Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1051107-Weekend
Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #2249612
My collection of poems and short texts for challenge, conests, activities.
#1051107 added June 23, 2023 at 11:37am
Restrictions: None
Gary did a double take. "Cliff..", he began. "What it is?", Cliff's voice monotoned from the livingroom, accompanied by the lively sounds of a football match. "The cat's changed", Gary continued. A half-formed "What?" was the only response, as loud cheering errupted from the TV. "No really, it's changed. Cliff!", Gary shouted unmovingly. As the cheering calmed down, it was Cliff who finally came to the front door, where Gary was still staring at the cat. "Seriously, it's my Saturday game, babe", Cliff whined while putting an appeasing hand on Gary's back. "Look, it's black now!", was the closest he got to an apology from Gary. "So?", Cliff tried. "Well, it's usually calico." Cliff cocked an eyebrow. "Could it be a ...different cat, babe?" Gary shrugged his hand off. "Of course not! The cat always appears here, and always at the same time!" Putting his hands up in surrender, Cliff agreed, "Okay, okay. It's a miracle! We'll investigate further... after the match?"

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1051107-Weekend