decorating things. Then there is a "wish list" of things that I'd like to have - someday. Maybe. It changes all of the time. Then there is a list for in case I win a Mega-Millions or the Powerball. You've heard the meme: I won't tell, but there will be clues. Ha Ha!

21. The Professor: Write about a teacher that has influenced you.

I've had a few teachers that I remember distinctly. I remember music time in kindergarten with Miss Klein at the piano. I remember my 6th grade teacher, Mr. Hines - a gentle giant of a man; very soft spoken, and I remember feeling horrible having disappointed him with some grade school shenanigans. In college, I remember Nick Harpster (still in contact with him) with Math and English classes. He is an activist, father, husband. I look up to him as he is not afraid to take a stand on something he believes in. He does so without making you feel stupid. These are some of my memories.

22. Rewrite: Take any poem or short story you enjoy. Rewrite it in your own words.

I will sing praises to You oh, Lord!
With the cymbals and high-hat; I deliver praise.
I shall dance before You, lifting my hands to You.
I want to worship and praise You, morning and evening,
For all that You've done for me.
Morning and evening, let Your name be praised.

(source: Psalms 150)

23. Jewelry: Write about a piece of jewelry. Who does it belong to?

It's just a small piece of costume jewelry. I've had it for maybe, 25 years. I bought it at a time I sold AVON. It is a wrap style ring with the letter "R". It is silver in color, and has rhinestones embedded in the R. It is missing one or two of the rhinestones now, but still it sits in my jewelry box. I had gotten it for my youngest daughter, Rachael.

24. Sounds: Sit outside for about an hour. Write down the sounds you hear.

It's early morning. Graduation weekend as well as Memorial Day weekend. I hear the occasional vehicle speed by on the interstate. I'm sure traffic will pick up as the morning continues. The sounds of birds chirping in the trees - they sound so impatient. There is no wind, but dampness hangs in the air this morning. There is a chance of rain all weekend and the heaviness looms. It is overcast today.

25. War and Peace: Write about a recent conflict that you dealt with in your life.

There has been a conflict, both in my mind and body. While it has taken a bit for my body to recover, I still find my mind in disarray. I feel conflicted, and mostly just uninspired at the moment. I'm hoping that things will go better soon.

26. Frame It: Write a poem or some phrases that would make for good wall art in your home.


I have this on my wall at home already.

27. Puzzle: Write about putting together the pieces of puzzles.

I have a method for putting puzzles together. I begin by sorting out the border pieces. Once they are put together, I have a frame for the rest of the puzzle. I sort out pieces that are similar in color, and go from there. I try to work one corner at a time. I tend to get a little tunnel vision and try to complete the puzzle in one sitting. If I get too frustrated, I just leave it for a bit and then come back to it. When it is finished, I have taken puzzle glue to it (both sides) and then hang it on the wall. I don't like redoing puzzles. It's a one and done kind of thing with me.

29. Coffee & Tea: Surely you drink one or the other or know someone who does- write about it!

Growing up, I watched mom and dad drink coffee. I knew of only two ways to drink it: black, like mom takes it, or polluted (milk and sugar) is how dad takes his. Nowadays, you can get coffee in so may ways - from chocolate covered expresso beans (I found these at a Family Dollar store), to iced coffees, coffee in chocolate cakes (yum) to coffee flavored ice cream (which I LOVE). It's crazy this coffee craze. Starbuck's is renowned for making several flavors and styles of coffee. My favorite is the caramel ribbon crunch...which is more like a dessert than an actual coffee. LOL.

33. The Sound of Silence: Write about staying quiet when you feel like shouting.

The world about me is shaking;
I sometimes feel unhinged -
Two steps forward, and three steps back -
I would like to scream out into the darkness.
But it wouldn't do any good.
I stay silent; trapped in the abyss.

35. Mirror, Mirror: What if your mirror started talking to you? What might the mirror say?

It would probably say to me:

What is wrong with you? What happened to all of your goals? Your dreams? You look like a shadow of what you had going for you.

And right now, I have no answer for the mirror.

36. Dirty: Write a poem about getting covered in mud.

Dancing in the rain, no cares in the world.
Jumping in the puddles, splashing in joyful wonder.
Spinning in circles, laughing at the sky;
Mud spackles everywhere, but that's ok -
Mom will smile and shake her head at our antics.
She scolds gently: go take a bath.

43. Memory Lane: What does Memory Lane look like? How do you get there?

To me, memory lane is like taking a trip on a Saturday; Dad wants us to go "get lost". Driving around, taking in the scenery, maybe stopping at a lake to look around. We would do this on Saturday mornings. Funny, how these things used to irritate me when I was younger, now that's what I would love to do again.

45. Dear Diary: Write an entry anything you want

Dear Diary,

This has been a "meh" kind of month. No real energy, no real motivation, no real anything. It's disheartening to say the least. I had so many goals I wanted to attain, and most of it trickled down the drain. I know that I am still a work in progress, and I need to just relax and be grateful for the blessings I do have.

49. Darkness: Write a poem or journal entry inspired by what you can’t see.

I cannot see the workings
behind the scenes;
However, I know that You
are working in and on me.
I do not see the results as yet,
but I trust that You have it in hand.
Faith is the evidence of things not seen;
This is what I hold on to.
Knowing that Your work will be one day completed,
And I shall praise you for eternity.

57. Dollhouse: Write a poem or short story from the viewpoint of someone living in a dollhouse.

This little house holds a little world
of wonder and of dreams;
Open for play and imagination,
Joyful story telling beams.

A place of fantasy and escape
While the world goes round and round;
Childhood held onto a little longer,
Happy laughter heartily sounds.

signature updated by lili_in_fl

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