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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1054047-Three-in-a-row
by Tim
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2299896
An attempt at creating a daily blog.
#1054047 added August 13, 2023 at 11:03am
Restrictions: None
Three in a row!
Three in a row!

I hope I'm getting back to my original routine. With wife still gone for over a week, i probably won't settle back in until she's back.

It will be a omewhat busy week this coming week. Pain management folks tomorrow morning and then dentist on Wednesday. Finally, they will pull a back tooth that has been a problem for way too many years. The tooth in front was removed long ago and it always leaves a gap to collect "stuff". It's had multiple crowns to help fill the gap but it always shifts over time. It has no mate on the top but I haven't been able to get anyone to pull it...finally, I got a dentist to agree with me and it will be gone by the end of the week. Small things that matter.

Pain management for ongoing back pain issues. Since they have prescribed opioids in the past, you have to sign a contract saying you won't get meds elsewhere, I guess to cut down abuse. I rarely take them, aspirin works just as well, if not better, and has no lingering effects. They used to take a urine sample to make sure I was taking them but haven't for quite some time, maybe it is to make sure I haven't been selling them...some people apparently do that type of stuff.

It's going to be hot today, looking at eh forecast, it looks like it will be quite warm for the rest of the month. It is August though, and in the southeast. It's to be expected. All too soon I'll be complaining it's too cold...but my electric bill is the highest it has ever been...and they tacked on an extra 5.5% due to increased costs of getting the electricity. Strange though, my rate has been slightly less than back in Washington where they have the dams which have been in place for ages...that should be cheap power...but I'm sure other states buy the power which drives the cost up.

I was going to go trim the grass around my fledgling lilac bushes but I haven't found my grass shears. They should only be in one of three places but with my eye condition, I could stare right at them and not see them. I'll have to keep looking or replace them. They didn't seem to work very well for me, probably operator error.

meanwhile, I took the shades off the pole lamp and the ceiling fan and put them in the dishwasher to clean the dust off. My wife has never been a good housekeeper. I guess while I have the shades off I shoudl go ahead and update the bulbs to LEDs since incandescent bulbs are no longer available. I'm also doing some light dusting while I'm at it. I won't mention it so my wife probably won't notice...but I will. With 3 dogs that go outside then run back in we do collect dust. Now only 2 dogs after the older collie crossed the rainbow bridge last week (I do miss her) but she wasn't very active in her later years with a spinal issue that impacted her rear legs. It's always sad to lose a pet. We did have her for over 11 years though...within the normal lifespan of the breed.

I ordered a small sprayer, electric powered and it should arrive tomorrow. I'll spray my redbuds with a fungicide and with the systemic fungicide I put on yesterday, I'll keep my fingers crossed. It looks like the second one is showing symptoms of the disease as well. The odds are against recovery but I'll try.

I think that's going to be a wrap for today. Now I need to get back to bicycling. I could go out now but it is already 87 degrees and high humidity...My body isn't ready for that yet. Maybe next year.


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