Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1057955-Young-Loona-Answers-Wanted
Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2305385
When Loona uses a random spell from Stolas' spell book on herself, her life takes a turn.
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#1057955 added January 19, 2024 at 6:12pm
Restrictions: None
Young Loona, Answers Wanted
         After what felt like hours, Loona's eyes be to open, blurry colors moving about the room she was in. Getting her bearings, she saw she was on the couch in the office of I.M.P. still.

         Runing her hand through her hair, she began to wonder what happened. That is, till she realized how much shorter her hair was.

         "Huh? What the-?!"

         At the sound of her squeeky voice, Loona slapped a hand over her mouth, and slowly looked herself over.

         What she saw though shocked her to the core.


         Hearing a sound, her head flicked to the meeting room as the door flung open as a tall red imp came running out dressed in a black tuxedo with a button up white shirt under a pin-stripe suite.

         Running over to her, he picks her up and holds her close, earning him a cute growl from the now hellhound puppy.

         "Loonie! Are you alright? Anything hurt? Hungry? Thirsty?"

         Getting annoyed, Loona squirmed her way out of his grip, hoping to land on her feet.

         Unfortunately due to being younger and smaller form, she ended up landing herself on her butt upon the floor, earning a cute puppy like 'yip' before she got up and rubbed her fluffy butt, just under her tail, trying to ease the pain.

         "Blitzo, I'm fine. Just, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on."

         Looking around, Loona's eyes soon landed on the spellbook. And just like a slap in the face, everything came back to her memory as she rushed to the book and found the page the spell was on.

         Only to her surprise, the page was different. Instead of just finding the spell, she found the effects of what the spell does written.

         'To all who use this spell, beware. For your youth is a precious thing to toy with. By using the spell, the caster shall return to there younger years of a five year old, giving them a second chance of childhood.'

         Shocked at what she read, Loona began to shake. Not in excitement, but out of fear.

Backing away from the book, she finally took notice she had no clothes on and ran to Millies locker and put the spare clothes she had incase of emergencies.

"Why me? Why did this happen to me? Why did I FUCKING READ A SPELL THAT HAD NO FUCKING INFO ON IT?!"

Sitting in a spare chair, she began to tear up. Holding her legs close, she never noticed Blitzo sit beside her, and began to console her.

It wasn't long till they heard the door to the office open, and standing in the hall waa the owner of the spellbook himself.

Prince Stolas Goteai.
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