Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1072758-Glen-Beck-wont-read-this
Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #2314216
What is evil.
#1072758 added June 16, 2024 at 6:44pm
Restrictions: None
Glen Beck won't read this...

I drive a 2002 Ford Winstar minivan.
It gets a few stations...
96.7 is where I listen to the BLAZE.

Today Glen was making funny noises.
His cohost was making funny noises too.
They couldn't believe Biden was so close to Trump.

Do you remember the Red BLAZE that Republicans were waiting for?
Trump would make the Senate Republican again.
That didn't happen and Republicans barely control the congress.

Why? What went wrong?
Most of the Senate went Democrat...
Maybe, Trump isn't as popular as he thinks?

Women vote.
Women get pregnant.
They want to control their reproductive rights.

Trump stacked the Supreme Court with God fearing prolifers.
Trump said, "I got rid of Rode versus Wade."
"I put abortion back in the States' elections."

Numbers Chapter 5:13-18 provides for a Rabbinical abortion.
Women were property of men and if a husband suspected his wife of adultery;
he could take her to a Rabbi, and he would have her drink bitter herbs.
If she did not have a miscarriage, then she was not an adulterer...

The husband could have her put to death, if she had a miscarriage.
That was the way of things in the Bible or Torah.
Pharis and Sadducees believed that Jesus was a bastard.
Does Glen Beck want to force women to give birth?

Shouldn't that be a personal decision between a woman and her doctor?
How many babies has God killed?
The Holy Innocent were murdered by Herod to kill the baby Jesus.
How many babies drowned in Noah's flood?

And the prophets told the Jews to slaughter non-Jewish tribes.
Then there are the miscarriages...
Why does God allow it?
Does good come from evil?

Just my opinion.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1072758-Glen-Beck-wont-read-this