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Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #2329840
A woman tries to find herself and security in a small town.
#1079329 added November 1, 2024 at 7:10pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
Grand Rock stood at the top of a series of cliffs overlooking the Atlanti Ocean. The quant look attracted most tourists and had many wanting to stay longer than their expected visits. The quiet was only broken by the gently sound of waves washing up on the shore at the foot of those rocky cliffs. Two cliff faces framed the sea as it disappeared into the horizon. Beside the cliff on which the town rested there stood a rock almost as tall as the cliff itself. The first settlers had found this so eye catching they had named the town Grand Rock, a name the town had held for overy 200 years. It was astonishing that such an ordinary thing could spawn the name of a town, but the Town Coundil insisted on mentioning it when they made their tourist tours every Summer. Small business had built the town. The hardware store, clinic and restaurant had been there for as long as the present inhabitants could remember. There was talk of adding a gun store, but you could always go into Town for that, so the discussion stayed a discussion. Things remained the same, occasionally things changed. There was no hustle, no bustle, just peace and the best people in the world.

Linda Spencer almost took all this for granted now, even thought she had moved here jus for those reasons. Linda’s bobbed blond hair didn’t move as the wind off of the sea blew around her. She sat waiting for the bus to arrive bringing her closest, oldest friend, to Grand Rock. She absently checked the messages on her phone as she waited. Linda was so grateful that the Town Council had finally erected a real bus station so that people could wait inside for the bus. It was so much more comfortable. She looked up at the screen. Lillian, Martha, and James should be arriving soon. Finally, the bus pulled up and Linda ran out. When Lillian and her parents emerged from the depths of the large bus, Lillian immediately ran to Linda. Throwing her arms around her friend, Linda held her tightly. She could only hope she could be some help. Lillian would need it.

“Ahhhh”, Lillian wailed as she hugged Linda tightly. Everytime they met it was like they had never been apart. Her smile was huge as she moved to look Linda in the face.

“You alright,” Linda asked.

Lillian smiled, “Lets go to your place. We can talk there.”

“Of course,” Linda said simply and reached for Lilian’s suitcase. She looked at the one suitcase, “This all?” she asked.

“I left most of it at Andrew’s apartment. He can burn it for all I care,” Lillian answered, “We will have to go shopping.”

“Sounds like fun, “ Linda giggled.

Linda grabbed both Martha and James in a hug. They both held her so tightly. The fondness in their eyes was that for a daughter, not the friend of their daughter. James kissed her forehead.

“Let’s get to my place,” Linda said. They nodded and all four of them piled into Linda’s mini van. James always gave the vehicle a strange look. It did seem unusual that a lady without a family would need such a big vehicle. Now was not the time to discuss it, though. He and Martha had to get their girl settled.

They drove the ten minutes to Linda’s house in companionable silence. The radio played soothing soft rock, Linda’s favorite. Lillian knew she would have to get her own car or drive Linda crazy always tuning to a jazz station. She smiled. It was a strange town, but it was so good to be near Linda. She needed a talk. Linda always told her something good.

Linda lived in a small bungalow. The garage was the biggest part of it and jutted out of the side of the house on the right side. Two rose bushes stood sentinel on either side of the front steps. The lawn was mowed to perfection. It was so Linda. Inside was just as kept. They put their coats on a coat tree which stood beside the front door. The living room as neat with tasteful, white chairs and couch and maple coffee table and end table. But they didn’t stay there. Linda ushered everyone into the sunny, yellow kitchen. Lillian sighed. She was home here too.

Linda busied herself taking out mugs, tea and coffee. Without asking Lilian and her parents sat at the simple linoleum table in the middle of the room.

Personalized ehh
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