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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1055514-The-Ever-Shifting-Road
by NelY
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2292262
... where my muse goes for 2023 ...
#1055514 added September 10, 2023 at 1:24am
Restrictions: None
The Ever-Shifting Road
         In the vast expanse of a realm where the boundaries of time and space converged, there resided one lonely traveler known as Adrian. He had arrived at the realization that the knowledge possessed by others was merely a path leading to the certainty of wrongness, a direction that ultimately led nowhere. And perhaps, unknowingly, he too was embarking on that very same journey.

         The enigmatic road signs of his existence remained in a constant state of flux, their meanings shifting with each passing moment, forever leaving him adrift in the vast expanse of uncertainty.

         Adrian discovered himself immersed within a realm of peculiarities, where the distinctions between destinations became indistinct and the notion of 'here' transformed into a transient and elusive concept. He departed, leaving behind a faint path and a fleeting remnant of his being. He pondered that losing oneself should not prove to be an arduous task. It would necessitate a certain amount of exertion, yet he possessed the luxury of time—a profusion of it. He was aware that his current state of being was one of stagnation, with no immediate prospects of change on the horizon. That was undoubtedly so.

         As the bus trundled through the city streets, he found himself unable to resist the urge to drool, a peculiar habit that stubbornly clung to him in moments like these.

         A faint pulsation reverberated against the headrest of his seat, diverting his focus towards the tumultuous disturbance that unfolded in the rear. They were hammering a picture frame, its edges keen and vivid, akin to the recollections that had guided him to this realm. When Adrian shifted his gaze towards the heavens, he discovered a gathering of impish spirits peering down upon him, their laughter resonating through the air as they found delight in his predicament. Their antics, though vexing, had become a familiar aspect of his existence.

         In the seat directly before him, positioned to the right, resided his former art director from the early days of his career. A silent rip slipped from his quivering lips, resonating with a haunting melody that reverberated through the crowded bus, announcing to all the weary passengers that they had finally reached the elusive realm of their intended destination.

         The air was filled with a chorus of jubilant voices, a symphony of elation that rippled through the weary travelers. It was a resounding exhalation, a release from the labyrinthine path they had traversed, where every fork in the road held uncertainty and every winding alleyway was adorned with ancient dwellings. The journey had been an arduous one, fraught with countless bends and curves that seemed to stretch into eternity. But now, at long last, they had arrived at their destination, and the collective sigh of relief echoed through the air like a gentle breeze. Despite it all, Adrian discovered the experience to be bearable, imbued with a certain solace that stemmed from its inherent familiarity.

         The bus came to a halt along a lane flanked by shops on the right side, while on the left, a highway stretched endlessly, vehicles vanishing into the horizon. The air was heavy with a sense of mystery, as if the world held secrets waiting to be unraveled. The shops, with their colorful facades, seemed to whisper stories of forgotten lives and hidden desires. And as the highway disappeared into the distance, it became a metaphor for the vast expanse of human existence, where countless journeys began and ended, each one a tale in its own right.

         Adrian had been traversing the vast expanse of the world, his restless spirit urging him to perpetually wander. There existed an unstoppable force, an insurmountable barrier, that prevented any possibility of cessation, even if one were to yearn for an eternal reprieve. This served as yet another pause, a fleeting interval in the magnificent spectacle of his being.

         In the midst of an eerily tranquil moment, the hark emitted its distinct cry, "Kee-eeee-arr...," a sound that reverberated across the vast expanse of the surroundings. In the enigmatic theater of life, the tiny, melodious birds remained hushed, as if anticipating the commencement of the next act.

         Adrian's eyes fixed on the passing scenery beyond the bus window, his mind consumed by an insatiable yearning for meaning and an unquenchable thirst for the unknown. He was aware that the ever-shifting road signs would persist and the enigmatic journey would endure, yet he embraced the ambiguity. In the ever-shifting currents of his being, he discovered a singular brand of liberation, a blank slate upon which he could inscribe the most extraordinary narratives, even if they guided him towards the most certain path to nowhere.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1055514-The-Ever-Shifting-Road