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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1054067 added August 20, 2023 at 1:18pm
Restrictions: None
Week 22 of the Year 180
Twenty-second Week of the Year 180.

(exercise) = Exor. (observations) = obsv. (shit,shave,shower) = ss&s. (read something) = read. (comment blogs) = bogs. (BoyLove series on-line) = ytBL. (Thai TV BL series on GMMTV25) = tv25. (write poetry or prose) = PorP. (take a daily walk) = walk. (buy something) = shop. (take a photo) = foto. (video) = วิดีโอ. (speak Thai/Lao) = pôod. (learn Thai) Thai. (go-into-the-water) = pool. (clothes) = wash. (cook something) = cook. (tidy up) = mess. (travel) = trip. (noon) = เที่ยง. (talking to ex-pats/travelers/strangers in European) = chat. (Thai teaching book) = book. (hand-written journal) = jour. (contests) = test.

اسماء names (attributes) = اكمال = perfection (excellence, fullness, consummation, maturity}

20 สิงหาคม 2566 - 180 1 اسماء

*Clock* เที่ยง. Oppressive. 33°C 91°F, Precipitation: 12%, Humidity: 72%, Wind: 8 km/h.

To Stephen on Newsfeed: Unfortunately that has been a 2 thousand year old tradition among Christians. Misunderstanding is understandable. Standing by misinterpretations is demanded but inexcusable imho. I'm not Christian. I get tired of the outrage and infighting while basic decency is set aside. You think your 'wrong' neighbor is going to Hell? Give them a going away gift and smile, always smile, genuinely smile. Ask for a postcard. *Smile*

To huser:pickmarvilla for "Welcome to my crazy life update: Glad to hear that things are being sorted out. A car and a dog. Part of me wishes I had both.

Living with someone has been a blessing for me. I go back to my lonely room in Montana next month and may have to ask pointed questions about rent. I cannot afford to pay double what I'm paying. Rich folks are buying second and third houses, turning them into AirBnBs or leaving them empty most of the year. Prices have skyrocketed and rental companies are price-gouging..

I may be forced to relocate to Thailand or elsewhere where at least I can have a nice life without the financial stress. I want to move to Kansas or Iowa but that's more expensive than staying put in Udon Thani. *Sad*

Choices and decisions. We each face them. Sometimes they have happy endings. Enjoy this moment and hopefully your future decisions work out for the best."

To {huser:tuozzo re blog {item:1411600 "I haven't ignored you but I do want to apologize for waiting so long to comment. Memorializing this journey is most suitable for getting back to blogging. It may also help you in the future looking back.

Come September, I hope you can get back to writing poetry and/or songs. And keep blogging.

"When you reread this next year and sigh, "what was I thinking", you'll have a good enough reminder not to do it again!"

"Hmm... lost my comment (computer issues).

This is a bit of a 'wake'.

1. Casserole delivery? Can someone babysit with tea, coffee, crumpets? An old auntie, parent, student, neighbor, friend... someone from church. Not there to do anything except give emotional support.
2. Can your husband take a day or two off... if necessary?
3. What more can be delegated or hired out like you did with the piano?
4. Is there anyone else who can meet with the landlord?
5. You seem to be good at organizing, delegating, knowing your limits, physical and otherwise. Have you given yourself a pat on the back? You deserve one."

To huser:beholden in "A Long Lost Tale "I'd be livid. I do get the 'detachment' concept of having to let go... but others (especially family) stealing, lying, trashing and much much worse... disregarding someone's feelings... is inexcusable. I have my own stories. It erodes trust and once broken that's hard to repair. Healing can take years.

I lost everything years ago. I force it out of my mind because dwelling on it isn't going to bring anything back. I chose forgetfulness and building a new life."

"It's impossible to know what will trigger others. Or what others may find offensive... (I am not always tactful). I tend to be easily triggered due to multiple traumas. I'm just a Big Bruise. Forgetfulness may not be as powerful as forgiveness, but sometimes that's the only tool available."

*Checkr* bogs. Maravilla/Michelle/Beholden
*Checkr* exor. 300/200/200/300 = 1.000 93 degrees.
*Checkr* obsv. 1 fly, few birds, no butterflies, child with a white 'car' (he spoke in English), child picking orange flowers, distant thunder (now close), train.
*Checkr* ss&s.

My computer is acting up today. I lose entries. It randomly changes screens. My nerves are shot.

The 31% chance of precipitation is storming outside in a blustery downpour. I'm sure the temp has dropped! The weather sites are a bit behind the present conditions. *Laugh*

*Checkr* walk. After the rain. 24 degrees.
*Checkr* shop. croissants, Birdy, potatoes
*Checkr* tv25. Hidden Agenda
*Checkr* PorP. Unfinished "From the tower... [180.101] ""Hats off." 🇧🇬🇱🇹 A20 [102] 39w 'requirement'

19 สิงหาคม 2566 - 180 19 كمال

*Checkv* news. The threats by Virus 45 need to stop. The death threats against leaders and their families needs to stop.
*Clock2* เที่ยง. Mostly sunny, 93°F 34°C, Precipitation: 3%, Humidity: 60%, Wind: 2 mph. Sultry.

I'm finally functioning. Pan cooked; I helped (onion, squash, carrot).

*Checkv* PorP. "Open Hearts of Isan 🇹🇭 A19 [100] 40w 'open'
*Checkv* bogs. Bryan/Lyn/NormaJean
*Checkv* chat. Nan at Surada while Pan went to the dental clinic.

It's 97 degrees at 5 p.m. Hopefully the rains come back next week. It's too hot to do anything outside other than sit and chat. It's too hot inside because we have a west wall that soaks up the heat of the sun. I opened the doors and windows as it was hotter inside than out. At some point I'll put on the a/c to bring the bedroom down to 26c degrees.

*Checkv* pool. Found 2 20 baht notes; "dived" for them. Pan asks the girls if the money was theirs.
*Checkv* exor. 200/100/200/400 = 900. 90 degrees at 8 pm-ish.
*Checkv* tv25. Only Friends. At least Pan laughed at one part.

18 สิงหาคม 2566 - 180 18 كمال

A brush caresses his long grey tresses, a hand untangles the strands, a voice calms the stress. To have lived long enough to see the fruits of one's labors to live longer and see it all destroyed... This was the curse his grandfather had mentioned, the one he now knew he had to abide. His thoughts were on the Moon, his silver hair resplendent. The brush moved slower now. There was no one else to attend him.

To Holly on fb: "As in... you can verify. But is it the same for your neighbors? *sarcasm* I know you are talking about weather, but verification (and lack thereof) applies to much of social media when posters repost posts of people they don't know personally about places they have never been and events they have never experienced."

Virus 45: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/what-s-he-got-to-lose-fascism-expert-say...

*Checkb* edit. "Obituary for a bad boy posted on newsfeed for comments/reviews.
*Checkb* เที่ยง. 90 degrees. Partly sunny.
*Checkb* walk. rose, watermelon.
*Checkb* foto.
*Checkb* SS&s.
*Checkb* chat. with Rick, Pear and guests.
*Checkb* วิดีโอ. at soup place near by. Pan was happy.
*Checkb* tv25. Dangerous Romance... triggered me. The bullying bothered me.
*Checkb* exor. 300/100/200/300 = 900. 88 degrees at 22:02
*Checkb* PorP. "Empty 🇨🇦 A18 [99] 40w 'vast'

17 สิงหาคม 2566 - 180 17 كمال

Decisions. I didn't like the Hop Inn but changing hotels can be a nightmare. Next time I'll try Man U or Lertnimit. Going to sights would've cost 3.000 baht and I wasn't up for it without knowing I had a place to stay. So we headed home. By-the-way, there are 4 buses to Udon and 3 to MahaSarakham/RoiEt. No one seems to know these things. The last bus on both routes leaves at noon.

*Checko* ss&s.
*Checko* เที่ยง. trip. bus to Udon.
*Checko* foto.
*Checko* วิดีโอ.
*Checko* walk.
*Checko* shop. pork, bread, carrots...
*Checko* tv25. Home School... almost finished on tv.
*Checko* exor. 200/100/200/250 = 750. 84 degrees at 22:00.
*Checko* PorP. "Greenland isn't green. 🇬🇱 A17 [98] 40w 'clear'

16 สิงหาคม 2566 - 180 16 كمال

Ached all night (good bed, but...). Morning has broken and we need to go out and eat. There's only coffee until 11 a.m. I managed to spill cup #4 as I went to open the door to room 415. Hop Inn is sterile. Mid-American suburbanites would recognize a chain motel. It's that and nothing more. No charm at all. But... its near the bus terminal for buses to Bangkok (south), Chiang Mai and Nan (west then north) and Surin and Ubon (south then east). Buses north leave from Terminal 1, a bit of a walk. It's a place to stop for one night.

Traveling means:

*Xg* pool.
*Xg* exor.
*Xg* book.

*Checkg* เที่ยง. About 88 degrees and cloudy.
*Checkg* news. or
*Checkg* foto.
*Checkg* วิดีโอ. at wat.
*Checkg* shop. 7/11 for water, snacks, stomach meds. Pan feels better, but...
*Checkg* face. foto of rice with duck and soup, another of Prang Ku.
*Checkg* bogs. Hooves/Jessica/Jeff
*Checkg* walk. Prang Ku. Small Khmer site. Wat. Pan walked! with me.
*Checkg* chat. Swede from Malmo.
*Checkg* PorP. "Ryokan etiquette 🇯🇵 A16 [97] 40w 'formal'

*Checkgr* tv25. Home School and Wedding Plan.

To {huser:soledad_moon question on the Newsfeed "Could someone explain why I've decided a naga uta storem is a good idea?: "Yes.

Oh, you wanted an explanation! Why? Simple... writing outside of one's experience or comfort zone enhances one's ability to write. It's good for the brain and sometimes has felicitous side effects. You may also bring something to the poetic table that others do not. Your unique point-of-view and style of writing expand the corpus and may show what the form is capable of. If not... so be it. You love mental challenges and this is but one of many. My advice? Go for it.

To 4provinces re "You Tube Cute & Educational & Gossipy Videos I watch youtube videos on Thai language but really like subbed Thai TV series. I've learned a lot about culture and admire the actors. Unfortunately, that makes Hollywood ventures disappointing.

I also watch reels and tik-tok and Reddit's AITA (well... sometimes we all are...). I learn some things; but, what I learn most is the point-of-view of those who comment... and how ignorant we all are in general.

If Oliver makes you happy? *Bigsmile* Go for it!

To dunkelhetstern (Jessica) "Ghosts and Memories "My journal and blogs keep so much alive... I've used them to remember, process... then let go.

I sleep 'alone' when I travel, sharing a room if I'm in a hostel. I live alone in Montana; but, sleeping next to Pan makes me happy.

My friend Gary reminds me of my father. I met him about a year after my father died. Marilyn (who helped me get disability) reminded me of Marilyn (my former boss I didn't get along with). Very similar in appearance and personality. Interesting juxtaposition.

I'm glad you had Nan for all those years. *Heart*"

To Jeff in "The Struggle is Real "I have no problem discarding the OT that covers the trials and tribulations of one tribe (out of many). They are of historical use.

Proverbs, some of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the story of Ruth are worthy of reading and rereading by most anyone of any religion. But, some of the other parts of the Ketuvim are bloody and present the xenophobia and vengeful nature of a persecuted minority. Esther and Psalm 137:9 is hardly a way to go forward with peaceful relationships.

The Red Letter Jeffersonian Bible may be easier for non-Christians. The epistles and commentary seem to be time-specific and have been weaponized by some Christians. Hebrews makes some valid points about 'faith' as does James about putting words into action. However, the Bible, even the NT, is not a cook-book imho... just saying.

The texts are old. Reading it in English is as disconcerting as reading any other Scripture not written in English (basically none before 1830). Translation is more than word1 = word2 (too many false cognates in related languages Norwegian/Swedish, English/French... and Thai versus English *Laugh*).

You make a valid point about interpretation. We are not the All-Knowing, All-Embracing Creator. Humility is a key to any approach to Scripture."

To Robert: "I remember the Jetsons. Flying cars! *Laugh* Robots that clean! *Bigsmile*

Those two they got right. But why did it matter at the time? Folks wanted faster, freer, and less work. I suspect that hasn't changed. Starbucks succeeded because people wanted faster and no fuss coffee; the price didn't matter. And AI may succeed for the same reason that Rumba has.

Other, darker, sci-fi-fantasy looked into a dystopian world where even growing food was an act of courage. And that fear... still exists.

Thai culture is more concerned about political/cultural issues (told at a slant) or avoiding them by focusing on nonsense. Lots of nonsense that resembles the American sitcoms of the 50s or 80s. Slapstick, soap operas (lakorn), or friend dramas like "Friends". What succeeds... or doesn't... reflects on the present day psyche of a group of people. Shows like Star Trek, Twilight Zone and All in the Family were indicative of the angst of their times."

15 สิงหาคม 2566 - 180 15 كمال

*Checkp* Thai. 'naa'+ = worthy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGGHkfmQHGU
*Checkp* trip. 4 hours by mini-van, Udon Thani to Chaiyaphum.
*Checkp* walk. 2 longish walks.
*Checkp* foto. walking, and from mini-van.
*Checkp* วิดีโอ. from mini-van.
*Checkp* PorP. "Disculpe 🇨🇷 A15 [95] 40w 'freedom'
*Checkp* tv25. The Jungle.
*Checkp* test. "Ides of August Just because... and an entry supports Petra's contest.

Day started out okay. We took Grab to the station, bought tickets 250 x 2 = 500 baht. Trip was uneventful. Hop Inn? Institutional. 1.460 baht for 2 nights. I 'sweated like a pig'. Totally soaked. Very worn out when I lay down. Groggy when I got up. Pan got sick to his stomach. Lost evening.

Chaiyaphum is a bit slower pace. I could carefully cross the streets. There are a couple things to see outside of town (waterfall, parks, flowers, stones, lookout) and Prang Ku ruins from the Khmer. Tomorrow?

14 สิงหาคม 2566 - 180 14 كمال

*Checky* wash. Pan washed; I got 10 liters of water for our jug.
*Clock2* เที่ยง. 88 sweaty degrees... again. It cooled overnight, but as soon as that sun comes out...
*Checky* ss&s. very late before going to bed.
*Checky* foto.
*Checky* walk. twice.
*Checky* shop. snacks for tomorrow
*Checky* PorP. "April in Luxembourg 🇱🇺 A14 [94] 40w 'hard'
*CheckY* chat. David. Went out for pizza.
*Checky* news.
*Xy* bogs. No time.
*Xy* pool. No time.
*Checky* exor. 200/100/100/200 = 600. 81 degrees at 22-ish. Too tired and busy to do more.
*Xy* Thai.
*Xy* tv25. Missed it
*Xy* ytBL. No time.
*Checky* trip. Reservations Chaiyaphum. Checked bus schedule.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1054067-Week-22-of-the-Year-180