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A collection of Size Fetish stories about Persona 5!
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#1051100 added June 15, 2023 at 11:50am
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Makoto VS The Leader of the Phantom Thieves.
(This Chapter will have three endings that contain: Vore, Foot crushing, Ass Worship, and Cruelty.)


The sound of the Student Council President, Makoto Niijima, tapping her foot in annoyance rang in Ren's ears as the giant girl looked down at him with a mixture of contempt and irritation. She'd called the tiny student up to the Council Room to (once again) interrogate him about his (alleged) involvement with the Phantom Thieves. In this world, people were split into two sizes, Normal, and Tiny. As you could expect, Tinies were barely treated like people, and frequently taken advantage of by the Normals. Ren and his Tiny friends had become Phantom Thieves in order to try and bring justice to this twisted and unjust world, but unfortunately for him, he's been stalked and harassed by his giant senpai of late...

"So, Amamiya-san. You really don't have anything to do with the Phantom Thieves?" Makoto asked, her crimson eyes glaring at her Tiny underclassmen, who was lazily sitting on the tiny table that was standard on Normal ones. Most furniture and buildings had small stairs and ladders for the Tinies to be able to get around easier. A rare instance of accessibility for the Tiny folk.

"Nope. Don't even know what they are really." Ren said, feigning ignorance like normal. He was practically lounging around, making his giant Senpai even more frustrated.

"Even though they only appeared after you came to Shujin. And their first target was a Normal Teacher that you had conflict with?" Makoto inquired, further annoyed by Ren's nonchalance and smugness as he shrugged

"Complete coincidence. Now I know you're desperate to look good for the school and, let's be honest, a delinquent transfer student would make a prime suspect for any illicit activities, but I do think that you're wasting your time constantly harassing me when you have nothing solid linking me to this group." Ren said, moving towards the stairs attached to the table, before he heard something that made him freeze in his tracks and actually feel something he wasn't used too.


"If the Normals actually gave a shit about us tinies, we wouldn't be doin' stuff as the Phantom Thieves to start with!"

"So you think it's true? We'll be okay if we keep doing this... right?"

Ryuji and Ann's voice rang out from Makoto's phone as the Giant Girl looked down at Ren smugly, her lips curled into a cruel smile. "Complete Coincidence? Really? I think you and I both know that's not true.

"N-Niijima-san, I... I think there's been a--!!"


"Cut the shit!!" Makoto yelled as she slammed her fist down on the table not far from where Ren was standing, knocking the tiny boy down. "You really thought you could get away with it?! You rotten criminal, I don't know what you've done to Kamoshida and Madarame... but there's no way it's legal!"

"SO?! You think we would've been able to expose them in a legal way?! They're worse than us!" Ren said, dropping all acts and pretense about what he's actually been doing.

"Hmph. Now I've got a confession too. I guess you aren't nearly as clever as you though, are you Amamiya-chan?" Makoto said, her smile curling more as she revealed her phone had been recording that as well.

"Shit..." Ren muttered, before trying to run as Makoto reached for him. A futile gesture, as the giant girl caught him easily.

"So... What should I do with you? I could just turn you into the Principal..." Makoto said as she held the small boy in her hand, not to tightly as to crush him, but hard enough to hurt. "But... I think he'll be satisfied with the others. You've got to be punished quite harshly, considering you're the leader, after all."

"D-Don't!" Ren cried out, making the giant girl raise an eyebrow. "Don't hurt the others. I dragged them into this, it's my fault!"

"Oh? So you'd sacrifice yourself to save your accomplices?" Makoto asked, playfully raising an eyebrow.

"P-Please... I'll do anything!" He pleaded, making Makoto smile more.

"Anything...? Well, in that case..."

Ending 1: A Phantom Snack.

*Groowllll....* Makoto's stomach gurgled loudly, making Ren pale in fear, and making her smile cruelly. "Well, as you can hear..."

Makoto pushed Ren against her belly, letting him listen to her growling stomach. "I've had to skip lunch today... and that's your fault since I've been so busy trying to expose you."

Ren looked up at the giant girl in terror as he realized what she was implying. Makoto brought him closer to her mouth and exhaled on him, breathing deeply as Ren gazed into her open maw, terrified about what was about to happen. Her lips curled into a cruel smile once more.

"No one is going to miss a little delinquent like you, after all. I'm sure that the prinipal will be more than satisfied that I've "disposed" of you..." Makoto said, before sticking her tongue out and dragging it across Ren's face, coating him in saliva.

"Mmm... tasty." Ren began desperately struggling after he heard this. Slamming his fists into her hand and trying to pull himself out of her strong grip. A quick clench of her hand shut that down though, as she nearly snapped his rips.

"Now now, you said you'd do anything to keep your friends safe, didn't you?" Makoto said, cruelly turning his own words against him. "Stop struggling, Ren-chan. Just let me eat you, and I promise I won't hurt your friends..."

With that, Ren stopped moving. Resigned to his fate, he closed his eyes as Makoto deposited him onto her tongue, before she slid it back into her mouth and began toying with the Tiny boy. Pushing him against he cheeks, pinning him to the roof of her mouth, and even giving him some small chews on her teeth.

"Mmmm... I've heard Tinies were a delicacy in some circles, but I didn't think he'd taste THIS good!" Makoto thought, before tilting her head back and....


With one quick swallow, Ren was sent down her throat and deposited into her stomach, which was currently empty, but slowly filling up with acid.

"Ah! You tasted great, Amamiya-chan... My only regret is that I can't eat you again..." Makoto said, resting a hand on her belly. Ren merely curled up into a ball, defeated and saddened, but taking comfort in the knowledge that his friends would be...

"Oh Well, there's always your friends! Hopefully they'll taste as good as you." Makoto said with a cruel chuckle. Ren immediately shot up and began banging on her stomach walls.

"YOU BITCH! YOU SAID YOU'D LEAVE THEM ALONE!!" He screamed, the acid was filling up the fleshy room rapidly, his clothes already nearly gone and his skin starting to burn.

"Oh? Someone's still got some fight do they? You've already lost you stupid Tiny. Just give up already, will you?" Makoto said before patting her belly, knocking Ren off of his feet and making him fall into the pool of stomach acid, sealing his fate.

"Now then, I've got three more snacks to catch..." Makoto said, smirking to herself as she left the room, having ended the Phantom Thieves with a simple swallow...

Ending 2: A Phantom Crush.

"My feet do hurt after all that walking I had to do, following you around Tokyo..." Makoto said, setting Ren back down onto the table and sitting down herself, taking off her loafers and socks, and resting her sweaty, stuffy feet in front of the smaller boy. "Be a good criminal and massage them, would you?"

Ren muttered angrily under his breath, but obeyed her orders. He walked up to her smelly feet, which almost seemed to have steam clouds coming off of them, and began pressing his hands against them, kneading the tough skin with much effort... thought some might call it wasted, since he wasn't even half the soles' size.

"Hmm? Are you even doing anything? I can't feel you at all." Makoto taunted. It was a lie, at least partially. She could feel his hands, but they weren't exactly doing much to alleviate her discomfort. "Maybe you should give them a nice, long lick for good measure?"

Ren glared at her angrily, but complied. Sticking his tongue out, and beginning to drag it across her sweaty sole. Gagging at the taste of the salty liquid that now coated him head to toe.

"Good boy Ren-chan!" Makoto said with a sarcastic clap of her hands. Ren wanted to scream so many expletives at her that you'd think he'd been replaced by Ryuji, but a simple glare was all he could muster. Makoto reached over and plucked him up, before beginning to rub him around her other foot.

"Hmm... this isn't that satisfying. I can barely even feel your pathetic body..." Makoto said, before lifting him back to her face. "*Sigh* Oh well. If you had done a better job, I might've kept you as a little foot pet, but... you suck."

Makoto's taunts rang in Ren's ears as she smiled at him cruelly. "Maybe your little friends are better at massaging feet."

His eyes widened as he realized she wasn't going to uphold her end of the deal, but Makoto merely tossed him over her should like he was a piece of trash.

Ren hit the floor with a thud, groaning in pain as both his legs were broken badly, and his ribcage was shattered. It was a cruel miracle that he didn't die on impact, but he wouldn't have to suffer long. A large shadow fell over him, and before he could process it, the sole of Makoto's loafer crashed down onto him, killing him instantly and reducing him to nothing more than a red stain on both the floor and her shoe...

Ending 3: A Phantom Buttplug.

"Hmmm... I don't know... You're asking for quite a lot..." Makoto said mockingly, acting like Ren was being unreasonable.

"P_Please... Whatever you want... I'll do anything I swear!" Ren pleaded as Makoto tapped her chin in faux-thought.

"You know, what would reaallly make me more open to sparing your little criminal friends?" Makoto asked, a smug and devious smile on her face.

"W-What?" Ren asked, before the giant girl turned her back to him and lifted her skirt, showing him her rather large rear. She then slid her pantyhose down and sat her bare ass down onto the table, looking over her shoulder and smirking at the dumbfounded boy.

"Kiss it." She said, and Ren complied, both out of desperation for his friends, and out of a teenage lust to be so close to an ass of this caliber. He hugged one of her cheeks as tightly as he could, and planted kiss after kiss onto her doughy flesh.

"O-Oh! I... I didn't think he'd do it! ...I was going to just sit on him as a punishment, but... this does feel nice." Makoto thought as she felt the Tiny boy's worship of her rear. Her plans of killing him with her posterior were now seeming less appealing... so she changed tact.

"That's enough." She said, lifting her rear off the table and picking up the tiny boy. "You... are much more compliant than I was expecting. So I'll offer you a... "plea deal" of sorts."

"A-And what would that be...?" Ren asked hesitantly.

"I'll spare your friends... if you'll be my little pet." Makoto said, and Ren paused. This was the outcome he was wanting, but not exactly how he thought he'd get it. "I'll take care of you, as long as you do whatever I tell you."

"And if I don't?" Ren said nervously, Makoto wasn't glaring at him anymore, but her eyes were still narrowed in suspicion.

"Then I'll let you go." She said, Ren would've been surprised at her mercy, but he had a feeling there was a catch. "And then my sister will find you. And she's quite... against Tinies in the house. She'll most likely turn you into a... "toy" for her.

"Not the worst fate if I'm being honest." Ren said without thinking. Makoto raised an eyebrow at this.

"Trust me, I've seen the aftermath of Sae's "playtime". Her sheets are covered in red spots after she's done."

"F-Fair enough. I'll take your deal." Ren said.

"Good. And with that, your first task..." Makoto brought the tiny teen back around towards her rear, shifting her panties to the side and exposing her anus. "Is to be my little ass toy."

Before Ren could say anything, Makoto inserted his legs into her pucker, leaving just his upper body out. "Take a deep breath, Ren-chan. This is the last bit of fresh air you'll be getting for a while..."

Makoto then put a finger to the boys head and pushed him deep into her asshole, going all the way down to her knuckle. She moaned as she felt his frantic struggles, but he calmed down shortly afterwards, merely laying in her ass and shifting with the sway of her hips...

"Ah... I'm glad you decided to be reasonable, Ren-chan... I'm going to enjoy having you as a pet..." Makoto said as she pulled up her tights and panties and walked to the door. The Principal would be satisfied with getting rid of both the leader of the Phantom Thieves and the Delinquent Transfer, and Makoto would very much enjoy her new pet, who she felt move with every step... this was the exact form of stress relief she needed.

And so the story of the Phantom Thieves came to a shocking end. With the Leader being turned into an uptight girls pet, and spending most of his life deep up her ass...
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