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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1055926 added October 16, 2023 at 2:24am
Restrictions: None
27th week as Summer slides into Autumn. Year 180.
Halfways through the year.

(exercise) = Exor. (observations) = obsv. (s***,shave,shower) = ss&s. (read something) = read. (comment blogs) = bogs. (BoyLove series on-line) = ytBL. (Thai TV BL series on GMMTV25) = tv25. (write poetry or prose) = PorP. (take a daily walk) = walk. (buy something) = shop. (take a photo) = foto. (video) = วิดีโอ. (speak Thai/Lao) = pôod. (learn Thai) Thai. (go-into-the-water) = pool. (clothes) = wash. (cook something) = cook. (tidy up) = mess. (travel) = trip. (noon) = เที่ยง. (talking to ex-pats/travelers/strangers in European) = chat. (Thai teaching book) = book. (hand written journal) = jour. (contests) = test.

(Senior Center) = SCtr. (Market) = mark. (Coffee shops) = cafe.

This week's to-do list.

*Xw* Clean. Very little
*Check* Close window for winter.
*Checkp* Get vaxx validated on my card (didn't have it with me).
*Check* Pre-pack clothes and everything except what I'm using.
*Checkv* Decide on gifts. Soap? (3 cakes soap)
*X* Chrome book.
*X* Phone.
*Xo* *Xb* *Xv* *Xr* *Xy* *Xp* *Xg* Reserve hostel. Two places sold out. H-Distric Boutique available. No luck.
*Check* Talk with Pan about dates and plans. He was sick for 3 days. Progress on 26th.
*Checkr* Wash clothes on Sunday. Hung to dry.
*Checkp* Pay rent. Paid for 6 months. By local check.
*Checky* Arrange trip to airport. Travis will take me.
*Checkg* Recheck reservation. (seats, name) Checked in.
*Xg* Print out trip. Can't.
*Checkb* *Checkv* *Checkr* *Checky* *Checkp* *Checkg* Say goodbyes and inform neighbors.
*Check* Card for Michael.
*X* Make some long-term plans that can be changed.
*Checkp* Contact bank. Check activity. State plans. Transferred money.
*Checkp* Post office. Cards from Sonali. Yes, I can pay for box on-line.
*Checkr* Plants. Watered. Need to be rearranged.

A contest to consider: "Honoring the Dead

24 กันยายน 2566 = 24 september 2023

*Checkr* bogs. Jim/Carolyn/Beholden.
*Checkr* cook. Think cheese.
*Checkr* wash. Chad was working instead of Drew.
*Checkr* ytBL.

Worked on puzzle and plants.

23 กันยายน 2566 = 23 september 2023

*Checkv* mark. pears, raspberry pastry
*Checkv* Bogs. Robert/Norma/Tracker
*Checkv* ytBL

To Tracker: "Interesting. The 23rd was my parent's wedding anniversary (48 years). Good for me to remember. I do like Autumn's descent, almost as much as Spring's rising. I'm going back 'home' to Thailand on the 28th. I went to market today and bought pears. I make new memories as well as remember old."

Goodbye to Irina, Tootie... Met Sage who works at Pagoda. Final Fire-and-Ice milkshake at Butterfly Herbs. Some sadness at leaving. Nap. Working on puzzle. Slow, quiet day.

22 กันยายน 2566 = 22 september 2023

Soltice is a-coming in. Laud sing...

*Checkb* SS&S.
*Checkb* SCtr. Jamie, others
*Checkb* trip. Checked on hostels ... still a problem.
*Checkb* chat. Late dinner with Dan-Dan-down-the-hall at Dillon's place across from mine.

Worked on new puzzle that Dan brought.

21 กันยายน 2566 = 21 september 2023

Thursday is an orange day, a day I buy Pan a rose. *Rose* But today... very sick. I didn't go out. Could barely get out of bed.

*Checko* ytBl. Moonlight Chicken. It's making me even sadder than when I first watched it.

This is the song from the 90s they use. I sent it to Pan. Pan was sick for 3 days... I told him I wished I could've been there to hold him.

20 กันยายน 2566 = 20 september 2023

*Checkg* trip. Seats reserved at 2 a.m. 22E 33F 53G.
*Checkg* vaxx. New Covid vaccine.

*Checkg* SCtr. Sat with Merry. Meatloaf.
*Checkgr* ytBL.

Finished puzzle... all 998/1000 pieces. I needed a distraction.

19 กันยายน 2566 = 19 september 2023

*Checkp* trip. Bought plane ticket at 2 a.m.

*Checkp* ss&s.
*Checkp* chat.
*Checkp* SCtr. bought a bright orange vest. $6.
*Checkp* foto. selfie, sent to Pan.
*Checkp* bogs. Petra/Neva/Grace/NormaJean
*Checkp* mark. Sinful. $2. Found out that there were no Paradise peaches this year.

To Neva: "My sleeping cycles are disturbing. I slept (rested) for 6 hours last night. When I'm back in Thailand I may try to adjust to sleep 6 hours (00:00 - 06:00) and nap for two in the afternoon.

Side note: I worry too much."

To Grace: "Oh... to de-clutter... *Laugh* I wish...

Supper tonight was a can of ravioli; I skipped lunch. Later: "sinful" melon and cottage cheese.

My team (Buffalo) won but I've been too stressed out to care. My high-school and college almaters are both 3-0. As are the Montana Griz. A 5-0 weekend that probably won't repeat itself.

Frost already in some rural areas. Overall it's been pleasant."

To NormaJean: "I don't have any oomph and my Muse is on vacation. Doubt I'll participate [in Octoprep or NaNoWriMo] this year. Hope cheerleading goes well as it's a lot of work."

18 กันยายน 2566 = 18 september 2023

*Checky* ss&s.
*Checky* chat. German travelers, Helen and Christopher.
*Checky* SCtr. Meal was very tasty.
*Checky* foto. rose
*Checky* bogs. Joy/Mouse/Grace

To Joy: "The local locusts shy away from autumn. Yellow leaflets litter the lawns. The Equinox beckons but keeps everything in a balance, incuding us.

Thailand has seasons too; but, they are more subtle. Each flower, frog and forest responds to the sun and rain."

To Mouse: "I am very talkative. People find me 1. annoying, 2. enthusing/motivating, 3. amusing. I draw out shy people.

Trauma keeps giving me gifts I can't return to sender. But... many bruises are ghosts of what they used to be."

Merit Badge in Shadows and Light
[Click For More Info]

Hi K,

Congratulations for winning 2nd Place in  [Link To Item #shadows]  with your clever, unique poem,  [Link To Item #2123582] .

Shadows and Light


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Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1055926-27th-week-as-Summer-slides-into-Autumn-Year-180