Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1060407-Chapter-8
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2309407
They are given a task to acquire a dragon's egg, by a merchant paying size able sum.
#1060407 added January 5, 2024 at 10:04pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8
         The ship began to weigh anchor, the captain said, “Shallynne can board as long as she
stays where she should be.” It was room beneath the top deck, it was spacious, it was where
the captian would usually rest in. There were volumes of books there.
         The room had a huge bed there. There were couches where one would sit. The room
was dark with shadow aside from the light which would appear by candle light to reveal the
room. The room was large enough to acomodate us.
         The water was calm, the crew were at ease. The masts were raised, the wind filled the
sails. The ship had began to move into the water, the sea gulls circled above their ship. Java was
at ease as he began to talk amongst his crew, the water was deep.
         In a couple of days. The ship did not move to swiftly. It was as though the ship was
moored there. The captain screamed, “Man your oars.”
         They heard the crack of a whip falling upon the backs of the sailors. We felt the oars
would crack the surface of the water. The sailors accepted the whip falling upon them.
         The crew began to move toward where the oars were set. They began to heave how.
The ship jolted a bit. When the oar emerged from the water there was a green substance on it,
it clung to it like a spider’s web.
         The crew were frightened, they saw debrie in the water. That looked as if it was a mast
of a ship. There were bodies laying on the water, the bodies were scarred from battle. Their
bodies had been cut by melee weapons, spears and arrows protruded from their bodies. There
were boards that should be a portion of a ship.
         This green substance lay just below the water line. It will imped our movement. What
have we run into. Java said, “I have never seen anything like this here. We shouldn’t be stuck
here. What was the cause of this happening?’
         Another mate on the deck of the ship suggested that the only reason for this to have
happened was due to the woman being aboard our ship. As soon as we took on this… What
ever you wish to call her. This happened? I tell you. We should have her thrown from our ship!”
         “Weren’t the coins being enough for you to take her aboard your ship. Didn’t you accept
the coins and told the crew to weigh anchor. Did you not?” Thallin asked as he looked at the
man who spoke these words, he had drawn his dagger, was at the moment cleaning his nails
with the dagger’s edge.
         “What is wrong,” Shallynne asked as she looked at the crew looking at her as
if she was the devil incarnate.
         Other crew members lifted the oars, and sent the oars crashing against the water. They
fought to lift the oars from the water. Their muscles were strained.
         “They’ve encountered something in the water, it appears another ship was attacked in
the water here. The water is thick with some green plant life it is holding the ship here as if it
was being moored here.” Creeton supplied as he looked at the water.
         “What do you think happened?” Shallynne asked as she stepped out of the room.
         A crew member glared at her, he lifted his sword from his belt to attack her, her
advanced toward her. He said, “Why have you emerged from your room. You should not have
done this!”
         Thallin leapt into the sailor’s path, released his dagger to draw his sword from his belt,
the sailor stepped backwards and fell from where he stood. Thallin dropped the point of his
sword to the sailor’s neck. The sailor froze.
         Java turned to see what had made the noise he heard, seeing Thallin with the point of
his sword dangling above the crew member’s adam’s apple, he said, “What do you think, you’re
doing? Why are you threatening him? Put away your weapon and you will live. If not we will
have to kill you?”
         Thallin lifted his sword’s point from where it rested. He looked at Java as he put his
sword away. Thallin gently reached down to take his hand to help him to his feet, and said.
“You are fortunate that I did this? Shallynne would have killed you in less than a heart beat.”
         Java reached out to grasp his sailor’s arm to have him feel comforted by his action. Java
asked, “What do you mean by doing this?”          
         “You allowed me to take her aboard the ship. Did you not?”
         “I did this. As I told you, she will have to remain in the berth of the ship. Did I not do
this,” Java said as he glared at Thallin.
         “What is wrong?” Creeton asked as he looked at Java as the sailor stepped away from
Thallin and Java.
         “We are moored here, the green plants have brought the ship to a stand still. Is what
has happened,” another sailor said as he looked at the crew members manning the oars, their
backs had welts upon them. There stood a man with a whip in his hands.
         Nightfall was slowly falling. The sky was overcast.
         Suddenly a large object appeared on the water, it rose out of the water. Sending up
huge waves across the deck. This object had suckers on its bottom, they crashed upon the deck.
Then another appeared on the other side of the deck. Crashing into the deck, the crew was
suddenly awakened.
         Another appeared about the aft side, This one drove the members of the crew
backwards as it pulled the ship downwards, the ship’s aft was driven into the water. The water
spilled and cascaded onto the deck.
         “What the hell’s going on out there,” Thallin asked as he was hurled to the floor of our
         Creeton was driven into the desk, Creeton quickly dodged out of the path of a trunk that
barreled toward where he had been, Creeton crossed his legs, closed his eyes. Found he was in
the temple of his lady. She was standing before the altar with her hands before her. Her arms
were not bent but straight out. Her eyes were open, the congratulation ion were kneeling on the
         She nodded as she saw Creeton appear in the room. Creeton advanced toward her. He
did not know what to do. He casually walked toward her. His body was shivering, he felt woozy.
He opened his mouth to speak.
         On the ship a mast snapped in half. The wood timbers burst from the weight of these
objects with tentacles upon them fell. The crew raced to grab what ever weapons they could
find on the deck to us.
         The things we had seen before that were circular with an opening in it were canons. The
cannons were fired. The thing that had the tentacles were damaged, some flesh were torn
from its body. Another object rose from the depths of the water.
         Java screamed,”Get the water cleric onto the deck.” As he saw the helm being crushed
by a tentacle, then another rose and fell across the fore deck. Another cannon was fired. There
came more tentacles from the water.

         The Lady began to talk to Creeton, “What is wrong?”
         "The ship we are on has been attacked by something with tentacles on it. The tentacles
are crushing the sides of the ship. It had torn the mast from its moorings. I need to stop it from
doing this? Can you help us,” Creeton pleaded.
         “I will see what I can do!” his Lady said as she to closed her eyes. She saw what was
happening there,
         She returned back to Creeton. And said, “I will try and help you.”
         Creeton opened his eyes, he lifted his hand. Flames erupted from his hand, he began to
move toward the tentacles. Smoke rolled off the fire. The flames sped across the surface of the
deck. The crew who had come in contact with the fire were vaporized in its midst.
The crew had began to ran away from him. There was a man who was a water cleric he
was also talking with his god. The god agreed to give him some support to kill or drive back the
tentacles from the ship.
         Another mast was broken, it toppled onto the deck. Crushing was before it like grapes in
a wine press. The mast drove the crew onto the quarter deck.
         The water cleric stepped out onto the deck. The cleric was afraid. He was trembling, his
eyes were bleeding, as was his nose and ears. he held his staff in his hands. He was an elderly
man his eyes were agape. He trembled as the deck shuddered and shook. He closed his eyes.
         The cleric’s palms were able to show a light that emerged from his palms. With each
minute that this light came from him portions of his flesh began to shed from his body. The
other tentacle being began to retreat from the ships surface.
         There was an appearance of great horror on his face. His arteries struggled and fought
to allow the blood in his vessels to flow. He lifted his right hand up, a white light appeared on it
it poured out onto the deck. The light struck the tentacle of this monster. Flames rose from the
white light that struck it.
         Another tentacle rose and sped toward the cleric. It missed him by a scant inch. Another
member of the crew leapt onto it, driving his sword into it. The water splashed and burst upon
the deck. The deck was a wash in water, and sea weed.
         A second tentacle appeared and crashed against its bow. Snapping the wood that served
as its sides as if they were but matchsticks. The timber spilled across te deck, the tentacles
crushed members of the crew.
         The crew attacked the tentacles that were there, The deck snapped and burst. The ship
was utterly destroyed. The crew hurled their bodies toward the ship. The tentacles surged and
fell into the water.
         Java looked at the deck, it was crushed and was pushed together. Stood there quaking
in his boots, his skin was white as snow. He peered at what remained of his crew with a great
deal of remorse. The remains of the tentacles were there, the suckers attached themselves to
the sides of the vessel.
         The tentacles began to slip back into the water. There were only two masts remaining,
the sails were in tatters. Ports of the aft and port side of the ship were crushed like an egg
beneath a giant’s foot. Pieces of the deck rose up from the surface of the ship. It definitely had
been able to break the timbers that supported the ship’s deck.
         Water rose up from the surface of the ship’s deck. The crew were running about in
confusion. Thallin stepped out onto the deck, his mouth was a gape. He did not see anything
that remained of the tentacles that attacked the ship. He walked toward Creeton as he stood
         The monster was gone. The deck was a mass of blood and wood that rose from beneath
the surface of the ship. The crew and they were having to watch where they stepped. Portions
of the deck vanished from view. Crew members plummeted into the murky water.
         “What the hell was that?” Creeton asked, he toppled from his feet to crash into the
deck. His brow was running with water. His skin was whiter than white. He shook as if he had
gone into convulsions. He trembled. Thallin leapt toward his friend he tried to allow the body to
stop moving about with his body shifting about.
         “I think, it was a Kraken. There have been rumors that these monsters lay in these
waters,’ Java said as he wiped his mouth.
         “A Kraken, what the hell is a Kraken?”
         “A giant octopus presides in the water here,” a fellow sailor said, as he wiped his face.
He was crying. His hands shuddered and shook, looking about the deck seeing several members
were no more.
         “Why did it attack your vessel?” Shallynne asked as she opened the door to her
         “I suspect it is because you are here,” another member of the crew said as he
tentatively began to walk across the deck to see if he could get the life rafts
into the water. They began to do this.
         “I don’t know, but I think that the kraken attacked us is due to your being here.”
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