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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1066065-Apr-3-2024-Spiritual-Newsletter-Deadline-Mon-Apr-1-2024
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#1066065 added April 3, 2024 at 1:39pm
Restrictions: None
Apr 3, 2024 Spiritual Newsletter Deadline Mon Apr 1, 2024

Editor's Picks

1. Once a Man
2. Blessings of God's Promises
3. Satori
4. Bottle
5. Prayers in Seven Directions
6. Grasping Inner Truth
7. This I Believe ...
8. Light of Christ
9. Praying Rights

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Writing and Reading Spiritual Poetry

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Do you write or read spiritual, devotional, inspirational, or religious poetry?


What theme do you use when writing spiritual poetry?

About This Newsletter

Welcome to National Poetry Writing Month

Get a pen and paper, or turn on your computer, open a document, and begin writing a poem. Have you ever written a spiritual, religious, inspirational, mystic, or philosophical poem? I've written several spiritual, mystic, religious, and inspirational poems. It's possible I also wrote a philosophical poem, but I can' t seem to find it.

Letter From the Editor

Do you write or read spiritual, devotional, inspirational, or religious poetry? If you read any of these genres of poetry, you have probably attempted to write a similar poem. Reading any of these genres is inspiring, so, of course, you set down and attempt to write a poem in a similar genre.

Another place to find inspiration is in the sacred books of your spiritual path. Every sacred book--whether it is the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavadgita, or the scriptures revealed by Baha'u'llah--has verses that inspire poetry. All you have to do is pray, read scripture verses, and meditate on them. Be sure to keep a pen and paper nearby to write down any ideas or poetry lines that come to mind.

What theme do you use when writing spiritual poetry? Do you write about places of worship? Do you write about the saints and martyrs of your faith? Do you use quotes from saints, martyrs, and central figures of your spiritual path to inspire your poetry? Do you write about the shrines dedicated to the heroes of your faith? Any of these make a good subject for a spiritual poem.

He walked at midnight
Inhaling perfumes of rose
As nightingales sang

A sleepless lover
Watched as He paced the garden
As faith’s roses bloomed

He recited odes
Chanted gratitude’s prayers
Creation reborn

His voice echoing
Down history’s corridors
New heaven and Earth

The Glory of God
A light shining in darkness
The divine poet

I wrote the above poem after I read a description of Baha'u'llah walking in the Garden of Ridvan (pronounced Rizvan) in 1863. Since the Festival of Ridvan is coming up this month, I will write some more poems on this theme.

If you have any spiritual, religious, or devotional poems, please submit them to this newsletter. The deadline for my next spiritual newsletter is April 26. The content rating should be 18+ or less.

Editors Picks

 Once a Man  (E)
The life of Jesus Christ.
#376862 by Jill

Whispers of God's Promises  (E)
Whispers of God's Promises is a book of Biblical and Spiritual Affirmations with Prayers
#2316215 by Sharmelloween's Expressions

 Satori  (E)
about the conflict between my christian upbringing and eastern beliefs
#954814 by nightflower

 Bottle  (E)
Just an experimental poem
#2227640 by Chris Breva

 Prayers In Seven Directions  (E)
Native American prayers in seven colors and directions
#1155037 by turtlemoon-dohi

~*~Grasping Inner Truth~*~  (E)
A view into the depth of inner thought within one's eyes, heart and soul Form: Anaphora
#1469764 by Robin:TheRhymeMaven

This I Believe  (13+)
Asked to write a statement of what I believe - this is the result.
#2049218 by Sophyween

 Light of Christ  (E)
Inspired by Doctrine and Covenants 88:6-13
#2291452 by Private

Praying Rights…  (E)
Who owns God?
#1464961 by Robin:TheRhymeMaven

PrincessThai writes: I began intermittent fasting little over a year ago. I have lost over 401lbs. My confidence has soared. More importantly, I have more energy for all my creative endeavors. I chose intermittent fasting because I needed to change unhealthy eating habits. And to get closer to understanding my spiritual being.

tj ~ mysteriously reappears writes: I do a bit of fasting for health and diet purposes. I try to do a twenty-four hour fast once a week.

Dr. Jeffyll, or Mr. Hyde? writes: As part of my church's regular spiritual rhythms, we practice fasting from Wednesday night after dinner until dinner the following day (Thursday). Once a month, we have a worship night on Thursdays where we break our fast together after an hour of prayer and worship. It's been a really powerful rhythm in the life of our church, and there's nothing quite like prayer and worship coming from a place of hunger and need!

G. B. Williams writes: Thank you for sharing the work of such wonderful authors who write about spiritual things and share them with the rest of us!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1066065-Apr-3-2024-Spiritual-Newsletter-Deadline-Mon-Apr-1-2024