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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
#1064982 added February 27, 2024 at 9:33am
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A small explosion leads to seeing double?!
As Twilight led them down the stairs and out into a side alley between two building, Spike began to look just what his bussiness looked like from the outside. To say he was amazed was a very high understatement.

For no words came to mind of how stunned he was upon seeing his place of bussiness.

To him, it looked to be a brand new, two story brick building with a balcony to add to shelter for the entryway for the front door. With green tiled roofing with solar pannels to gather electricity and power the building with the wires running through, to his guess, rust resistant pipes, ornated to seem as if the pipes themselves were a dragon crawling along the building itself, running along the building in a intricate manner to make it seem to look like a dragon was crawling over it.

On the lower level, he could see many posters with shadows of belly dancers, but to him, it looked as if they had ears and tails? It kind of made him wonder what he got himself into.

Along the front he saw that the windows were heavily layered, and littered with posters with offers for lessons to belly dance, a area for kids to listen to tails of the Arabian Knights, and a chance to have photo taken with a worker of the cafe if they win a game of the maids choosing. Looking just under the balcony, he noticed a retractable metal shutter that is used to keep the window's safe at closing time. But looking at the heavy oak wood door, he could easily tell it was highly ornate from the gold bolts and hinges holding it in place, drawing the attention to it and the mysteries it held within.

Looking up, he saw a sign that looked like a cave going into a side of a mountain, surrounding it was what looked like gems embeded into it. Taking a look at the name, he managed to read the name of the bussiness he wished for himself. All written in light green lettering.

"🐉~The Dragon's Harem Maid Cafe~🐉"

Looking at the building as a whole, Spike was beyond amazed of the design. He began to feel proud of the work Twilight put into the building itself.

Unbeknowest to him, Twilight felt Spike's emotions to her and began to giggle a bit. Feeling how proud he was of her made her feel really good inside.

It was then the door opened from the inside, causing Spike to do a double take between the one at the door, and Twilight herself. It confused him a bit cause he thought he was seeing double.

The one at the door looked exactly like Twilight, ever her figure was the same., The only differences were that her long hair was tied in a bun and held together by a pen and pencil, wearing dark purple framed reading glasses, and the gem in her belly button was shaped and colored the same, only it looked like it was fused with a micro chip from the gold inlay of lines decorating it.

Seeing Spikes, the genie Twilight began to fidget a bit as the other looked at her with a look of disdain before looking to Spike with a bright smile on her face. Stepping outside, she gently closed the door behind her before performing a short bow.

"Hello master, I am Twilight Science. But everyone just calls me Sci-Twi. I'm guessing sparkle-butt hasn't told you of what happened last night to your phone yet, has she?"

Looking to Twilight Sparkle, he noticed how she tried to make herself look innocent. Chuckling nervously, she only nodded no, causing Spike to wonder what happened between her and his phone, and looked to her sternly.

"Okay Twilight, I'm afraid to ask you this, but what happened to my phone? And why is a look alike of you in here?"

Sweating bullets, Twilight began to nervously play with her hair. A tendacy she gained over the course of several thousand years of masters.

"Uh... umm... Well, you see master... It happened just after I conjured this building up for us, and tucked you in upstairs for the night..."
~The Night Before~

After Spike made his wish, a building magically appeared on the cities main street. Inside on the second floor, we see Twilight Sparkle appearing with her knocked out master, Spike.

As she helped him into bed, she noticed a strange object fall from his pants pocket. After tucking him in, she picked it up and left the room to sit in the dining room at the table, just staring at the strange object before her, letting her mind wonder at what it could be.

"What is this thing? Is it some kind of tracking device? Maybe a way to communicate? Ooh, maybe it can trap souls inside it like a picture!"

Poking it a few times, she suddenly heard a beep come from it, causing her to panic. Quickly releasing a little magic, she struck the object, causing it to both surge and spark as the screen began to go on the fritz, frightening her more.

"GAH! Oh this can't be good! I got to-"

Unfortunately, that was all she could say before suddenly it exploded, filling the room with dust and smoke.

But as Twilight looked around, she saw something within the smoke walking to her.

Or more specifically, she saw herself walking to her with a smile and sultry sway to her hips.

But unknown to her, within Spikes room, the ring upon Spikes finger began to glow as a second symbol appeared within it.
~Present Time~

"After that I saw Sci-Twi here and she called me her sister. Then we noticed a glow from your room. When we went to investigate, we saw your ring hand not just my cutie mark, but hers as well."

Looking to the ring, he did indeed see two symbols within it.

One was Twilights, while the other looked just like it, only looked like a micro chip was shaped into a six pointed start and painted violet.

"How did this happen? What's a cutie mark? You blew up my phone?!"

Coughing a bit, Sci-Twi gain his and Twilights attentions. Holding a hand out, she held what looked like a locket with her symbol emblazed upon it. As she pressed the switch to open it, a holographic screen appeared, surprising both Spike and Twilight of how easy she made it look.

"Well master, to answer your questions in order, according to my calculations, when my sister hit your phone with magic when she thought it was going to attack her, she inadvertingly super charged it due to the phone somehow absorbing her magic into the baterry. When it blew up, the magic infused technology took a bit of her DNA, and created me. As for the cutie marks, think of it as a way to tell us apart, and what we are best at. Like for me and Twilight here. While she's an expert with all things in spells and magic, I'm more prefered to science and technology. And yes, she did blow up your phone. You might wanna go buy a new one. I'll even give it a few upgrades to resist magic so it won't explode again."

Rubbing his head from taking in all that info, Spike could swear his life just got more confusing. First he makes a wish in the alley and meets Twilighy, then wishes for his own bussiness. Then said girl ends up making a duplicate of herself that's scientifically smart.

'I thought I wished for things to start going my way? Not against me!'

Opening the door again, catching Spikes attention, Sci-Twi held it open, inviting him in.

"Now don't worry master, after all that, we worked together to poof up a few employee's to work for you. Why not come in and meet them? Oh, and Twilight, I'm gonna need your help later with something, okay?"

Giggling, Twilight only nodded as she stepped forward and stood opposite of her 'sister,' waiting for Spike. Seeing no other choice, he walked into the building, with both girls right behind him, essentially closing the door behind them.

Across the street, upon a rooftop, we once again see the mysterious figure. Standing there as he watched and heard the whole thing smirking at the prospect of a idea that formed in his head.

"So, he not only has one genie, but two within the same ring. I'm going to enjoy taking them from him."
~Author's Note~
Welp, there ya go! A little surpise from a little accident Twilight had the night before bears fruit!
Bet ya'll didn't see that coming either, now did ya?
If you wish to know what happens next, and who was chosen as maids, then stay tuned...

History Corner
~Belly Dancing~

Belly dancing is an Arabic expressive dance that originated in Egypt, which features movements of the hips and torso.
Over the many years, many styles and forms have been created for many regions, along with many types of clothing designs to match the form of belly dance one practices. Mostly used for seduction.
Schools across the globe practices the form of dancing.
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