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What does the fox say? This fox plans to be verbose. Go Team Florent! GoT Challenge stuff.
#1067795 added April 6, 2024 at 1:33pm
Restrictions: None
B&W Door 7
INVENT SOMETHING USEFUL: As I battle and persevere here chin deep in all things GOT I find I spend far too much time and expel far too much frustrating effort backtracking to replace my capital letter 'i's. I know I hit/pound/strike the correct keys ,but all to no avail. To this end, I have designed a mind-communion link that permits me to think my commands and transmit them to my persnickety keyboard. Of course, it shall someday be akin to the wonders of Bluetooth, but for now, when I really need it, a small discreet bit of wire transmits my thoughts.
         What are the technical aspects of my baby? Well, it has a plug thingy. You know the metal end bit that docks with a computer. is it the keeper of the portal? Oops, there, the letter 'i' is misbehaving yet again. The opposite end attaches to my forehead with sensitive sensors stuck to a sticky, adhesive pad. I concentrate and my commands are transmitted along the guide wire. It worked! There's the capital 'i'! incredible! Sigh, it's a work in progress.Okay, keyboard. Start this sentence with a capital letter i. No, no, the big one. Ack! That's too many. I'll admit I may have a few bugs to eradicate, but isn't it the thought that counts?
         I'll admit my creation/monster is still a baby in the testing phase. It still needs to be toilet trained and coddled. All great inventions are born from a pressing need and a great concept. Excuse me, my tether has a kink in it and somehow it's tangled around my computer chair. Note to self: maybe shorten the wire? ( 277 words )
         MAKE CHANGES. IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING: First let me state I am not averse to change per se. Life has thrown many curve balls and I have stopped to adapt and what is that but constant change. Of course, these were not initiated alterations. A few were deliberate. Actions have consequences, no? Everything has an equal and opposite reaction.
          Upon reflection I may admit to sometimes regretting our, as in my family's, numerous moves/relocations. Did we really need to start over again in new locations time and time again? Each of my three children were born in different cities/towns. That entailed three different doctors, three different houses. The sheer act of boxing everything we owned and schlepping it cross country is a daunting task.
         I'm not complaining about the wonderful new people we met , or the new opportunities. Perhaps I'm entertaining what-ifs. If we'd stayed longer at our first renovated-by-us home could we have earned a better selling price? Would our children have enjoyed the company of their then friends for a longer time and thus created deeper bonds? Would we have ultimately accepted living in a city, actually enjoyed it? Would the education possibilities have been more suited to the kids? Would they have chosen different careers? Would they have partnered with different people? Would some of the events that subsequently unfolded such as serious accidents have occurred if we'd lingered or stayed elsewhere?
         Now, if we had not chosen to reside where we do currently, I would not have seen, or been involved closely with my extended family as I am now. Due to geography and the unfortunate costs of travelling I know I would've missed so much. My children would only have known their cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncle as "occasional special holiday relatives".(300 words)
         WOULD YOU CHANGE TIME? YES? NO? WHAT CHANGES WOULD FOLLOW IT?I dunno. That would be a pretty big undertaking. Change time? I will admit to accepting time in its current construct. When I make or keep appointments I follow the standard practice of time. See you Monday April 15th at 9:30 a.m.
         Committing to a whenever will not jive at all. If I have requested and agreed to a surgery for instance I expect, no demand, that the surgeon and hospital staff function using the same time protocols.Oh, I expected to see you whenever it was most convenient for me. You know, these moments of free time just pop up. I had nothing else planned at this exact second. Could you slip me in? Pshaw, what inconvenience?
         Medical interventions are fraught with enough peril without reducing them to the vagaries of select, not standard time.
We all function with schedules. We fly with them . No airline will hold a plane on the off chance you may wish to sit in on a flight. Court dates rely on a time table. Your honour the plaintiff might appear before us, but I cannot promise it to be so.School hours? Meh. Don't fret. Come on in whenever you feel like it. We may or may not be ready to teach.Shopping could be problematic, interesting, hit or miss. These premises open and close on a whim. Check us out at our convenience. If the door's not locked, come on in.
         So, change time? I think not. Spontaneity can be fun, but not if it is applied to time. (268 words)
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