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entering Wonderland again |
A new planet has just been discovered...by you! Describe this planet, its inhabitants, and what life would be like over there. Be careful now, as Dinah the Cat must approve. (<1000 words) Just beyond the left edge of the mirror, which can only be seen if I squint really hard while leaning on the wall and can only be entered when the moon is new, I found a new world. I could tell it was new because it smelled fresh and there was no dust. I took my pad and pen and went inside to see what I could. It's a monarchy, of course. A really tiny monarchy that is centered around a castle. Most of the people in the world are related to each other. The king smiled and said, “Think of us like a small island in the world. As you interact with us, and find more stories to tell, we will grow. Soon the island won't be big enough, and more people will be added. That's how worlds grow.” I thought about it and had to agree. I remember the world of my childhood was so small. It was just me and my family. But as a grew up, it expanded. First into school, which was a place where I visited every day but my living world was inside the house with my mother and father and sisters. And then I grew a bit more, and almost before I could understand what was happening and without noticing, the center of my world expanded and shifted so that home was something that was the escape instead of the center. I'm not sure how functional this world is, yet of course. It doesn't seem to fit the logic that I assumed for it as I started my exploration. Everyone in the new world has a dragon. Apparently, they're the ones who know most of what's going on, but my dragon refuses to talk to me, which I think is really judgmental and rude of him. I keep blundering into weirdnesses and my dragon just laughs at me with this really smug expression. I think he thinks I'm an idiot. Maybe I am. But I'm stuck with the idiocy that is me, and if he doesn't like it, he can just languish in this new world, trying to get anything done without me. See, here's a new world. There's a castle. The sky is blue, the people are happy, the dragons are frustrating, and a story is just waiting at the edge, wanting voice. And here I am, pen in hand, calling for characters to step into this world and bring it to life. word count: 412 LinkTextHere ▼ |