Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1061105-Chapter-10
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2309407
They are given a task to acquire a dragon's egg, by a merchant paying size able sum.
#1061105 added April 3, 2024 at 8:59pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 10
Creeton returned he was seated beside the people on the vessel as they walked toward the other two. They looked weary as they looked about the ship. Shallynne took his hand as he looked at them both. Creeton was fearful of what he was asked to do by Zan he fidgeted about as he tried to calm down.

He realised that Thallin seemed to have more knowledge than what he had to do about this matter. Thallin seemed to think Zan was mistaken upon giving Creeton this task. He waited until recently to deluge these details to Creeton, He was now, was afraid of what they were doing.

Creeton said, "Can you please, help me? I did not know what had happened or why it happened?"

The captain looked
at Creeton and he asked, "What do you expect us to do?"

"All Creeton is asking for you to do is to take him to the continent," Thallin inquired, he closed his hand to reach for his sword's pommel he caressed it as he watched the captain standing before them. The captain looked confused upon hearing this.

"As I was saying we are sailing there to begin with, so we will take you there." the captain said rubbed his furled brow.

"These waters are treacherous. So be on guard, several ships have been lost here." another member said as he peered at them.

"Is there anything, that you can tell me about the waters here?" Thallin asked as his brow grew furled.

"There have been something odd that has happened in this region, some ships have been attacked by some thing that swims in these waters, it has gills and is three times the size of a man with a tail like a serpent having two arms and the head of what might be a human's head." the member who interjected said as he watched them sit upright.

They froze, they were frightened by what he has said. The crew looked scared by what the other member had dared to say. The captain smiled wearily at the three of them.

Shallynne paled a bit, Thallin brought his arms over his chest as if to say, that he knew this. Creeton looked worried.

"You should get some sleep," the captain suggested.


The next morning, the water was calm. then sun rose into the sky. They did not see any land presently. They did not see anything that looked like this land

The water began to swell, the waves grew intensity, the waves were frothy.It was closing in nightfall when the man in the crows nest saw something emerge from the water. He was not sure as to what he had seen there. He described it as being something that had five digits and with what appeared to be a palm of a human hand. This object rose from the water, it looked to be with scales. And was almost as large as he was.

The man cried,"You should see what has come out of the water?"

Another member looked at where the man was pointing. The person looked at the water before their eyes he saw a huge hand rise from the water, he saw an arm and a shoulder. They saw a head attached to it. It began to swim toward the ship they were upon.

The crew woke to the cries, that something was coming toward the vessel, The crew lumbered out of their sleep with great feeling of disbelief that filled their souls.

The hand that the member in the crows nest had seen had arrived on the port side of the vessel it crawled up the side of the ship. The crew members advanced toward where this hand had began to climb up the side of the ship. The hand reached out and grasped the mast beneath the crowsnest. It almost encircled the post of the mast in its entirity.

They saw the other hand as it began to rise from the side of the ship. It was as large as man's body from the abdomine and neck. The fingers were accompanied with long nails. This hand reached out to grab a crew member who had come to the side of the ship to protect the ship. He had thrown a spear at the hand of the being from the water. It caught the hand in the patch of skin between the thumb and forefinger tearing it. The hand lifted again to grab the sailor by the throat. It crushed his neck in its grasp. The sailor toppled to the ground, The hand and forearm lifted from where the sailor had been standing. The sailor fell over the side.

"We are being attacked. To arms. All men to arms." voices were crying, and they could hear the sailors who were fighting the monster that were rising into the air to touch the deck of the ship. The sailors approached the monster.

The sailors swung their weapons at it, there was another arm that swung at the sailors. It caught one of the sailor by his ribs and lower torso, it drove him toward the sailors on the otherside where the spear had been thrown by the sailor.

Shallynne walked toward the door of the chamber that they were in. Thallin lifted his sword to protect the other two of them. Creeton sat in the lotus position. His eyes were closed.

He had gone to see his Lady in the cathedral. She was talking with her acolytes in the chamber, She turned to face him as he appeared there. He walked toward the podium to speak with her, He was still afraid as he walked toward her.

His lady lifted her hands up. She calmed her breathing as she saw him arrive there. Creeton tripped over his feet he toppled to the ground.

His Lady laughed, she said,"You are here again. What is happening to the three of you?"

"We are being attacked by something from the water," Creeton said as he looked at the Lady, he shivered.

"What do you mean, attacked by something from the water there," she asked looking at him.

"Just what I have said," Creeton declared.

"I will try to protect you and your friends," the Lady said this.


The being lifted itself from where it had been, The sailors charged toward it, it began to move toward them as if it hadn't noticed their attempt at killing it. The swords bounced off of its form, and their clubs did not do anything to it. The scales caused the sword not to cut its flesh, the clubs glanced off it.

Its head was similar to a fish, the eyes were elliptical, The nose was not there, there were two slits that might have been its nostrils, the ears were also not visible. It had a torso that looked similar to that of a human. Its lower waist was that of a serpent with fins that ran up its sides.

The crew had begun to attack it wholeheartedly. Their weapons bounced off it, The beings arms were six feet long. It swung its huge arms at the sailors taking them off their feet. The nails tore through their bare flesh, The nails cut through their skin as if they were made of air.

Blood ran and poured through their flesh to run across the deck. Its hands could close about the stem of the mast, they went right around it. The nails tore through the wood that made up the mast. Chopping it in half, the sailors began to draw their attention at the being that was there. The mast began to fall from its attack. The mast toppled to the ground, it bounced across the deck to sweep the soldiers from it. The arms were visible. They could see the arteries that they could attack.

The door opened from where we were, Shallynne had begun to shoot arrows at the monster that rise from the water there. She had found its eye and she shot one of the arrows into it. The beings head was thrown back.
It brought its hand up to its eye that the arrow struck. It brought up its hand up to its eyes that accepted the arrow,

They cut into the deep black arteries were visible, a sword nicked the wall of the artery, it showered out of the wound to cover the deep in its red life giving blood to its form. The blood rose as if a geyser instead of an artery. The monster looked down at the soldier who had cut its artery where blood jettisoned out of its arm. IT released the mast where it had been clinging to. Its hand began to raech out to grab the sword yeilding man by his body. The finger tip was as big as his head. It nearly knocked him off his feet, it passed just above his shoulder. He was washed from his feet onto his chest, his sword had fallen from his hand as he tried to regain his feet.

Another sailor tried to remove the index fingers tip with an axe, he tore through its nail on that hand, the nail was almost impossible to tear through but his axe had done this. The nail on the side where the axe had caught it sprang upward from where it rested. The thickness of the nail was a foot in depth.

A tongue leapt from its mouth, the tongue was twelve feet across and was about eight feet from its maw. It wrapped about one of sailor'e necks. The head leapt off his body. It still held onto its head, The arrow snapped off.

The being turned to face the archer, it threw another body at her, Shallynne dove to the ground to avoid being hit by the body of the sailor, Thallin charged toward the monster with his sword drawn, he saw what the sailors swords had done to it, He aimed beneath the scales of the monster, it cleaved through the scale's underside, blood blossomed and spilled across the edge of the sword's blade.

The monster swung its arm at him. Thallin leapt aside, its nails barely missed him. It tore through his jacket. Thallin crashed into the beam for the door, it knocked the air from his lungs, He was gasping to breath.

Creeton rose from where he was seated, he had in his hands a trident, the barbs of it glowed with a red flame. Water touched down on it, steam rose from the spears bards. Creeton advanced toward the creature he pointed the points at it. It opened its maw to show fangs for teeth, with its one eye that was still intact looking at him.

It drove its hand toward Creeton. It lashed out at him, its hand caught the door frame with its nails. Tearing through it as if it was but paper.

Creeton's trident hit in the arm, smoke curled and rose from the monster's arm. The trident tore into its flesh, it opened its maw to scream. Its tongue hit Creeton on his arm that was extending the trident toward it. Creeton screamed as the tongue touched down. Blood rose to the surface like oil upon water. The tongue had smoke rising from its surface, the smoke was black.

Creeton's arm felt alight, the tongue slowly lifted from his arm. No blood rose from the wound now. His skin had an inch divot in it. His forearm was damaged, the trident nearly fell from his grasp. His opposing hand held the trident. Creeton put his body;s weight behind the tridents barbs. The trident sank into its right side.

Shallynne release her bow as she arrived on the deck, she rolled over to draw her sword, she swung it with all her might, trying to do as Thallin had done in his attack on it. Her sword didn't penetrate its skin. It skimmed over its surface.

The monster grabbed the door frame as it hurled itself into the room, where the three of them had been. Thallin dove to the right, Creeton to its left. Shallynne began to roll away from the monster, she grabbed the bow and quiver crawled across the deck to get back with in range of her lethal arrows. She knelt on her knees to shoot the arrow at it. She was aiming for the innards of it beneath where the ribs were. The arrow sped off to hit it. The monster tried to turn around to face her.

Creeton began to lift the trident again to strike it where he had hit it on the other side of its body. The trident sank beneath its elbow, to cleave it from its body. The monster whirled about, its tail lashed the room crushing whatever it had in contact with. Thallin swung his sword at it again, this time the sword missed its mark. The sword glanced off it.

The other sailors charged at its back. In the onslaught it could not protect itself from every attack upon it.
The three of them and the sailors had slain it. There was a great deal of a stench from its meat and the damage they had done to it.

The crew was vomiting quite a bit.

"What was this monster that attacked us?" Creeton asked as he lowered the trident it vanished from veiw
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