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Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2311429
Three tribes vie for supremacy after a nuclear war.
#1061897 added January 4, 2024 at 6:52pm
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Road to Recovery
Carlos was dreaming again, always the inescapable, crushing walls, threatening to overwhelm him, the darkness, the damp, the misery. His existence measured by no other sensations, except the claustrophobic terror of the hole. He was being buried alive, crushed under the cold of the earth. His fingers tearing at the hard unforgiving stone of his prison as he fought to stay alive. An agonized scream escaped him then, he could take no more of the pressing darkness. Jarring him finally to full consciousness for the first time in many days.

He groaned as he opened his eyes, he could make out the rock above him not much higher than head height, and the solid walls all round. Shaking with exhaustion he slumped back on to the bed, beads of sweat running into and stinging his already sore eyes. He swallowed, his throat felt raw, his tongue felt dry in his mouth. Registering suddenly the sensation of his injured hands, and numb fingers, the nails bleeding and torn.

Carlos lay quietly for a while, his mind trying to make sense of the environment around him. Trying to recall anything at all that could enlighten him on his present situation. Still he could not think, in his ears sounded the steady drip, drip of water somewhere in a subterranean pool close by. Snippets of memories came to him, none making any sense, then one above all others he recalled. Warren, yes Warren, remembering vaguely now that it was the seemingly cowardly man who had helped him in his plight. He must have brought me here Carlos reassured himself, the notion bringing relaxation to his tense body at last, soothing him to peaceful sleep.

He awoke much later to the friendly glow of a small fire, and the aroma of roasting meat, though his weak stomach did not appreciate the usually inviting smell. He made a feeble attempt to rise and much to his chagrin, found he did not possess the strength to do so, nausea rising, and his vision swimming with the effort, he had to give the attempt away.

A short time later he heard the light footfalls, knowing even before she appeared it was a woman who approached the opening in the chamber. In a few moments there was Selene, looking as she always did and uttering not a word. Carlos tried to sit up, this too beyond his fatigued body, Selene going to his side, her gentle hands pushing him down indicating he should rest. He did not resist, and watched her go about her work from the comfort of his bed. Drifting in and out of sleep, relishing being warm and comfortable for the first time in many weeks. Relieved that the nightmare was finally over.

Thus began his many long days of recovery sequestered in Selene's caves. At first it was difficult to eat and drink, his malnourished body often rejecting even the smallest portions of food and water, yet doggedly he persisted, fighting to regain his strength. Selene daily applying her stinging, unknown salves to his many sores. First Carlos was unhappy and mistrustful of this. Though he noted that they did seem to encourage his healing with frightening efficiency, despite the stinging pain they elicited every time they were applied. His physical progress he found frustratingly slow, Carlos was unused to such feelings of weakness, battling a deficient body that would not respond to his command. Often his new state of helplessness bringing out the darkness in him, inciting him to savage temper. Selene watched on from the sidelines, maintaining her non critical silence, keeping out of his way, as he vented his frustration.

It was many days before he could even manage something as simple as a short walk, his wasted muscles almost at once screaming at him to stop. He did not get far before he buckled to the ground, his entire body shaking with both exertion and fury at his incompetence to complete such a simple task. He swore, ranted and screamed his anger and frustration at the caves stone walls, until finally he had exhausted his black temper, and himself. Selene helping him back to the comfort of his bed.

He lay there closely examining the hides whilst Selene prepared some food, the young man had never imagined this untamed girl would have been so skilled in the art of tanning and curing this bedding. They had to be the finest, softest, examples of comfort he had ever seen anywhere, admitting this petite woman child was certainly full of surprises.

As usual Carlos was ever hopeful that Selene would finally speak to him. He was sure she could hear all he said, certainly in his estimation she was far more than just a simple, mute girl. At times she would even respond with a smile to various things he said, and he found as the days passed he was feeling a strange attraction toward her he had never experienced before.

He admired the way she could indeed look after herself. Selene never failed to procure plentiful, nutritious food, which was a good thing as Carlos soon regained his appetite with gusto, consuming all he was proffered. His body mending by the day, at last regaining most of his former strength. With that too came dissatisfaction, as he felt stronger so did his desire to forever escape this wretched valley. He began to plead with Selene that she steal for him all that was necessary from the camp to equip him for his escape.

One evening as the little fire burned down to coals barely illuminating the cavern, Carlos' keen ears heard Selene's returning footsteps. Eagerly hoping that she had brought what he had asked for. As she entered the door he felt great satisfaction, she did indeed have a bundle clasped in her slim white hands. She crossed the floor, silently with all the grace of a cat, her dark eyes on him, the beginnings of a seductive smile forming on her face, and deposited the bundle squarely into his lap. He looked down, trousers and a shirt, a good start at least. Until this moment he had possessed no clothing at all, resorting to covering his nakedness with hides.

He smiled up at her. "Good work Selene, but I'll need more than just this?" She eyed him impassively, her sparkling pools of inky black quite unreadable to him. He just smiled up at her and went on. "I must have boots Selene, understand?" As he pointed to his bare feet. "And a knife." At once reaching to touch the bone knife at her waist.

Too late he realized his error, as Selene darted swiftly away to the other side of the fire her eyes glittering with apprehension. Carlos immediately sorry for his action, he had overstepped the boundary of their trust. "I'm sorry Selene.” He apologized, “I didn't mean to scare you." Carlos mumbled at once feeling foolish. Instead turning his attention to the new clothes. The shirt fit well, and it was warm, made of brown hand spun wool, the trousers were khaki army issue, and a bit too large for his slim waisted frame, making it necessary to resort to tying a strip of hide around his waist for a belt. Ill fitting or not it felt good to wear clothes again. Carlos was very grateful to his silent ally, perhaps tomorrow she could steal for him again. Yes, he smiled, I will soon be ready.

They ate in silence, the food tasted good, roast rabbit accompanied by some strange looking vegetables. Obviously something Selene had harvested from the desert. Was there no end to the resourcefulness of this wild girl Carlos pondered? In no time at all the food was gone with both parties staring into the depths of the dying fire.

Suddenly Selene was up and coming toward him, never taking her eyes from the dragon ring nestled at his throat on its gold length of chain. It took him some seconds to register that she had already taken it in her hand. "Don't it....." The words died in his mouth. Selene already had the precious keepsake detached from its chain balled in her fist. Carlos stared open mouthed, waiting for her to cry with pain and drop the jewel smoldering to the earthen floor.

Selene just smiled her unnerving smile, quite unaffected by the object. Fear rose then and Carlos began to panic. Perhaps she would take it from him? He must get it back. Warily he advanced on her, realizing much to his horror that Selene was swift enough to evade him completely. Making the chances of him retrieving his father's keepsake frighteningly slim, unless she freely willed the exchange. Selene could be gone from here in moments he panicked, he would never be able to follow her, not here on her home ground.

Suddenly as he feared she darted past him with amazing speed, bolting from the chamber and down a darkened passageway. Carlos in hot pursuit behind her. Feeling even more uncertain, as it dawned he was still not as restored as he had believed, running proving an unwelcome exertion.

Panting and sweating profusely he finally tracked her down. Having no idea of where he was only that Selene lay ahead somewhere around the next bend. As he rounded the corner there she sat, calmly as if she had made no effort at all. Carlos in contrast barely able to contain his ragged breathing, sweat glistening on his skin. "Selene." He cautioned. "Give it to me, now! It's mine." He ordered, feeling not at all in control.

In the face of his angry scowl she merely sat and let him approach, the same mysterious smile never leaving her face. Slowly he crossed the great chamber, it took some time to realize through his panic that he was surrounded by hot springs. The clear warm water issuing up from the subterranean depths far below, giving off steam, and heating the atmosphere, making him at once all too warm.

Selene let him advance, her back to a large clear pool lit with the strangest greenish glow. Carlos paused taking a sudden inward breath at the sight, he had seen its like somewhere before. Then he recounted his dream, the sword, yes, it sat in a pond not unlike this one, and suddenly he felt very strange indeed.

"Give it to me." He reiterated. The confidence lost from his voice as he recalled further his mysterious nightmare of many weeks before. Still Selene sat, her demeanor unchanged, he was within inches of her. He held her gaze, black meeting black as their eyes sought the other. Carlos kneeling down to be level with her face, endeavoring to appear less threatening. She took his left hand in hers, her eyes never leaving his face, and slowly she slid the ring on to his middle finger. The ruby eyes seeming to possess a life of their own, the entwined beasts rearranging their scaly bodies, nestling down on to his skin. Afraid he tore his gaze away, back to her ivory face, had he really seen those dragons move? He knew the answer, he had seen them move before.

He knelt before her mesmerized, looking down as she traced her long nailed fingers over his muscled, heaving chest, down toward his hard stomach, loosening his primitive belt, his trousers falling at once to the floor. It had been a long time, but the male animal in him woke then eager to prove his prowess with this girl. Selene must have sensed the change in his mood, abruptly darting away. Carlos checked himself, suddenly guilt ridden she was after all still barely more than a child, wondering how old she really was, trying madly to fight his primitive urges down.

Selene disrobed, which did not help his cause and waded into the pool, beckoning him to follow. He did not hesitate, luxuriating in the warm water, trying to recall how long it had been since he had felt this kind of comfort. Not since his mother's Jacuzzi bath had he had the luxury of such a thorough wash, shaking his shaggy head in amazement at the resourcefulness of the ivory skinned girl, who watched him just a few feet away. He spent a lengthy time relaxing his tense and aching muscles, letting the warm water work its magic, finally able to wash his hair for the first time in many years. It felt so good to be really clean after all this time. Selene did likewise without a sound, observing him carefully all the while. As a hunted thing.

Their ablutions over they returned to their almost dying fire, Selene adding more fuel so there would still be viable coals come morning. Carlos retiring to the warm, comfortable rabbit skin bed, Selene as usual burrowing in beside him.

This night was different, the predator in him had awakened. He was very conscious of Selene's slight inviting curves as the girl nestled against him, his body responding of its own volition. Her smooth skin against his own, caressing, tempting him to act on his impulses. He spent many minutes feigning sleep, all the while the two sides of his conscience arguing, one for restraint, the other crying out to be sated. The predator without a conscience finally victorious. What the hell he told himself, it was clear to him she wanted it earlier tonight. She may have helped me, but she is only a feral girl, no, it does not matter. His decision made he pinned Selene beneath him in the furs, she did not struggle unduly, and that was all the affirmation that he needed at this moment.

Delighting in being in control again, reveling in what it was to be male. His desire was all powerful and overwhelming, he could feel nothing else in his quest to dominate and conquer. The girl beneath him struggled, scratched, and bit, quite unable to escape. This he did not feel as he strove blindly to finish what it was, he had started.

The moment was over too soon, Selene finally accepting his domination, all without a sound, Carlos eventually letting her go. She leapt up from the bed, gathering her clothes and dagger and disappeared into the dark tunnel beyond. Carlos haunted by her eyes, judging him, seeing his darkness inside, finding him unworthy, just as evil as the rest.

At once flooded the crushing remorse stinging him like a hard slap to the face. What have I done? He lamented, Selene was my only friend. He held his head in his hands, tearing at his hair. Realizing that quite possibly she possessed more feelings than he had in his arrogance given her credit for. How could he have been so insensitive and stupid, ruled by his lusts yet again? "Oh Selene, what have I done. I am so very sorry." He pleaded to the unsympathetic stone walls around him. They only echoed his penitent words right back in his face.
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