FEAR “I’m worried, Frank. I think he needs the medication” “Honey, the psychiatrist said it was normal for a child of Philip’s age to create an imaginary friend. The trauma of the bus crash was overwhelming for a seven-year-old. He uses George for emotions he doesn’t have words to express.” “Doesn’t have words to express? Did you hear him at dinner when I told him to eat his peas? He said: ‘I’m saving them for George, he’s particularly fond of legumes.’ Oh, he’s got words, alright!” “Let’s sleep on it.” “We’re doing it, Frank. We’re going to give him the pills.” LOYALTY “I wish you weren’t invisible, George”. “Your parents can’t ever see me, Philip. Grown-ups lose their imaginations as they get older. They have only alarm clocks and traffic jams and bills.” “My mom took me to a doctor. He asked me a lot of questions about you. But,I didn’t tell him anything, ‘cause you said not to tell. I pretended I didn’t hear them talking, but the doctor told my mom that he had pills to make you go away. You’re my best friend. I don’t want you to go away!” “Go to sleep, Philip. I’m not going anywhere.” LONELINESS The night I crashed on Earth, I lost everything - including any hope of ever returning home. The cloaking malfunctioned when I lost control of the craft. That bus driver was blinded by the fiery mass streaking across his path. I dragged myself from the wreck. That’s where I met Philip. In the midst of the smoke and twisted metal, here was this little boy, just wandering around. To my surprise, he could see me. He’s my only friend in this world. Now, they want to drug him. I won't let that happen. “Go to sleep, Philip. I’m not going anywhere.” Written for "Drabble Activity 2024" ![]() 300 Words (titles not included in word count) Week 8 Prompt: A drabble trilogy (trabble) – 3 drabbles related to one another, and yet each able to stand on their own |