Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1060406-Chapter-7
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2309407
They are given a task to acquire a dragon's egg, by a merchant paying size able sum.
#1060406 added December 14, 2023 at 10:23pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 7

They went out of the tavern. Thallin had the feeling that Zan would not be pleased if we
did to do as he bid and knew of a region where the dragons may exist. It was a continent
to the south. It was separated by water that surrounds it. This continent was huge. Very
few people went there. Few people dared to go there. The area had been visited by
people from their region of the land, these people are concerned with what they will find

They would have to find a ship to take us there. People aboard ships do not
appreciate women being a board them. They did not know why the people on
these ships felt this way. But they knew that the crews of these ships felt
this way.

Creeton suggested, ”That Thallin should try to have us gain a ship.” He looked
nervously about as they sat there talking about what they were going to do.
Shallynne looked about as Creeton said, this. She saw a scantly clothed woman,
wearing a silk top, with gold and silver pieces that hung from the top, she was shapely,
her hands moved with the ease of a dancer. Her hips gyrated, and moved with the beat
of music which they heard. She looked at them, her face was painted. Her eyes did
not move from Creeton’s body,

The dancing woman dropped a shawl onto Creeton’s shoulders to have him gain
her attention. He turned to face her, her hair was red and moved as did her body,
Creeton;s eyes did not move from her form. She licked her lips in a slow delicate
fashion, her nails were colored red as blood.

Thallon slowly turned to face her, Shallynne began to touch Creeton's arm to have him look at
her instead of the dancer. Creeton’s eyes did not waver from her form. Creeton slowly
began to climb to his feet,

Shallynne whispered, “Stop him.”

Thallin reached out to grab him, his hand touched Creeton's hip, Creeton began to turn to face Thallin
and when he did this, he slapped him. he said, “What are you doing? Look at her.” Creeton turned to face her, she was gone.

Shallynne smiled.

As Creeton sat there looking at where she had been. Rubbed his eyes with his hands
as if to remove sleep from them. His eyes grew wide as if he was surprised. Creeton
said, “I saw someone there, who was looking at me, she was dancing there.”

“I don’t see anyone?” Shallynne asked.

Creeton looked at Thallin and he asked, “Didn’t you see a woman. Dancing before us.”

Thallin did remember a woman dancing there, but it felt like it had been there long ago.
Not currently, she was a red head,she was shimming, waving her hands about and her hips
were just a going. I thought I had seen her a moment ago. A
moment ago, seemed like a long time ago. Thallin said, “I saw
her too. Where did she

Creeton said, “She was beautiful. I tell you, She wanted me!” Creeton closed his
eyes a small smile appeared on his face as he slumped into his chair.

Shallynnre agreed, that I should go out and try and secure us a ship. I did not
know why Creeton had done this.

The air smelled of salt and moisture. Sea gulls circled the air. The area was filled
with people going about their business jostling, bartering, their hands and arms were
flaying about, with each other. The people were carrying supplies, and cargo as they
filled the streets with their capital gain.

There were ships at the wharves. There were huge masts on these ships, there
were flags upon the crows nest telling which ruling body was owning these ships. There
were a few buccaneers who sailed across the waters there, but they did not arrive at
these wharves. The ships had come from other places.

The crews were busy carrying things from these ships. Wagons and carts arrived
beside these vessels. There were people walking off of these ships heading for the
town’s taverns and inns.

Night was falling, Thallin saw a crew climbing aboard their ships. The ship Thallin was
interested in had four masts, plus a fore an d aft sail. There were holes in the port where
a circular object with a hole in its middle, there were twelve of these, one row on top of
the other, There was an above deck and a lower deck. There was a helm that was
exposed to the weather. At the moment the crew was climbing the rigging.

Thallin walked toward a man with a spyglass and said, “Where are you going?”

“To the coast of Marata,” the man said, “Why are you asking this?”

“I and a few of my friends want to go the southern continent. Is that where you
are heading to?” Thallin asked as I put my hands on my hips.

“It could be, are you wishing to pay to go there,” he asked as he lowered his spy glass, the other had a hook on it.

“If that would help. Yes, I would,” Thallin said.

“What are you willing to pay to do this,” the man said.

“Two hindred gold, would that be enough.”


“I will go and get my friends.”

“I will be a waiting your arrival.”

I turned and left the man as he laughed.

Thallin walked into the tavern and said,”I have a ranged for a ship to take us there,”

Creeton and Shallynne got to their feet and began to walk out the door to arrive
at the ship. They had to walk fairly quckly to keep up with him as he ran toward the wharf.
Dodging crew members as they had began to head toward the ship

The man looked at Shallynne, “No. I will not do this.”

“You said, You would take us for two hundred gold.” I snarled.

“I did not know that you would be bringing a woman aboard my ship>”

“What do I have to pay to have her board your ship?”

. The crew of the ship glared at then Thallin stood there talking to the man who
said, we could come. The crew did not look pleased with them discussing the arrival of a
woman to board the ship.

The largest crew member’s eyes narrowed, he closed his hand about a club that
lay beside where he stood. He shook his head as he tried to comtemplate the reality
that their ship would allow a woman to board the ship. He said,”You can not do this. I
tell you.”

“How much?” Thallin said, having closed his fist to glare at this man. Thallin lifted his head to
face him, charged toward him and hit him.

He took it with ease. He wrapped his hand about Thallin right hand, he was holding
it there. Thallin brought his knee into the man's mid drift. He swung his right hand into Thallin's face, and
caught it there. Thallin drove his left hand into his wind pipe fell onto his back held his throat.

Others of the crew to exception to this happening to him. They charged toward
me. Creeton closed his eyes. Shallynne drew her bow, shot the nearest man’s pant leg
turning him about. Forcing him to his knees thanks to the arrow.

Others froze as they saw this happen.

Shallynne yelled, “I will kill him.”

The two main combatants froze,
Shallynne held the arrow in her hands. Watching the man who had said, “No.”

“We need to get there to find a dragon’s egg,” Creeton said.

“You want to get a dragon’s egg? Are you insane,” the man who said this was the
same man who told Thallin to bring him two hundred gold coins.

“That is what we have been sent to do this, By Zan,.” Creeton said.

“Why doesn’t Zan do this himself,” the man fighting Shallynne said.

“I don’t know, I didn’t think to ask?” Creeton said.

“You should have,” the man with the spyglass said as he stepped away from
Creeton, he seemed afraid of Creeton and what he was proposing to do with his ship.
Taking a woman aboard his ship.
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