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Back story of the House of Geb and Yecta |
The crescent moon oasis gleamed in the afternoon light as Bedouin Meljaun stired with a sand wall rising to meet him. Scales of gold blurred by the shade of grain moved on surveying the land as small tribes of Goblin abominations patrolled for any traveler that had succumbed to the desert heat in hopes of taking them to their queens. Hot sands glimmered making his form hazy and hard to see, since his fall from faith he trained to use his chameleon skill more effectively just how he taught others on harnesing their magic and connecting with nature. Jerico had become lower as the forest expanded and the plateau lowered by one building level (2000 feet) and One-third (90 feet) it's ring sizes, the tribes of the now manabudh (outcast) den and Yecta (Meljaun the Bedouin) could see by the 6th set of ages Jerico will lose its mount. The old portal had been brought down as a front to the gods making a statement that said where they can stick their mercy. The plateau top glowed red as lava flowed from the gates above, the river ran crimson red with withering trees aligned shores as fire sprites danced on its glowing surface under the setting sun. He could still smell Aknar on the air and see his touch upon the land as he focused on the changes for his body. Scales dimed and meled together turning dark green, shrinking down he became 6' 02'' with claws of iron. Bones grew from his back forming spikes of a dark purple naga with shield spike back and neck guards. clothing of jungle tunics formed around his form; he was now Escu-rnartr the travaling veren-ankle flok (Lizard folk mixed with metal elements). Wwhhaatt yyoouu wwaanntt, ccllaawwlliinngg? (Vel-dorion) (Veren-ankle flok Guard) (The ground shuddered as a figure rose from the town crystal, the ground formed its body, the water flowed around him as it became armour, the fire surrounded the armour forming `his meteor tail and gauntlets, and the air swirled near his back forming wings) was at his fore front when Yecta spoke. Ttoo ffiinndd Aazzuukkaa tthhee Ddrrakkccoonnooiidd. Ii aamm Eessccuu-rrnnaarrttrr aanndd hhee iiss mmiinnee, ffoorr tthhee mmaanny ssoouullss ttaaken. Iiff tthhee ggooddss wwoonn'tt hheellpp tthheenn II wwiill! (Escu-rnartr) Yyoouu bbrraavvee ffeerr aa ccllaawwlliinngg, iitt mmaaddee bbyy ggooddss wwrraatthh aanndd kkiillllss aallll uunnffaaiitthhffuull. (Vel-dorion) (strange voice) Lava rippled in the light of the setting sun as figures rose, orangish-red scales with blood red eyes, scales charred black cracking along vein lines. Flaming spins licking at the air extending to their claws forming spears of molten. (Vernen- Ash'zarr) A black streak struck killing the Veren-ankle guard before he could react as the woods vanished and the Nile came into view. At the shore rose Sobek green as the Niles weeds and stood up at 7 feet, behind him stood the lioness herself standing at 7f high black fur in royal armour of gold, WHAT THE DUAT DO YOU THINK YOU DOING?! yelled Yecta as his dragon form was now shown forgetting that he needed to keep his emotions under control to remain camouflaged. Those MARRAS can't aid you, and that thing can't be stopped now since it left this world and left spawns, we call ghaghati-stelae (tombstones of storm), stated Anubis. As the Jackel headed 7ft hound god rose from a shadow of a passing cloud. All gods are hereby called to beyond this realm and that is from Nu herself, we wait for Taweret to pick us up and if I have to hold you good for nothing ibn il-Homaar (stubborn donkey- son of a donkey). (Anubis) Taweret a 7ft grey rough skin with little ears, she wore a dress with a scarab necklace and the disk crown of lower Egypt approached on her reed boat as Yecta was about to tell them to Go spear themselves as shadows tightened on him and being forced onto the boat. |