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by Seuzz
Rated: GC · Book · Occult · #2183311
A high school student finds a grimoire that shows how to make magical disguises.
#1053211 added July 29, 2023 at 9:45am
Restrictions: None
Moving In and Moving Forward
Previously: "A Turn to the Future

You figure that Gordon wouldn't have called this meeting if he was willing to wait until he'd saved up money from his paycheck; and you remember Caleb earlier in the week sounded pretty impatient to get on with things. It's dangerous to try stealing stuff from Salopek. So -- "Who do we know who's got money we can steal," you ask. "Or borrow."

"Yeah, let's call it borrowing," Caleb mutters. He shifts restlessly next to you on the bed.

"So who do we know? Except for Eva and Jessica Garner. And Yumi Saito. Unless you wanna try for one of them again."

"I guess we could," Caleb says, and he says it very glumly.

"I could try lifting the stuff out of Salokpek," says the guy who looks like Will Prescott. He's been watching you and Caleb intently all this time. "Assuming they have it in stock."

"That's pretty dangerous," you say. "You just got a job there, and if you get caught -- " You were going to say something about how it would make Harris Prescott incandescent with fury, but you get hung up on whether to call him "my dad" or "your dad." Both sound weird in the present context.

But Gordon catches your meaning. "So I guess that means we, uh, borrow some." He cocks his head, and his face curls up in an expression that is probably meant to be thoughtful, but which looks sardonic. "If you do that, you know, it's probably going to be your job to get the mask," he tells you.

"Why mine?"

"Well, look at you."

You snort. "You could always take off that mask you're wearing, asshole." And since you're brave enough to call him an asshole -- though not meant seriously -- you continue with a provocative question. "And speaking of taking off that mask, when are you going to want your life back?"

"You want yours back now?" he retorts.

"Not with the job at Salopek."

"Then I'll quit!"

"You can't quit, er, Will," says Caleb, and he refrains from looking at either of so it's not clear who he's talking to, so it's probably to both of you. "You just got hired. Your dad would be really pissed if you did that."

"Look, if you want me to keep doing this for you, I will," you tell Gordon, in as friendly a tone as you can manage. "You just have to ask for it back."

"So do you."

"Oh, Christ," Caleb says. "I'm going downstairs to get a soda, give you a chance to make out." He struggles off the bed. "Just have your clothes back on when I get back." He exits.

"Maybe we could switch off on weekends," Will suggests when he's gone.

"Give you time with Chelsea," you agree. "Oh, shit, but I work weekends. I mean, you do." You slap your thigh impatiently. "I mean, that job at the supermarket. Starts tomorrow."

"We'll play it by ear," Will says, and squirms in his chair. He hunches. "If Chelsea talks about getting affectionate some night, maybe you could call me and we switch off then?"

"Oh, sure." A long, awkward pause ensues. "You had any luck finding a new girlfriend?" you ask.

He opens his mouth, but before he can speak there's thumping in the hall, and Caleb bangs on the door. "You guys decent?"

"Shut up and get in here," you and Will shout back, almost in unison.

So Caleb comes in. "Hey, I don't mean to bust things up, but my mom just texted and told me to stop by the store and then come home." He nods at you. "You staying here, coming with me, or going up to the loft?"

You exchange a surprised glance with Will, then get up. "I should go, if we're not going to figure anything out tonight." You pause in the doorway. "Um, if you're not busy tomorrow, can you make a new mask?"

"For what? And besides, you've got the book."

That's right. As the possessor of Gordon Black's body, you get to possess the book.

"I'll drop it off at your place tomorrow," you tell Caleb, "on my way in to work. In fact, if it's all right with you and your mom, me and Steve and Jason will bring my shit over to your house tomorrow when I get off."

Caleb says he'll text you if something would prevent that, then he takes you back to his place so you can pick up your car.

* * * * *

Both Steve and his father are on hand to greet you at the Eagle Foods supermarket when you arrive there a little before ten the next morning. It's an eight-hour-a-day job for both Saturdays and Sundays, and for a pay that will barely cover the money you'll owe to Mrs. Johansson, but you're glad to have it. Steve is startled when you tell him you've found a place to live, but says he'll help you make the move tonight.

The rest of the day at the store begins with you filling out paperwork, getting some packets of information, and a brief orientation. Then you're thrown into an on-the-job training session with the experienced staff, including the equivalent of a scavenger hunt to help you familiarize yourself with the layout and contents of the store. They're a good bunch of workers -- and among those of high-school age, you prove to be something a minor celebrity on account of your status with the Westside basketball squad -- and only once are you led around on something of a snipe hunt.

With the one-hour lunch break, you get off at seven o'clock, and you meet Steve and Jason up at the school. They're both very curious about this place that you've found, since you've only told them you're renting a room from someone at school. "Four hundred a month is pretty steep for only a room," says Steve skeptically. "You could get a studio apartment for less than that."

"I get meals with it too," you reply, which provokes an "Ah" from him. "Anyway, we'll see how it works out. I never heard of the guy before, but he goes to school with us. Name's Caleb Johansson."

Patterson hefts a box of your stuff onto his shoulder. "I've heard the name, but I don't think I could put a face to it."

You're actually kind of dreading the introductions you'll have to make at Caleb's. You don't think Lynch or Patterson will be less than polite to Caleb or his mom, but you expect to get a lot of shit from them when they see him; and you worry about putting him on their radar. That is one aspect of Caleb's plan that hadn't occurred to you.

Maybe it hadn't occurred to Caleb either, because he's put a very obvious "brave" face on it when he comes out the door after your small caravan pulls up at the curb in front of his house. Out of the corner of your eye you catch Patterson staring at him thoughtfully, but he doesn't say anything. Caleb's mom comes out a moment later, and she's the one who directs the three of you down the hall to your new room, and she seems pretty impressed by the height and brawn of the guys who are moving heavy things into her house: you and Steve both have to duck your heads to get through doorways, for instance. Steve says nothing to either her or to Caleb, and addresses all of his comments to you in a stony voice. Lynch, you're pleased and relieved to see, is scrupulously polite, calling Mrs. Johansson "ma'am" with a ready smile and complimenting her on the furniture, some of the pictures, and the overall tidiness of the house. Even to Caleb he is very polite, and uses words like "please" and "thanks mightily" when he helps Lynch with a few ungainly items.

It doesn't take long to get stuff moved in, and your landlady gives everyone colas afterward; there is some chitchat in the kitchen. Then you follow Patterson and Lynch back out to the latter's truck.

Lynch sniggers when you're well away from the house. "Jesus, Gordon, I can't believe you're serious about rooming with that -- " He sniggers again, harder.

Patterson gives him a freezing stare. "Why, you fucking little two-faced prick."

"Oh I didn't mean anything by it," Lynch says, backpedaling furiously after seeing both Patterson's face and yours. "I just mean, you know, that's the kind of guy I picture you, uh -- "

"It's a nice place," says Steve, though his tone is lukewarm. "I see why you like it."

"You know the guy? Johansson?"

"I know who he is. He's in my Physics class." Patterson's jaw works. "He's friends with Ioeger and Lamont."

You'd forgotten that angle. You turn to stare back at the house, then kick the side of Jason's car. "Fuck."

"Uh huh. Gonna be interesting for you."

"Fuck. Well, mostly I'm just gonna be sleeping there and eating there, so maybe it'll be okay. But I don't want either of you two fuckers making trouble for me by making trouble with Johansson, okay?" You say that with enough heat that Lynch blanches a little, though Patterson keeps cool. "You see him in the halls or around, you ignore him."

Lynch nods, but Patterson snorts. "Do you think I'd fucking take two steps out of my way to even look at him?"

"You know what I mean."

"No I don't."

Patterson's denial startles you. But you let it pass. "Well, just make sure you don't start anything with him. Okay?"

Steve shrugs contemptuously, then he and Jason drive off.

* * * * *

You got a text while you were moving in, from Steve's dad, telling you he's told your dad of what you're doing and where you're living, which is nice of him. Caleb's got news of his own when you're inside. "Gordon says he thinks he knows how we can get stuff out of Salopek," he tells you. "He works there with a guy named Sean Mitchell, thinks we can use a mask of him. Personally," he adds when you say nothing, "I think we should use a mask of Lynch."

But you're quiet, because you're thinking Gordon's dad would be ripe for robbing.

Next: "Everyone Has to Adjust Sometime

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