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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
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#1064997 added February 27, 2024 at 11:58am
Restrictions: None
Harem War: Spike Drakeson VS. Granny Smith Apple (Part 2)
~Last Time~

"What the hay?! Why did two genies come from your beam?! Discord! Is this aloud?"

Going into the rulebook, Discord looked through the chapters before going to Spike's space and indeed seen two seperate souls inhabit the same ring. To his surprise, he found nothing in the rule book on it.

"I find no rule against it, and I sense two genie souls inhabiting the same ring. Given the evidence, I'll allow the two genies to participate in the challenge.

Grumbling, Granny looked down to her beam as it too formed a person's shape. As the light died down, Spike's eyes almost bulged out from the beauty that stood at the ready was Granny Smith's choice.

There standing with a well tanned feminine muscular build at a height of six foot seven, Spike can see that the mystery girl was no slouch. Wearing light brown sweatpants with matching tube top containing her generous D-cup breasts, only to be partially covered in a short sleeved flannel shirt tied just under her bussom, allowing her well toned abs to be on display for all to see. He also took notice thst she was wearing brown cowgirl boots, brown leather work gloves, and a large brown stetson hat. For a belly ring, she had a emerald with a picture of three red apples inside.

"Holy crap! Amazon's do exist!"
~Present Time~

All was quiet from Spike's words. The sister genies were looking to there opponent with pure fear. Spike's cheering section were all staring at the figure with looks of fear upon each of there faces. Spike himself was looking to her now with a hand over his mouth. Both Granny Smith and Discord were laughing there asses off from his proclomation.

As for the so called amazon herself, she was blushing so hard from what he said she thought she made apples everywhere green with envy. Lowering the front of her hat, she gathered herself and looked to him with a honest smile as memories flowed into her mind.

"Well ah'll be, Spike! That you partner? Ah ain't seen ya in what felt like ages!"

Hearing her, Spike's face soon turns to confussion. He did feel like he knows her from somewhere, yet he also thinks this was the first time he ever met her. Scratching his chin, he tried to think of a answer, only to come up with nothing.

"Uh, sorry miss, but do I know you? You do seem familiar, yet I just can't place where I seen you before."

Chuckling, the mysterious girl snapped her fingers. Watching her, everyone soon saw her become covered in dense light brown smoke. After a few moments, the smoke soon disappeared to reveal a fully grown, tan furred horse with blonde hair on her neck and tail with the stetson hat on the head with the ears poking through slits in the sides of the hat. Looking closely, everyone could see a patch of red on her right thigh in the shape of a apple.

"How about now? Do ya recognize me now Spike?"

Taking a look at the genie turned horse at the maze entrance, memories soon began to fill his mind from his childhood.
~Ten years Ago~

~Ten Years Ago~
~Sweet Apple Acres~

The memory opens up to a 15 year old Spike wearing jeans and purple and green flannel shirt and boots walking a tan furred female horse with a blonde mane and tail to a stall. Upon reaching her assigned stall, Spike smiles at the ornate carving he made for her as he was in charge of her health.

Opening the door, he calmly patted her side before running a hand behind her ear, earning him a happy neigh from her.

"Alright girl, in you go. I'll be back tomorrow to check on ya."

As the horse began to walk in, she spotted his hat on the hook and snatched it before playfully running into the stall, begging him to try and catch her.

Too tired from working the fields, Spike decided to do something. Walking in, he took a apple from a sack hanging on the wall.

Holding the apple out to her, he watched as she released the hat and bit into the apple. Acting quickly, Spike grabbed the stetson and walked out of the stall.

Seeing Spike out, the mare walked up to him and snorted at the trick he pulled to get his hat back from her. Only to be surprised as he placed the hat over her head, making sure her ears fit perfectly through holes he placed in the hat earlier that day

"There ya go girl. It's yours now, so keep it safe."
~Present Time~

It was that moment the memory ended as the name of who he was currently talking to came to him like a slap to the face.

"Wait, Applejack? Is that really you?! Wait, your a genie?!"

In another poof of smoke, the now named Applejack returned to her genie form, tipping her hat to him in a friendly manner.

"Eeyup! It's me Spike. Been a few good years since we last saw one another. Ah never thought you'd be a master of genies though."

Looking to her opponent, she blinked a bit to make sure she wasn't seeing things. She noticed she was looking at two ginies instead of just one. Looking to Granny, she gave a look of confussion.

"Granny, why are there two genies instead of just one? Did you make a bet that you could win a two on one match again?"

Chuckling nervously, Granny Smith waved off the memory.

"No, actually it just so happens that Spike has a unussual ring that has two genies instead of the ussual one. Tell the truth, ah wasn't expecting it either myself really."

Looking to the two genies, AJ could tell that the two had a bit of a sisterly bond. Seeing this, it flooded her mind with memories of her siblings. Shaking her head, she walked up to the two genies, causing them to slightly flinch to attention.

"Howdy, the names Applejack. Just wanna say thanks for helping him out. Ah really appreciate it. But don't think ah'll be going easy on ya'll for it."

As both gulped, the two sisters stood straight to the amazoness, and looked her in the eyes. Gulping, Twilight spoke with nervousness laced in her voice.

"H-Hello, I a-am Twilight Sparkle, and this is my sister, Twilight Science. Sci-Twi for short."

Taking a steady breathe, and correcting her glasses over her nose, Sci-Twi stepped up.

"We intend to win this, so watch out. Because your past with Spike is just that, the past."

It was then Applejack got a bit angry at what they said, only to calm herself as Discord appeared between them holding a flag.

"All right ladies, simmer down! Save it for the maze. You'll need all your energy to make it through it after all."

Huffing, Applejack crossed her arms under her chest, raising her breast up slightly.

"Fine. Ah'll just let this little race settle things then. Good luck you two. You'll need it."

Taking step backwards, the twin sisters were surprised as a wall shot in between them and Applejack, seperating them as it connected to the opening of the maze, giving them seperate entry points leading inside before seeing a beam of light shoot out from Applejack's side, leading up to Granny Smith before turning to three floating gems.

Just then the sisters felt a powerful surge before two seperate lights shot towards Spike before turning to six floating gems. Confused, Spike looked between Discord and Granny Smith silently asking what they were.

Leting a cough out behind Spike, spooking him, Discord was standing there with the rule book, a pair of reading glasses, and oddly enough drinking a glass of chocolate milk.

"Those Spike are known as wish gems. You get three per genie, and seeing as you have two genies, you have six wishes. But, you can only use three for each genie. So, no wishing to kill the opponent genie, no wishing for more wishes, and lastly, no wishing to be at the end of the maze. Other than that, use them wisely, and let your creativity go wild. But be warned, once they're used all up, your out of wishes for the rest of the challenge."

Snapping his fingers, Discord disappeared and re-appeared on the wall dividing Applejack, Twilight, and Sci-twi. Taking a green flag completely out of nowhere, he raised it up, getting everyones attention.

"Alrighty then! I hearby call this challenge to order. In the match of Spike VS. Granny Smith, I hearby agree to be referee of this match!"

Seemingly out of nowhere, cheering is heard throught the area, applauding for the match to soon begin.

"Now without further a do... Racers, on your mark..."

Hearing this, the three genies took a stance, readying themselves for what they may face within the maze.

"Get set..."

Looking down, Granny Smith was smirking, already knowing what wishes might help to give Applejack a edge in the race.

Taking a calming breathe, Spike finnished taking in all he heard. Realizing just how real this was, he decided to not take any chances, and go all out if need be to win.

As we turn back to Discord, we see him drinking a glass of chocolate milk, again. Finnishing the glass, he tossed it into a fire, causing a mini-explosion.

"Mmm, that hit the spot. Now, where was I? Oh yeah! On your mark, get set! Ready? Go!"

Dropping the flag down, the three genies charged into the maze, and the race was on.

Within a private room of the collesseum, we see Daybreaker, still dressed in her bussinesd suite, watching the match on a magic crystal while laying on a couch eating a slice of cake. Smirking, she kept her eyes closely upon the rookie master.

"Hm, so that is Spike Drakeson. I'll admit, he does look cute. Question is, can he survive the match long enough to win? Wonder how he got a hold of a ring with twin genie's inside? Not to mention, all those rookies."

Sipping a glass of milk, she kept her eyes glued to the the crystal.

"Aw well. Maybe after he loses, I'll go find him for a bit of private fun together. Maybe even try to find him a new genie to join my cause."

Giggling, she didn't stop till the top button of her suite pop off and shoot to the crystal and crack it. Looking to the button then to herself, she huffed as the words of Nightmare Moon invaded her thoughts.

"Damn it! I knew I shouldn't of eaten the wedding cake last night. Note to self, enlarge wardrobe to fit, again. Maybe hit the dreaded gym to get back into shape."

Glaring to the crystal, she relaxed as she contemplated on finnishing the strawberry cheese cake she was already eating.
~Author's Note~

How you like those apples?
(LOL! Hey, see what I did there?)
And the race is on!
Who will be first to finnish the maze?
What wishes will be made?
Does Spike stand a chance?
Or wil he come up short against Granny Smith?

Only one way to find out, stay tuned...
"May your creativity continue to run wild for all to enjoy!!"
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