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Rated: XGC · Book · Fanfiction · #2297843
A collection of Size Fetish stories about Persona 5!
#1051126 added June 16, 2023 at 12:59am
Restrictions: None
Haru's Garden Pests.
This Chapter Will Contain: (Casual Cruelty, Manipulation, and Implied Age Difference)

"Hm... That's odd. The Tomatoes I planted aren't growing right..." Haru Okumura muttered as she examined the red veggie closely. She'd taken up gardening on her own property after graduating, and now spent most of her free time tending to it. Recently, however, she'd noticed that some of her plants had been struggling of late. The damage done was consistent with a infestation of a certain pest the had plagued Japan for centuries.


Tinies were race of Human that were barely bigger than most bugs, and while they were technically the same species, they weren't considered people by most of the world. Haru had a hard time believing that she had a Tiny problem, considering she had invested quite a lot of Yen in security and Anti-Tiny Technology... but at the same time, Tinies were crafty pests. They may have discovered a "chink in the armor", so to speak.

While she contemplated the possibility of a tiny managing to get past her defenses, she failed to notice the Tiny boy crawling out of the Tomato she was holding, he had been hiding inside of the hole he made in the tomato's skin to get to it's juicy insides, and once he realized that he was too high in the air to escape, he quickly began digging further into the fleshy insides of the veggie, before a shadow dawned over him, and he turned to see the giantess's open maw as she was moving to take a bite of the tomato he was in!

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" The boy cried as Haru chomped down on his hiding spot, tearing off a chunk of the tomato and trapping the boy in her mouth as she began chewing on the vegetable, the Tiny just barely managing to leap off of her food and land on her tongue before her teeth came down on him. Haru's chewing slowed as she felt the boy hit her tongue. At first thinking it was just a seed or piece of tomato, but quickly felt it start moving frantically. She stuck her tongue out and plucked the tiny boy off of it, holding him in between her fingers as she swallowed the rest of her snack.

"Oh! A Tiny?" Haru exclaimed as the boy shook in fear, petrified of the giantess that had captured him. He'd heard stories of the Giant Folk's incredible cruelty from the other members of his colony. Tales of Tinies being ripped apart by uncaring children, or mercilessly stomped by laughing teens, or even eaten whole as a delicacy!

Haru's first instinct upon seeing the tiny pest was to treat it like any other insect and crush it, but once she realized that it was just a boy, a cute, vulnerable boy, a desire to care for this crying Tiny took over. "Shh... don't cry little one! I'm not going to hurt you."

The boys struggles weakened as Haru smiled kindly. This giantess seemed quite nice and... she was really pretty. Her fluffy brown hair was tied back, and her cheeks had smudges of dirt on them from her garden work... maybe he could trust her?

"What's your name little boy?" Haru asked as she petted the back of his head gently.

"Mine... Yamaguchi Mine..." The boy muttered shyly, making the giant woman giggle.

"It's nice to meet you, Mine-chan! What are you doing in my garden?" Haru asked, again keeping her kind smile and demeanor. Not that it was false or anything, she was definitely going to be gentle with this poor boy, but at the same time, she needed some vital info from him.

"I... I was trying to find some food for my colony..." The boy admitted, and Haru tilted her head in faux-confusion.

"Colony? Are there more of you, Mine-chan?" She asked innocently.

"Y-Yeah! There's a bunch of us over...." Mine started to say, but stopped as he realized that maybe exposing where his colony was living to the owner of the property that they were technically trespassing on may not have been the smartest idea...

"C'mon, Mine-chan. It's not good that you poor Tinies are living out in the wild like this! It's dangerous you know. Tell me where your colony is, so I can move them somewhere safer." Haru said, continuing to gently pet the boy, making him lower his guard. Making him think that maybe this giantess isn't so bad... after all, what's the harm in getting some help? "She's so pretty and nice..."

"W-We're hiding over there, under that rock." Mine said, pointing to a large rock not to far from the garden. Haru then realized what she was dealing with. There were rumors that Tinies had managed to advance their "civilization" to the point that they could build entire towns underneath rocks and trees, making them much harder to get rid of.

"Hmm... Well, I'll get them later. First, I need to take you home with me!" Haru said cheerfully as she stood up.

"W-Wait, I can go to the colony and tell them you just want to help!" Mine said, but Haru shook her head in an exaggerated manner.

"Sorry Mine-chan, but Tinies don't trust us Normal-sized people. So I can't let you tell them, or they'll be gone within the day." Haru said, and Mine looked down sadly. "Don't worry though! I'll take good care of you. You'll be my special pet!"

"...Okay." Mine said, resting his head on Haru's finger. She giggled at him, before moving him towards her chest, pulling on her collar and showing the small boy her boobs.

"Here, I'll let you rest in my busom..." The fluffy-haired woman said as she slid the Tiny in-between her tits, his face beet-red as the two jugs squeezed up against him. "Teehee! You look so cute down there! Just take a nice, long nap okay? I'll take care of everything."

Mine was out cold in a matter of seconds, and Haru smiled to herself as she looked down at the boy between her breasts. She'd been wanting a pet for awhile now, but was having trouble deciding as to what kind she wanted. Tinies seemed like the obvious choice, but she never liked how... mindless store bought Tinies were. They had been bred to be subservient and dumb, but that defeated the purpose in her eyes.

"NO! PUT MY SON DOWN YOU WHORE!!!" A tiny voice screamed out at her, and Haru's brow furrowed and eyes narrowed as she located the source of the annoying sound. A Tiny woman, not to far from her foot, waving a stick and screaming at her. Even though Haru could barely hear her small voice, she heard enough to determine that the woman was Mine's mother.

She started to scream again, but froze in fear as Haru lifted her bare foot over her, letting the dirt and mud fall down around the woman. "Shhh.... You'll wake him up."

The woman couldn't even make a sound as Haru slowly lowered her foot, pressing her into the dirt. Before she fully crushed the woman, she parted her toes and leered at her. "He's mine now."

The woman's eyes grew wide as she realized what Haru was saying, but she wouldn't have to deal with the horrifying revelation for long, as Haru pressed her big toe onto the woman's head, crushing it.

"*Giggle* Bye-bye! I'll take good care of him for you." Haru said with a cutesy giggle as she covered up the woman's smeared remains with dirt, then walked off to her mansion. She had quite a few calls to make...


"And you're sure you want them to be captured, and not exterminated?" The Tiny Catcher said as she prepared her equipment. It was a rather lucrative career, being a tiny catcher. With the amount of Tinies in Japan at the moment, (Last Estimate was around 1 billion) Professional Tiny Catcher's were very valuable to keep them from overrunning the country. Of course, Haru was asking a lot, for them to catch the Tinies alive as apposed to just gassing and crushing them.

"Yes. I would like to... keep them." Haru said, idly petting Mine in his necklace cage. The Tiny boy had adapted very well to being her little pet. Almost to the point of not really caring about his old colony. But Haru was going to keep them anyways. Her friends had all come over to see her little Mine, and she had managed to convince each of them that Tinies had their uses beyond being snacks or sources of pleasure.

Though Ren, Ryuji, and Makoto had been rather opposed to him at first. Ren didn't like the idea of owning a being with self-awareness, and both Makoto and Ryuji had been raised in households that considered Tinies the worst form of pests. But after interacting with Mine, they all at least admitted that he was cute, and made for a good pet. Ren wasn't going to get one, and Ryuji was unsure, but Makoto approached her in private to beg her for one. This, along with the other members of the group asking for one or at least how Haru managed to get one, convinced the rich girl to try and start taming some of the Tinies on her property.

She'd managed to capture a few in the weeks since she took Mine in, but they hadn't really gone as well. Most just spent their time screaming at her and trying to break out. She had to "dispose" of them, naturally. Such violent behavior couldn't be allowed in her Tinies. This usually included just crushing them in her hands and dropping them into the trash, but she had indulged herself by eating one or two of them.

Haru quickly realized that she needed to get them when they were younger and less expereinced. Mine was a great pet because he was so naïve and innocent that he didn't understand why he couldn't trust the Normal-sized folk. But the older, more world weary Tinies would never be a good pet. This explained to her why dedicated tiny stores broke their pets. It kept them from being too rebellious for their owners. But that wouldn't do for what she wanted.

"You know that's going to cost extra, right? Sleeping gas is pretty pricy." The woman said with an annoyed huff.

"I'll gladly pay the fee. Just make sure that you separate the younger ones from the older ones." Haru said, ignoring the confused look from the woman as she walked away. "There'll be a bonus if you do so."

That was good enough for the Catcher as she left the house. Haru climbed up the stairs and moved to her large room, looking out and watching as the Tiny Catchers began the lengthy process of pumping the underground village with sleeping gas and extracted the tiny inhabitants once the rock they had been hiding under was removed.

"*Sigh* Hopefully we'll have some more Tinies running around for you to play with, Mine-chan." Haru said as she patted the Tiny boy on the head. Though he didn't seem too enthused about the idea.

"Hm? Do you not want that?" Haru asked.

"W-Well..." Mine stuttered, his face blushing.

"Ah... I see. You want me all to yourself, don't you?" Haru said with a teasing poke, before plucking the Tiny boy out of his cage and bringing him to her lips for a loving kiss. "Don't worry. No matter how many Tinies I have, you'll always be my special little Mine-chan!"

The boy hugged her finger tightly as Haru deposited him back into his cage and turned around to go her kitchen. "Now then, lets get you something to eat, Hm?"

(To Be Continued....?)
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