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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1053756-Granted-Solace
Rated: 13+ · Book · Inspirational · #2035987
A book to house all my Poetic Explorations
#1053756 added January 7, 2024 at 3:42am
Restrictions: None
Granted Solace
It has been a week now since the day you came
And yes I just knew you in some concupiscent game
Yet since that moment your eyes met mine
When our heartbeats collided, our hands entwined

         This feelings grow and conflagrates like fire
         And casted away the pain from a heartbreak prior.

I haven't been this happy, I tell you my dear
You've vanquished my sorrows, my worries and fear.
You've never felt even the slightest repugnance
And knowing this, my heart seems wanting to dance.

         That promise you said that you will always be there
         Is a granted solace, in my every night's prayer.

Oh how I felt relieved at this very moment
From bearing that fraught conscience, a week's torment
Finally I had found that courage to confess
The secret I've been hiding that put me in distress.

         Though I was frightened to tell you at first
         Cause I expected that things will be worst.

Your acquiescence put me in so much ease
Your acceptance put my boggled mind at peace.
I'll forever treasure this and emblazon deep in my heart
And I promise to be faithful and I'll do my part

         From now on until the end of time,
         So let's together trod in moments sublime.

Rewrite Attempt #1:

Seven days since our fates entwined, a chance we embraced,
Though hearts collided in that game, a real love we traced.
The fire within, you fanned so high, erasing the embers of a broken goodbye.

Never a shadow of doubt cast your way, in your eyes, hope found a place to stay.
The promise you whispered, a balm to my soul, in prayers whispered, I make you whole.

Relief bathed me, the torment set free, my secret confessed, you set my heart at ease.
Fear painted the path, but your accepting gaze, calmed the chaos in a love-filled daze.

This memory I'll etch, a treasure so bright, to stand by your side, with all my might.
Hand in hand, through time's endless stream, in moments sublime, our love will forever gleam.

Rewrite Attempt #2:

A week has bloomed since our destinies met,
A spark ignited, not by desire's net,
But in the depths of your gaze, I saw,
A kindred spirit, defying the law

Of sorrow's hold, where shadows had reigned,
Your presence a flame, the darkness disdained.
This joy, a melody, unheard before,
You chased away fear, whispered doubts to the floor.

No judgment flickered in your gentle eyes,
Acceptance bloomed, a balm to my disguise.
Secrets unburdened, fears laid to rest,
In your embrace, a haven, a haven confessed.

Though whispers of doubt danced on my tongue,
Your hand in mine, a promise unsung,
Banished the storm, brought solace serene,
A love tapestry, woven unseen.

Forever etched in this grateful heart,
My vows I pledge, to play my loving part,
Till time's final thread, we hand in hand,
Walk paths of light, in this promised land.

Rewrite attempt #3:

Seven days spun like silk, entwined with you,
A game of desire, hearts aflame and true.
Your eyes, twin flames, ignited in my soul,
Banishing shadows, mending wounds of old.

Passion's embers leap, a phoenix's flight,
Scars of past heartbreak fade, consumed by light.
Never a flicker of disdain in your gaze,
My spirit soars, a dance in sunlit haze.

"Always here," you whisper, a starlit vow,
Prayer etched in moonlight, solace I endow.

Burden of secrets, a week's harsh test,
Tonight release, courage laid to rest.
Trembling confessions, fears laid bare,
Met by acceptance, a gentle, healing snare.

This, my solace, etched in heart and soul,
Faithful pledge, a story yet untold.
Hand in hand, through time we'll gently stride,
In moments sublime, where love forever hides.

Rewrite attempt #4:

A week, a tapestry spun with threads of gold,
Our souls entwined, a tale passion unfolds.
Eyes, mirrored flames, a fire that burns bright,
Chasing away shadows, banishing the night.

Love's embers dance, a phoenix takes to flight,
Whispers of heartbreak dissolve in the light.
No trace of scorn in your gaze, pure and true,
My spirit soars, bathed in skies of blue.

"Always," you breathe, a promise etched in stars,
A prayer for solace, echoing afar.

Secrets unwound, a week's heavy chain,
Tonight I confess, bathed in rain-kissed pain.
Words tremble, fears surrender to your grace,
Acceptance blossoms, a warm, welcoming space.

This, my sanctuary, etched in heart and mind,
Loyalty whispered, where love intertwines.
Hand in hand, we'll tread on velvet sand,
In moments divine, where forever expands.

Rewrite attempt #5:

Seven days, a whirlwind, you swept me away,
From concupiscent whispers to a brighter day.
Eyes locked, hearts beat, a symphony untold,
Pain of the past, by your presence, grows cold.

Joy, a stranger, now paints my every smile,
Fears and worries, vanquished in your while.
No hint of judgment, your gaze a safe haven,
My soul takes flight, a soaring, graceful raven.

"Always," you murmur, an anchor in the storm,
My whispered prayers, a haven, safe and warm.

Burdened secrets, a week's silent plea,
Tonight I speak, finally set free.
Tremors of doubt, met by your gentle hand,
Acceptance blooms, a promise in the sand.

This, my solace, a treasure to hold dear,
Faithful devotion, forever drawing near.
Together we walk, on paths yet unseen,
In moments eternal, where love's light beams keen.

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