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Morning seemed to come too quickly for Jacob. It had felt as though he had just gone to sleep. At least his wounds had healed mostly and he was feeling much better. He was so glad that they had to be getting close to finishing the locket according to the last clue. He could hardly wait to have it over with. He was tired of facing death almost daily, his men dying, and people being injured. He knew however that this was only the beginning. There would be a war for the throne. Jacob and his men mounted their horses and began the ride to townsend. Jacob felt uneasy about going back to Townsend, but knew he had to finish the locket. If he would have know he was that close to a piece of it in the beginning, he would have tried to find it when he was there before. He knew however that he was way beyond the point of no return. All he could do is hope for the best. It took a couple of days to travel to Townsend. They didn't ride all the way into town, but stopped about a mile outside of it. Jacob would sneak in to see Hagar once again. He hoped he would find her at her small house he had visited her at before. She would be able to give him an update on the latest news and was a safe haven for him. He wore a hood in hopes no one would recognize him as he made his way to her house. Jacob stepped up to her door and knocked. He saw the curtain in the window move and a hand reached out the door and yanked him in. Before he knew it, she was giving him a great big hug. "Oh! It's so good to see you, but you shouldn't have come here. The king will have your head on a silver platter!" "It's funny you should mention that. I am going to have to break into the forbidden part of the library again to get the final locket piece. I have already faced death and been arrested before now. What's one more time? I'm so close to having the whole locket!" "Are you crazy? Breaking into that library again is going to be nearly impossible. The placed even more guards around it since your last visit there." "I have to be to look for this locket in the first place. This whole thing has been crazy!" Jacob laughed. "I don't know how you plan to accomplish it." She said. "I'm not completely sure myself, but I was kind of hoping you could help me out again." Jacob replied. "How do you want me to help you this time? You should already have a map of the library. It hasn't changed much." She answered. Jacob said, "Can you give me some information about the guards, their placement, and their schedule?" "If you stay here, I'll go see what I can find out." Hagar said as she went out the door. Jacob just fiddled around the house pacing the floor until Hagar's return. She returned after about an hour with some written notes she had gathered. "This is about the best I can do for today. If you want me to get more, it will have to wait until tomorrow." She said. "I can give you another day if you need it as long as you can deal with me hiding out here in your house." Jacob returned. Ok, it's settled then. You'll stay here and I will try to get some more information tomorrow.' Hagar replied. Jacob slept on a blanket in the floor. He went right to sleep. He must have had a nightmare because he woke up screaming with Hagar standing over him looking down at him. "Oh sorry to bother you. It was just a nightmare." he said. "Well, you need to have quieter nightmares so the whole town doesn't know you are here." She scolded. "Yes, mam!" he replied. Then he went back to sleep. Hagar shrugged and went back to bed. There were no more incidence that night. The next morning, she got up and was gone before Jacob even woke up. Later when Jacob did wake up the sun was already well risen. It must have been near noon. He was a bit embarrassed that he had slept so long, but on the other hand, he really needed the rest. It felt good to just relax for a little while. It had been awhile since he had gotten good sleep like that. It was well into the evening when Hagar finally returned. "Hi, Did you miss me?" She said as she walked into the door. 'I got some much needed rest. I appreciate your help." Jacob said. "I did get you some more information. I think your best chance to pull this off is during the day. They will least expect it then. There are several rooms of forbidden section. The locket piece will most likely be in the last section and the most difficult to get to. If you have some one to go with you, you can have them cause a distraction while you gain entrance to the forbidden section. Be very careful. It is going to be very difficult to pull this off again like you did before. You may have to sacrifice a few of your men." "Why would I want to do that? I would prefer to sacrifice no one." Jacob said. "I am thinking you may need to have a few good men keep the guards distracted and that could mean being arrested or death. I can't think of a better way to do it though. You can't afford to be caught. There is too much at risk and too much dependent upon your life." Hagar replied. Jacob looked at her deep in thought. "I guess I haven't really thought about it that way. I would rather sacrifice myself than others. I guess I don't have much choice. I hate that. I hate that people have had to die!" He said in frustration. "I know you do, Dear. But that is a good thing. What kind of man would you be if it didn't bother you? You will make a good king because you do care about the people." Hagar admonished him. "Thanks, I needed to hear that. This whole thing has not been easy. I have questioned myself and wondered if this was the right thing to do from the beginning." Jacob told her. "You are almost there. Go get that last locket piece. Break that curse, and you become the next king or die trying." Hagar encouraged. "I'll be leaving in the morning. I have some men outside of town. Get ready for some excitement in town tomorrow." He said smiling. "Don't worry. I don't know a thing." She smiled back. He slept much more quietly that night and left early in the morning right after she left her house. He would meet with his men and see if they could pull off another library heist. Jacob felt much better after speaking to Hagar. He gathered up the men as he headed back to camp and then noticed that Judith had joined them to bring news from the hideout. "Hello, Judith. What brings you here?" "I wanted to let you know that we have some recruits and Mike is in the process of training them. They will be able to help train others after they are trained. So far, everything is going according to plan." Judith said smiling. "That's great news! Would you mind staying with us while we try to get into the library? I might have you help keep the horses. We may need to make a quick get away. Hopefully, we can get away." Jacob said. "Sure! I can do that." Judith answered. Jacob laid out the plan Hagar suggested to the men. He asked for anyone willing to volunteer to be the distraction. A couple of the men volunteered. They agreed they would go around 2 pm. First, they would have some lunch of fish and potatoes. As they ate lunch, the men all relaxed up against trees and talked. Jacob asked Judith to talk to her a little more privately to which she agreed. They stepped over behind the horses to the side of camp. "I hope I don't offend you, but I have to ask you a question. If I become king, I will want to find a queen. I think you are beautiful. Would you like to apply for that position?" He smiled awkwardly. "Jacob Townsend! I am not offended. I am flattered and I thought you would never ask." She smiled back. "So, is that a yes?" He asked. "Yes!" She said. "I guess we might want to let the guys know we are now going steady and not to mess with my girlfriend." He said with a giggle. "Are you going to kiss me?" She asked. "Only if you want me to." He whispered as he bent down to kiss her. He felt butterflies as he felt her body close to his and smelled her perfume. She had leaned towards him with her eyes closed and lips ready. They could feel each others breath as their lips connected and the breeze went through their hair. It was as if they were there alone and no one else existed. It was as if time stood still for a moment. Suddenly, they heard someone clear there throat at which they both startled. It was James. "I am sorry to interrupt, but the men have finished their lunch if you want to get ready to go into Townsend." Jacob let out a laugh, "Ok, tell the men to get ready and that we will be out to make an announcement." "I should think so." James said as he laughed too. Jacob turned to Judith, "Shall we go face the others?" She giggled. "Let's go tell them." Jacob and Judith walked out holding hands and told the men. They embraced and kissed one more time before the group headed to Townsend. The decided to enter the library one by one or in groups of 2 in order to not draw attention to themselves until they were ready. They positioned themselves strategically around the library. There would be 2 distractions. One would happen to get into the forbidden part and the other would be to allow them to escape when given the signal. Only Jacob, James, and a couple other men would enter the forbidden section of the library. When everyone was ready, the signal was given to cause the first distraction. One man raised up and began to act like a belligerent alcoholic. It was the perfect distraction. All of the guards were now paying attention to him. Jacob and the others snuck to the forbidden section's stair case. They made thier way up the stairs, picked the lock and went into the first section of the forbidden area. This section hadn't changed much since Jacob was here last time. They made their way between the rows of books and materials to the next door. This lock was a bit harder but they were able to pick it too and get the door open. Now they were entering unfamiliar territory and it was dimly lit. They had to find the next door. The rows were narrow in this room. They managed to find their way. They worked on the lock on the next door. It was double locked and took them some time to figure out how to get it undone. When they got the door open, they entered the next room. It seemed even darker and the rows of books were even more narrow. As they made their way to the middle of the room, they began to hear hissing. The 4 men froze at the sound. Jacob looked down and saw several snakes slithering towards them. Swords were drawn and they began wacking at the snakes heads and backing up. The snakes struck one of the men beside Jacob. He cried out and fell to his death. Jacob spoke, "The snakes are poisoness! Be careful!" And he dodged one striking towards him. He swiped his sword and cut off the snake's head. Another came slithering forward. Their backs would be against a wall soon. How many were there? James shrieked as one caught his boot but thankfully it didn't penetrate his skin. He jabbed his knife into its head and pinned it to the floor. Still more hissing could be heard. The other man that was with them dodged one snake and killed and another struck him as he killed the previous one. He let out a grown and fell to the floor dead. It was just James and Jacob left. The killed the last 2 snakes. James looked at Jacob and said, "I sure hope that was the last of them. I hate snakes! And I hate them even more now!" Jacob replied, "I know exactly what you mean. Let's see if we can find that other door and hope there are no more surprises." They continued to step carefully around the dead snakes and the other 2 dead men to the other side of the room and found the door. This one was a huge and heavy door, like a vault door. It took both of them to turn the handle to open it. In fact, the next room was a vaulted room. They searched for what they were looking for. In a locked closet that they also had to pick the lock on, there was a locked box. Jacob thought that this had to be it. How much security did it need? They got the box open. Inside the box was a book. It was all about the Townsend family history. It told him everything he needed to know about breaking the curse and held the last locket piece which was the other half picture of his mother. A slight sense of relief washed over him. He had at least copleted the task of finding the whole locket. A huge part of the mission was complete. Now all they had to do was get out of there without being arrested or killed. Jacob looked at James, "I think our job is done here. Let's see if we can get out now that we got all the way in." "Lead the way, and I'll follow." James said. They made their way out of the room where they fought the snakes and the next 2 rooms back to the main door. Jacob took a peak out and didn't see anything. They had been in the forbidden section for about an hour and a half. They carefully came down the stairs and gave the signal for the second destraction. A man started a fight with the guy next to him to draw the guards attention away from Jacob and James. This appearently happened at the worst possible timing. As the fight broke out and the guards responded it that, James and Jacob ran to the door. Just as they were going to run out the door, 4 more guards appeared in front of them. The one in front said, "Well, well, well. What do we have here?' James said hopefully, "We were just trying to get out of the way. There's a fight going on in there." He started to move forward, but the guards stopped him. "Not so fast. Stay right here until we get this fight sorted out." Jacob and James looked at each other. They knew it didn't look good. In the meantime, while they were questioning and arresting the men involved in the fight, a guard discovered the forbidden part of he library had been broken into. When questioned about it, James and Jacob acted like they knew nothing of it, While they were denying knowing anything of it, another guard informed them, they knew someone had gotten past the room with the snakes. Once again, the looked in Jacob's saddle bags which had the evidence that told the whole story. James and Jacob were arrested. Jacob's heart sank. He was so close to completing this goal. How could they get out of this one. Both men walked quietly as they were escorted to the prison and placed in shackles. The prison was a large room with no windows. All the prisoners were shackled to the wall. There were no benches. Everyone just sit or lay on the floor. It was more like a dungeon. James looked at Jacob, "Sorry. I tried to talk us out of it." "Yeah, I know. I guess it is just part of the risks involved in the locket hunt. It is frustrating that we got arrested right when we were so close to having it done, and now all our efforts in my saddle bags got confiscated again. I don't know how we are going to get out of this one. All the men with us were arrested. I hope judith stays out of trouble at least." Jacob said. James replied, "Maybe she will find out what happened and go get the others at the hideout to help. How long do you think it will be before we are brought before the king?" "My guess is that our case will be made a priority and we may be brought before him as early as tomorrow. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to see his face until I was ready to fight him and revenge my parents' death." Jacob said. "I guess, we just wait to see what happens. We are either done for or we will be rescued somehow. I still have a hole in my boot where the snake bit it. Hopefully none of its venem will find its way into my skin even though, fortunately its fangs didn't pierce the skin at the time. This whole thing has been one crazy adventure." James smiled at Jacob. "Thanks for bringing me along. It's the most trouble I've gotten into my whole life." Jacob laughed and rolled his eyes, "You are welcome. My pleasure." Hagar came in with a bunch of bread and was passing it out to the prisoners. She came to where Jacob and James was at, "I see you got yourself into trouble mister." (pretending to not know his name) Jacob laughed, "Well, at least I know they serve delicious bread at this prison now." She replied, "It's not the best, but it will feed you. I am paid to deliver bread here too. Now you know where my extra bread goes." As she was serving James, Jacob said to him, "I sure hope the horses are still ok." He was hoping Hagar would take the hint to go check on them for him. He didn't want her to get into trouble too. Hagar nodded in understanding, "You 2 enjoy your bread, you won't get anything else to eat for a while." Jacob replied, "I always enjoy the bread you cook. It's from the best bakery in the kingdom." He smiled. Hagar smiled back and continued serving bread to the other prisoners. James said, "I take it you know her?" Jacob answered, "Yeah, she owns the bakery here in town. She had opened it with her husband, but now she runs it by herself since he passed away. Don't you think this is some good bread?" "Yes! It is good bread. You never mentioned visiting the bakery before." James said. Jacob smiled, "It's one of my best kept secrets. Don't you think?" "I can't complain." James replied. It was difficult to sleep that night on a cold hard stone floor and in shackles. The dungeon prison was definitely not made for comfort. Jacob must have fallen asleep because he woke up screaming again. James asked him if he was ok. Jacob replied, "I just had a nightmare. I keep having a reoccurring nightmare that my dad is killed. It's not always the same way, but any way I have the nightmare, he ends up dying." Jacob continued. "I'd really like for him to see me accoplish what I set out to do." James replied, "You have a lot riding on your shoulders. Hopefully, it is just the stress you feel about everything coming out in your dreams and it don't mean anything." Jacob looked at his friend, "Me too." He continued to toss and turn all night. There wasn't much light in the dungeon and it was hard to know the difference in night or day. They only knew it was the next day when the guards did a head count. On this day, there was a bit of a chill in the air for some reason. The prisoners talked quietly among themselves as they waited to see who was going to be the next group of men brought before the king for judgement. Jacob felt a little sick at his stomach as his nerves were starting to get the best of him. James looked over at Jacob, "I don't have a good feeling about this." Jacob replied, "I don't either. If they call for us today, we can get it over with instead of sitting here dreading it, but then our judgement could be carried out quicker. I don't know which to hope for." James said, "If we don't get called right away, we may dread going before the king for judgement but on the other hand it gives some time for our men to get the news and maybe come up with a plan. It's not over until we are dead, you more so than me." Jacob said, "True. Let's hope we aren't called today." Hagar came into the prison again with some bread again. When she got to Jacob, she said, "I serve bread twice a day. Your presence here has caused quite a stir. The big news in the paper is all about your capture." "I can only imagine what is being said. The notorious Jacob Townsend has been captured and is now waiting to stand before the king." He rolled his eyes. Hagar said, "Hey! Don't blame the messenger." Then she whispered, "The horses are safe." she continued. "I will see you again this evening if you are still here. Enjoy your bread." James gave him a knowing look. "That's at least a good thing. The bread is delicious and I guess they won't be putting the horses to death." Jacob smiled, "Right. There's always a bright side." The court official came down to call the prisoners that was going to stand before the king. Sure enough. Jacob and the men with him were called. As they were being shackled to the other prisoners in line to see the king, Jacob said to James, "This is kind of what I was afraid of. They aren't messing around with us!" James just nodded in agreement as they were told to be quiet by the guards. Jacob and James were marched to the waiting chambers of the court and ordered to sit on a bench to which they complied. One by one, the prisoners were called by their name. Jacob's and James' heart sank as the prisoners names were called. They never knew when they were going to be next. Finally, Jacob was called first. His heart was racing. He was about to look into the face of the man that killed his parents. He was full of mixed emotions. He was led alone into the court. He kept his head down until he absolutely had to look up. He felt like the prey cornered in front of a lion. The court official read off his charges: 2 counts of treason, 3 counts of murder, and theft. It was then that he looked up to face the king and swallowed hard. Jacob was filled with emotion: hate, fear, anger, and the sense of loss. He couldn't let any of it show. He almost vomited and swallowed hard again. The king eyed him. "Awe, yes, you do look like your father, but I see your mother in you too. You have gotten yourself in quite a bit of trouble. Haven't you? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Jacob thought for a moment. He considered his words carefully. "Your majesty, all I can say is that I wanted to recover my mother's locket. Shouldn't it rightfully be mine?" The king thought for a moment. "That is a good argument. However, the forbidden information at the library was not yours and you took it anyway. I do have to admit that I am impressed at how you got passed my guards for so long and even trained as one yourself." King Jon continued. "Also, men were killed while you were looking for and attempting to retrieve this locket." "That may be true Your majesty, however, the forbidden information was concerning my family history. It is the only forbidden information I took." "I have to give it to you. You seem to be very smart. You hate me don't you? I see it in your eyes." "Your majesty, I can not deny that charge. It is rumored that my parents were killed by you." Jacob said bluntly. "Interesting. Very interesting. There is no proof that I have done any such thing." King Jon said. "You majesty, I am in your court now being accused of horrendous crimes. My argument and defense is that I have only gone after what is rightfully mine. No lives were lost intentionally or unneccessarily. And since King Richard and Queen Ann were my parents, how did you become king?" Jacob said. The King grew angry at this remark and his face flushed red. "Do you no realize I can order your death right now? I would talk to me carefully if I were you. I am trying to give you a fair chance to defend yourself!" Jacob looked him straight in the eye, "Are you or are you only trying to appear to give me a chance? You are toying with me and you know it!" King Jon back handed him so hard, he fell to the floor in his shackles. By this time the everyone in the court was shocked and quiet at the exchange between the 2. "For your information young man, you were no where to be found and an infant. You were in no shape to be a king when I became king. I will not allow you to take that away from me. My mother's mother was your father's sister and gives me just as much right to be here as you would have. How dare you question me and my right to the thrown. Let me remind you that you are the one on trial here! You will do good to remember that!" Jacob swallowed hard again. Had he just let his temper get the best of him? "I apoligize, your majesty. Please, forgive me! I must have lost myself for a moment. It's been a lot to take in and process. I have gone through a lot to recover that locket. My emotions must have overwhelmed me. You are right. I am the one on trial. How can I defend myself with so much evidence stacked against me?" King Jon said, "That's better. Now stand back up." The guards helped Jacob to get back upon his feet again. Once he was on his feet, King Jon asked, "Tell me, Did you kill two of my soldiers when they tried to arrest you?" Jacob lowered his head and then looked him in the eyes again. "Yes, I had to." King Jon replied, "I have to give you some credit. You are brave to face me like this and to look in my eyes and tell me the truth. Do you realize that by itself is enough for me to sentence you to death?" Jacob answered, "Yes, your majesty." He said no more. He really didn't know what else to say. He felt like anything he said at this point would be wrong. King Jon said, "I see. Do you know where the man is that stole you away as an infant?" Jacob answered, "Why would I tell you that. The man raised me. He gave me a second chance at life." King Jon considered him carefully again. "Did he? Or did he prevent you from becoming king instead of me?" Judging by the look on Jacob's face, his words had hit their mark. Jacob looked down at the floor and thought for a moment. "If, and I imphasize if, you killed my parents, what is to say you wouldn't have killed me too?" "Interesting theory isn't it? Again, you have no proof. Look at the history books. They all say that you were stolen away. Why do you continue to protect him?" King Jon replied. Jacob answered, "I don't know exactly where he is any way even if I wanted to give him up. Which I don't. Any way, what does that have to do with any of my charges?" KIng Jon said, "I guess it doesn't, but maybe I could have caught another fugitive and outlaw." Then he looked at the guards and said, "Bring in the other men that have been accused with Jacob Townsend!" The guards brought the other men into the courtroom. Then the king address the other people in the court. "These men are occused of breaking into the library for a second time with Mr. Townsend here. It is true that he may have been after information and objects that appear to rightly belong to him, but let me remind you that they belong to my library and are not his to take. The locket in question should have been returned to the king's estate but was never found to have done so with it. Men lost their lives due to this one man's actions and he did not deny killing men himself. How can I leave this unpunished?" Then he turned to Jacob, "You have been condemned by your own words. I will sentence you, but I will require some time to consider the evidence. I will also delay the sentencing of your friends here until I decide what I am doing with you. You will be lucky if I don't sentence you to death, but I think I will let you sweat it out a bit and consider what you have done." Then the king ordered the guards to take them all back to the prison. Once back in the prison, James asked Jacob about what had happened before the rest of them were brought in. Jacob told him everything. "As my best friend, I am at a loss as to how to defend myself or you guys too. Needless to say, that didn't go so well." There was still the outline of the king's hand in his face too. James said, "By the looks of it, the king got mad at you." Jacob replied, "I'd say. He got so mad, he slapped me to the ground. But I couldn't help thinking about how he killed my parents and would have killed me too as an infant and I couldn't even fight back. I've never felt so cornered and helpless in all my life." "I don't think he will let you off the hook. I think he may have everyone of us killed to make an example out of us." James replied. Jacob looked at his friend as he leaned his head back against the wall, "I think you are right. It makes me so mad the way I am the one on trial, but he is the bad guy and I just can't prove it!" He pounded his fist against his legs. James was taken aback by his friend''s strong emotions. "I understand how frustrating that must be, but you have to keep your head. Loosing your temper won't help you in this situation." Jacob said, "I know. I have never had to deal with this sort of thing before so up close and personally. It's so hard not to react. He saw it in my eyes how bad I want to kill him." James said, "Yeah, I know. You told me that. I think you need to do some serious soul searching and thinking while we are waiting for our sentensing." Jacob asked, "How do you even begin to process this?" James replied. "I don't know, but I think you better at least try to figure it out. I've never seen you so worked up like this." Jacob took a deap breath. "Ok, maybe you are right. I will try. If I am quiet over here. you will know why." James nodded. Hagar came in with their evening bread. When she got to Jacob, she looked at him. "I hear things didn't go so well for you in court." Jacob shook his head no and looked up at her with sad eyes."No, it didn't" Hagar looked back at him. "I am sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to make it better." Jacob answered, "No, I don't think there is. Thanks for being a good friend." Hagar said, "You are welcome. Here is your bread." James took his and scarfed it down. It felt like an eternity since he had eaten this morning. Jacob remained quiet and withdrawn the rest of the day. That night he was restless. The weight of the day and everything else he had been through his whole life was weighing heavily on him. The following morning, the guards did their head count and Hagar passed out their morning bread as part of her daily routine. Jacob even avoided talking to her. She thought it a bit unusual but didn't push or pry. She knew he had quite a load on his shoulders. James was taken aback by his friend''s strong emotions. "I understand how frustrating that must be, but you have to keep your head. Loosing your temper won't help you in this situation." Jacob said, "I know. I have never had to deal with this sort of thing before so up close and personally. It's so hard not to react. He saw it in my eyes how bad I want to kill him." James said, "Yeah, I know. You told me that. I think you need to do some serious soul searching and thinking while we are waiting for our sentensing." Jacob asked, "How do you even begin to process this?" James replied. "I don't know, but I think you better at least try to figure it out. I've never seen you so worked up like this." Jacob took a deap breath. "Ok, maybe you are right. I will try. If I am quiet over here. you will know why." James nodded. Hagar came in with their evening bread. When she got to Jacob, she looked at him. "I hear things didn't go so well for you in court." Jacob shook his head no and looked up at her with sad eyes."No, it didn't" Hagar looked back at him. "I am sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to make it better." Jacob answered, "No, I don't think there is. Thanks for being a good friend." Hagar said, "You are welcome. Here is your bread." James took his and scarfed it down. It felt like an eternity since he had eaten this morning. Jacob remained quiet and withdrawn the rest of the day. That night he was restless. The weight of the day and everything else he had been through his whole life was weighing heavily on him. The following morning, the guards did their head count and Hagar passed out their morning bread as part of her daily routine. Jacob even avoided talking to her. She thought it a bit unusual but didn't push or pry. She knew he had quite a load on his shoulders. Later that day, he had a visitor and was taken to a seperate room for visiting. it was a single cell with a cot and chair. He had no idea who would visit him now. He was told to wait there and the visitor would be brought to him. In a few minutes, the guards brought Judith to see him. "Hi!" She greeted him. "Hi, you shouldn't have come here. This is no place for you." Jacob said. She held his hands and smiled. "Well Jacob Townsend, I am happy to see you too." He smiled, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." She said, "I know. You just can't help but get yourself into trouble can you?" "It sure doesn't seem like it. I've really done it this time!" Jacob replied. "I am going to see what I can do to help you." she answered. "You be careful not to get yourself tied up in this too. I could be put to death any day you know." "I became a part of it when I agreed to be your girlfriend don't you think? And I know what the risks of even being associated with you are. Don't you worry about me. I think you have seen with your own eyes I know how to handle myself." She told him. "I know you can handle yourself. That's one of the things I admire about you." They were only allowed to communicate with the bars between them. "I wish I could kiss you again." "Maybe, you will one day soon." She teased. "I sure hope so. You still shouldn't have come to see me, but I'm glad you did." Jacob said with a smile. She turned and walked away. The smell of her perfume linguered in the air and he charished it. The guards escourted him back to the dungeon. James asked, Who came to see you?" Jacob smiled, "Judith" James smiled back, "I think she is in love with you." Jacob asked, "How would you know?" James said, "Call it a hunch!" Jacob said, "I finally find the girl of my dreams and then I'm put in prison with a possible death sentense. How do you like that?" James chuckled, "I know. Just our kind of luck. Do you feel any better since your girlfirend visited?" "I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I was glad to see her, but I wish she hadn't come. It could put her in a bad light to be known as my girl right now." Jacob said. James looked Jacob in his eyes, "You have got to quit being so hard on yourself, friend." Jacob looked back, "Easier said than done but you are probably right as usual. I'm sorry I got you into this mess, but I am kind of glad you are here. You know me better than any one. It's nice to have a close friend around to go through this with." James smiled. "I agree." Soon it was time for evening bread again. Hagar gave him his piece and leaned in to whisper, "The war is about to begin." Then she went on and handed James his piece. Jacob leaned over to James and said, "She just whispered that the war is about to begin. You think Judith got to the other men and is bringing us help?" James said, "I think its a good possibillity. Maybe we should see if anyone here in prison would be on our side should we get a chance to escape?" Jacob replied, "I think that may be a good idea, but we are all shackled to the wall. To yell stuff like that out loud will bring the guards in here really quick to shut us down." James answered, "We will write it on a paper and pass it around and hope for the best. It's going to be hard to get into much more trouble than we are all ready in at this point. What's the king going to do? Sentence us to death?" He laughed. Jacob laughed too. "You do have a point. Let's do it!" They made the note and asked anyone who was willing to join to put their name on the back of the paper and describe where they were at in the large dungeon. There were about 100 men all shackled and kept in there. It took a while for the note to get back to them, but it got back to them by the next morning. Over night, Jacob and James slept out of exhaustion. That day had been long and draining. Hagar did not bring the bread that morning. The guards passed it out. Jacob immagined that this was her day off. Everything seemed fairly quiet until that afternoon. Jacob and his men were being called back to the court for sentencing. knots were in all of their stomachs. This time there was a large crowd in the courtroom as word had traveled quickly and many spectators were there to see the action. King Jon addressed them one by one this time starting with the men and ending with Jacob. "I will ask you like I have asked the other men. Do you understand your charges and that you have been found guilty?" Jacob looked at him, "Yes, Your Majesty." King Jon went on to address the crowd with a dainty speech about how he had given the men all a chance to present evidence to prove their innocence in which they had none. The most notable of the group was Jacob Townsend. He continued to list the accusations and evidence against him. There was the whole locket in the king's hand as he held it up for the crowd to see. It was so close to his possession and yet so far away. Jacob's heart was in his throat. The king proclaimed that he was taking possession of the locket as a family heirloom. Jacob yelled out, "NO! It's rightfully mine!" He fought to get loose from his restraints, but could not. King Jon looked at Jacob, "And just how do you think you are going to stop me? By killing me?" Jacob knew it was a trap. He angrily stopped struggling against his restraints and replied, "No, your majesty. I wouldn't think of killing you. That would be too good for you. I know I am a condemned man. You aren't going to let me go, but I am not the criminal here!" King Jon eyed him squarely, "Just what are you implying Jacob Townsend?" Jacob answered, "You know exactly what I am implying." King Jon addressed him, "Again, I am not the one on trial here, and you have no proof." Jacob retorted, "You should be the one on trial for killing my parents and taking the throne fraudullently. King Jon looked towards the crowd. "Need I say more. Isn't it clear this man is guilty of treason?" Jacob yelled, "No! That would be you!" The other men just watched in silence and didn't quite know what to do. There were mixed reactions from the crowd. "There was an eye witness to my parent's death.!" The crowd gasped. King Jon shot arrows at him with his eyes. "That's quite enough talk from you! I sentence you and your men to death to be caried out in 1 week from today!" He looked at the guards and said, "Take these rats back to the dungeon where they belong!" Back in the dungeon, James looked at Jacob, "Well if we weren't condemned before, we certainly are now." Jacob looked at his friend. "I know. I am sorry, but I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. At least I had my say in front of a large group of witnesses. There is enough doubt now that something may change and just maybe the people will at least know the truth. We were going to be condemned either way. I saw it in the king's eyes. He hates me as much as I hate him." "It's been nice knowing you." James said. Jacob felt so frustrated and helpless. "You too." He rolled his eyes. About that time, they heard a commotion. All the prisoners were cheering. It wasn't long until he saw Francis and some of his other men opening the door and undoing shackles. Francis came to him and said, "By the way, we formed that army you wanted. The king and his men are being pushed back. We are freeing you and any willing to join us. The war has began!" Jacob said, "But what about the curse? It hasn't been broken yet! The king has the locket!" Francis replied handing him a sword. "Let's get out of here and worry about that later!" They began making their way out of the prison fighting off guards as needed. Once they made their way outside, it was a battle field. Men fighting, bloody corpses, wounded men, and debris were lining up in the streets of the city. Jacob made his way to where Hagar lived. Some families were hiding in their houses and some were fleeing outside the city. He found Hagar in her house packing up a couple of bags. She let him in. "Glad to see you got set free! I am too old to fight any more." Jacob asked her, "Do you want to come with me? You could at least cook for my army. I would pay you well." "I think I will take you up on that offer. It appears my bakery has been burned down by looters." She said. "Lead the way. I will follow you." Jacob led her safely outside of town. "You should be in a safe area now. As for me, I'm not sure what I should do. My heart are with my followers, but this whole thing is over if I die. I guess I will take you to the hideout and hope for the best. Maybe everyone can meet there and we can get ourselves organized if Mike hasn't already organized us. He must have to a point it appears." "Who is Mike? She asked. "Oh, that's right. You haven't met him. He trained with me when I was in the army and has ridden with me ever since I escaped from being arrested the first time. He has been a right hand man." Jacob told her. "I hope I get to meet him." Hagar said. "I hope you do too since I don't know who is in Townsend fighting and who is at the hideout. I just broke out of prison after being sentenced to death." Jacob replied. They made their way to where Judith had hidden with the horses. She was there waiting for him with 2 horses. Jacob looked at Hargar and said, "Looks like one of us is going to have to double up." Then he greeted Judith with a smile and said, "Hi, Judith! This lady help Dad steel me away from the castle when my parents were killed and she is coming with us now to help cook for all of us." "Hi!" Judith said. "And I am his girlfirend" Jacob piped in, "So, if you don't mind, Hagar, I would like to ride double with her." Hagar laughed, "You 2 lovebirds go ahead." They all began riding towards the hideout. Jacob spoke to Judith first. "I'm so glad to be able to hold you in my arms again. I missed you while I was in the prison." Judith replied, "I missed you too. I am glad you were able to escape. After I visited you there, I rode hard to the hideout to get help. Mike set into action right away. He said you would probably come looking for the horses and told me to wait there for you and make sure you came back to the hideout because we can't afford to lose you again." "I hate that, but everything is over if I die before taking the throne. Everyone has faught so hard for this along side me. I hate that others have to die for me." Jacob complained. Judith replied, "If you become King, you will have to get used to it." "How can I ever get used to that?" Jacob asked. Judith answered, "I guess it just goes with the teritory. You have to handle it the best way that only you can." Hagar added, "I don't know that you should ever get used to it or like it, but a man in your position has to accept it. Those men in prison with you were willing to die with you and for you if necessary too." Jacob considered their words for a moment, "That's true. Accepting it? That I can do. I don't think I will ever like it or get used to it though. But for now, I am a condemned man. I don't know what will happen if I get caught again especially since I was already sentenced to death. However, If I do manage to be a King, it is an experience I will take with me when dealing with other condemned and accused men." Judith replied, "That's a good way to look at it." Jacob asked her, Do you think your dad will aprove of you dating me? I never got a chance to ask him." Judith said, "I guess we should find out very soon." She smiled. The trio continued lightly talking amonst themselves as they rode a long. It was going to take a little time to get back to the hideout. They stopped and made a camp right before nightfall. Jacob lay looking up at the stars for awhile before he went to sleep. The sky was clear and it had never looked so beautiful to him for some reason. It did feel good to be back in open air after being stuck in the prison. There were some cuts and sores on his wrists and ancles where the shackles had been. He rubbed them subconsciously. It felt good to feel the light breeze against his skin. He wasn't sure why this time felt different than before when he was arrested and had escaped. He felt as though he had another chance at life and a chance to complete his mission. But he wandered to himself, how he was going to be able to break the curse on his family without the locket in his possesion. Jacob must have went off to sleep because he awoke with the sun shining and warming his skin. Judith had knelt down and kissed his cheek. "Good morning." He smiled. "Good morning." She aswered. Hagar said, "You 2 get over here and eat these muffins so we can be on our way! I'm assuming my job starts today." Jacob said, "It sure does. I love your cooking that I've had so far. I can't wait to eat more. You make the best prison food ever." Hagar laughed, "Why, thank you." she said as she poured them all cups of coffee. The three had a quick breakfast and then continued on their way. If they made a good pace, they could be at the hideout before night fall today. They rode along at a comfortable pace. During the afternoon, they ran into another group of men coming to the hideout from the fight in Townsend. As they got closer, they could see it was Francis leading them. Francis waved at Jacob and the 2 groups came together. Francis said, "Glad to see you are still alive!" Jacob responded, "I'm glad to see you too! Are there going to be more groups coming from Townsend to the hideout?" Oh yes, there are more than just us. For the most part, the fighting stopped in Townsend for now and at least half the town is destroyed." Francis answered. "I hate that the city was hurt and businesses were destroyed. I hope this war doesn't last too long and that more lives are not lost than necessary. Now we just have to see where all the chips fall I guess." Jacob replied. "Everyone has been ordered to meet back at the hideout when they leave Townsend. I believe there are at least 3 or 4 other groups of men. Most of the prisoners in the prison with you joined us. We also have a few other recruits that Mike and the gang were able to get together." Francis reported. "That's a relief to hear. I guess we will see how many fatalities and injuries there are to be reported and how many men will be with us when we get back to the hideout. I just sure hope it's enough." Jacob said. The 2 groups road together all the way back to the hideout. One group had already returned. Now they just had to wait on the others and in the meantime they would make provision for everyone as they showed up there. It was just a couple of hours later when Mike showed up with his group. Mike greeted Jacob with a hug. "Hey, brother! Good to see you back! How was the prison in Townsend?" he said with a smile. Jacob laughed, "Worse than the one in Havensville. I could have live my whole life without having experienced either of them." Mike laughed. "Has James made it back with his group yet? Or Fred? I think Harold went with Fred." "No, neither of them has made it back yet. Francis and his group arrived back here same time as we did." Jacob said. "I saw Francis just before I saw you and he told me I could find you here." Mike said. "We've been quiet busy while you've been absent." "It appears as though. Judith told me you've done fairly well on the recruiting." Jacob answered. "Yes, and it will be interesting to see how many of us made it out of Townsend. The other groups may not make it in until tomorrow. It's almost dark now." Mike told him. Everyone there made their beds. Wounds were treated and dinners were eaten. Dreams were dreamed. The following morning, Hagar had gotten up early and cooked some eggs and bacon for everyone's breakfast. A couple hours after breakfast, James and his group came back. Jacob was getting worried. Where was Fred's group and his dad? Everyone continued to work around the hideout. Those who needed training trained. Some worked on building repairs. Others went out to recruit more people. It grew near to the evening meal. Jacob wondered if he needed to send out a search party for the other group. Jacob made his way to the edge of the abandoned town turned hideout and began to pace. As he was pacing, he thought that he would make this hideout an army post when he became king and try to repurpose any abandoned town and building. He thought about changes he would try to make to better the kingdom. He would return property, lower taxes, and form work groups from those in prison to save money on construction. He wanted to create ways to help the poor and make a better quality of life for everyone. As he was daydreaming about what it would be like to be king, he could see the other group finally arriving in the distance. It appeared they were moving very slow. He wondered if they had ran into trouble on the way back to the hideout. As they came closer, he could clearly see there were some wounded among them. Jacob ran out to greet them. He saw Fred first, "You had us worried about you guys. What took so long?" Fred answered, "We have some wounded men. Your father is among them." Jacob alarmed said, "How is he?" Fred told him, "Not the greatest right now, but he is hanging in there. He is at the back of the group. He was wounded in the chest area. All we have been able to do is to keep the bleeding under control and his air way open." Jacob ran to the back of the group and found his dad. "Dad!" He exclaimed when he saw him. He ran to walk beside the wagon he was being transported in. Harold wasn't able to talk very loud. In fact, he was very week. He held his hand out to Jacob. He held his hand all the way back to the hideout. Hagar was also able to help with the sick and wounded as she had some experience taking care of people. She came out to meet the group to see how she could help. Once the wagon had stopped, Jacob climbed up in the wagon with his dad. "Dad, what happened?" Harold squeezed his hand. "I guess I'm just not as quick as I used to be and a sword found its way into my chest, but I am glad you are ok, son." We will see if we can't get you healthy again." Jacob said. Harold told him, "I don't think I will be any good any more. I can't work. I am about done I am afraid." "Dad, don't talk like that. I will take care of you like you took care of me. I still need you. I love you and I want to make you proud of me when I become king." Jacob pleaded. "I love you too, son, and I'm already very proud of you. I think you are doing the right thing. Don't give up." Jacob replied, "I won't, Dad, but don't you give up either." Harold told him, "If that's what you need to keep going, then I will try to hang in there, but I know my injury is pretty bad." By this time, they were ready to move his dad in with the other wounded in a makeshift hospital. His dad was among the most severe. Fortunately, they had recruited a doctor that had rode back with his dad and group of wounded so he could care for them. All they could do now is wait to see if he could recover. Hagar put her hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry. I'll personally keep an eye on him. He's a good man and you have been lucky to have him." Jacob nodded and voiced his appreciation. Then he began to take notes of who was killed, wounded, and recruited and the condition of everyone in the hideout. He took notes of supplies needed and supplies that they had and how much money he had left for funding. This took him the rest of the evening and into the night. He fell asleep at the table he was working at with the candle still lit. Fortunately, Hagar had gotten up early to begin cooking breakfast and blew out the candle. Then she woke him and made sure he got into bed. She scolded him, "Jacob, you have got to take care of yourself too or you can't take care of all of these men. Get some sleep!" She had kind of become like a mother to him and the other men too. She got the nickname of Momma. After getting a few hours of sleep, Jacob went back to crunching the numbers. He was beginning to run out of money that he had worked for and saved up. He needed to come up with a plan for more funding. He would bring up this matter during their next meeting. He was giving the men a day of rest after all the fighting and traveling. He would also need to figure out what the next step in this process would be. How could the locket be recovered? Where and why would the next big fight take place? Who of these men could he trust and who could he not since a lot of them had been recruited out of prison? Who was truly guilty of something worthy of being arrested and who wasn't. He decided he would interview every recruit and man that he didn't know. He began to interview the men and take more notes. He would ask their opinions about some things and various other questions to get an idea of what kind of people they were. This might actually take him a couple more days to complete interviewing the men that were already there and the men that were also coming into the hideout for the first time. After gathering all this information, he called a meeting to discuss it. Since the last meeting he had called, the group had grown significantly. Instead of 20 men,.there were now 170 and the group was growing every day. He gave them all a brief run down about who he was, what he was trying to do, what needed to be done, what they needed in supplies and funding and plans to obtain it honestly. Hagar stayed very busy between cooking 2 meals a day and helping care for the sick and wounded. She checked on Harold at least 3 times a day and sometime more. Jacob had checked on him too every day, but only briefly and everytime he had been sleeping. Hagar made sure that she told Harold of Jacob's visits and what was going on in the hideout and the plans and hopes for the future. This activity continued for a couple of weeks as they made plans, recovered, recruited, and raised funds. Everyone in the hideout had a part and a job to do unless they just couldn't. Once they had the hideout fixed up and running like a well-oiled machine, it was time to figure out how to procieed. Jacob really wanted to break the curse on his family first and foremost. He figured that is why he has had so many challenges to overcome all of this time. On the other hand, it was all preparing him to run a kingdom too. There is no better teacher than experience itself. Jacob went in to visit his dad. This time he found him awake and sitting up. Surprisingly, he was recovering rather quickly. Jacob was glad for that. "Hey, you are finally awake!" Jacob said smiling. Harold smiled back, "Yeah, Hagar seems to think I need a lot of sleep." "You had us really worried. Hagar told me you are recovering very well." Jacob said. "She has told me a lot of things too. You seem to be getting things under control here and running it very well." Harold told him. "I think I am ready to make plans to retrieve the locket." Jacob replied. Harold frowned, "Are you sure you shouldn't just let it go and become king first. Then you can reposess it." "I am thinking the curse may keep me from succeeding. Then again, where do we attack and who do we fight first. I am having a little trouble deciding what the best battle plan will be." Jacob said in return. Harold made a suggestion. "Why don't you talk it over with your leaders: Mike, James, and Francis? You are not all in this alone. I think you have some very good and loyal friends for them to have gone on this adventure with you, risking everything including their lives for you." Jacob answered. "I think I will take you advice. Thanks Dad! You keep healing and getting better." "You are welcome anytime. I hope you know that you are what I am living for, Son. I love you very much. You were the greatest thing to ever happen to me." Harold explained. Jacob smiled, "I love you too, Dad! I'd better go talk to my friends now." Judith ran into him as he was walking out the door. "Oh good! I'm glad I found you here." "Well, Hello beautiful!" Jacob responded. She looked up and smiled at him. "I know you've been busy, but I'm getting a bit lonely. We've hardly talked over the last week." Jacob replied, "I'm sorry. I guess I have been very preocupied. How about we get together after dinner tonight?" "I think I can handle that, but don't keep this girl waiting too long." She teased. He smiled, "Ok, I won't." Then he was off to find his friends to meet with them. They all agreed to meet the first thing after breakfast in the morning. He went back to his makeshift office (His table and chair) in the main building to gather what information he could about battle strategies. After dinner, he found Judith swinging in a swing that was tied to the old Oak tree in the middle of the old abandoned town. The took a walk around the hideout holding hands and talking until the sun had set. They had watched it set together. The time seemed to go by so fast. He was walking Judith back to her bed chamber when her father came looking for her. Fred saw them together and smiled. "I had to make sure you didn't run off with my daughter prematurely." No sir! I would never dream of doing that. I hope to get your blessing when I ask her to marry me." Jacob smiled at her and winked. She giggled and looked into his blue eyes. "Thanks for a nice evening. I shall cherish it forever, but I think Daddy's got me from here." "You are welcome and I will cherish it too." He bowed to her and handed her to her father and watched them walk away together. Then he too went to bed and met with his friends the following morning. They all sat around his table and started talking things over. Jacob voiced his concerns. "If start another battle and try to end the war before the curse is broken, I am afraid I may not succeed in becoming king. Even if I do, what good is it if I and my family have a destructive curse on us?" James said, "You can always try to break the curse after you become king. The war for kingship has already begun rather any of us are ready for it or not." Francis replied, "Maybe there is a way that we can retrieve the locket from the king." Mike added, "Maybe there is. I still have my soldier's uniform. One of us could dress as a soldier and sneak into the castle. Maybe we can get lucky and it will be where we can find it." Jacob asked, "Who would go in?" Mike replied, "Maybe you could go in and confront the king yourself, but how can we do it safely? Is there a time that he isn't as guarded? You've been in the castle more times than I have. Jacob answered, "The best time that I can think of is when the king goes in for his evening bath. He likes to have more privacy then so I have heard. I am not sure. This is only what I have heard when on official business visiting the castle when I was a soldier." "We could try it, but it will be risky no matter what time we try it." Mike said. Francis added, "Maybe we can get a group of our best fighters and cause a distraction to draw the attention from what's going on with the king. Then a small group can go with Jacob to retrieve the locket. I think that will be our best chance of success." James said, "I think that is a great idea. We need to strategize to win this war any way. Maybe that can speed up the process by starting right at the castle. Maybe we can prevent it from getting too out of hand before the whole kingdom destroys itself in this civil war." Jacob asked, "When do you guys think we should attempt this?" Mike answered, "I think we should head out in a couple of days." Jacob replied, "So is everyone in agreement? It is now Wednesday, We will head out Saturday and invade the castle on Monday?" They all agreed on this strategy and would spend the next 2 days preparing for it. Jacob hoped it would all work out as planned. He wasn't sure if he was ready to fight the king just yet. He knew he needed to work some things out in himself first. He wanted to know he was wanting to fight the king for the right reasons. He had so many mixed emotions. He figured he would so see if he could talk to his dad or Hagar about this later that day. The 4 men finished discussing their business and went on to other tasks for the day. Jacob went to see Judith to let her know he would be going to Townsend again soon. He was beginning to fall head over heals in love with her and he wanted to be sure of his feelings. Jacob found Judith helping Hagar in the makeshift hospital ward. They were both attending to the sick and wounded. A lot of the wounded had recovered by now and was back to training for war. However, there were still a couple of critically wounded like Harold and 2 other men and there were 3 men who were sick and there were 2 who had been wounded more recently around the hideout accidently. It was a large one-roomed building. He went over to talk to his dad because he was awake. He seemed to be doing so much better than when he had come back into the hideout a little over a week ago. "Hi, dad! How are you feeling?" Jacob asked. "Hi, son! I am feeling much better. Hagar and Judith are very good nurses." He replied. "Do you feel up to having a heart to heart talk with me about something?" Jacob inquired. "I think I can handle it. What's on your mind?" Harold said. Jacob took a deap breath and then explained what he was feeling about the death of his parents. Part of him wanted to take revenge on the king for killing them. On the other hand, he wanted to have the right motivation should he have to kill the king and fight him personally. He knew the fight would be intense and for life or death should he get into that situation. "Dad, I will more than likely have to face him in a life and death fight. What if my motivations are not right? You have always told me to be careful about seeking revenge, but it is difficult for me to feel nothing but hatred for the man. He killed my parents. He has done much harm to the kingdom. He is just not a very good person. How am I supposed to feel about this?" "I can see how you are feeling confused. You have every right to be angry at the person who killed your parents. The man has done nothing but harm to you and your family. It's a tough situation to be in. You have been through so much in such a short period of time. Let me ask you this. What kind of king do you want to be?" Harold replied. Jacob thought for a moment. "I want to be a good one. I want to do what is right. I want to care about the people and make this a great kingdom. I want my people and subjects to be happy and well cared for. I don't want to be selfish like King Jon has been." "I am glad to hear that, son. You are a lot like your real father, King Richard. The people all loved him. I think they will love you too." "Now to answer your question. What motives would the kind of king you just discribed to me have for killing King Jon? This is somehting you have to figure out within yourself. I think you need to take some time and consider this before you go." Harold answerd. Jacob swallowed the emotions he felt rising up in his chest. "I think you are right. I do need some time to think about this." About that time, Hagar and Judith came over. Hagar said, "How is our patient and future king?" Jacob answered, "I think he is doing fairly well considering everything and still gives some of the best advice. Judith do you realize that if I become King and we get married, you will be my queen?" Judith blushed, "I hadn't really thought about it. You are just a really good looking guy and I really like you. You seem to be a good man and just about everything I have always wanted in one." Jacob smiled. It felt as though they were the only ones in the room. "I'm glad to hear that. I think I am falling in love with you." Again Judith blushed, "I think I am falling in love with you too." Jacob bent down and kissed her cheek and said, "I've got some things I need to do. I will see you at dinner." He just really wanted to take a walk and clear his head. He walked to the edge of town and sat down under a small tree looking out over the landscape. He took some deep breaths and said out loud to himself, "What reasons would the kind of king I want to be confront and kill King Jon?" He just sat and thought about that for a few minutes as he watched a few small clouds float by. If he was the kind of king that he wanted to be, he couldn't seek revenge. He would want to seek justice. but at this point what was that? Justice would be for him to become king. Justice would be for King Jon to answer for his parents death and how he has run the kingdom. Justice would be for King Jon to answer for the injustice he has caused. Then again, how do you get justice for something like this? Jacob thought and thought. Finally, he decided to imagine himself as the new king and King Jon standing before him as he had done before King Jon. Then he imagined himself as a bystander and a family member. How would each person react? Would King Jon acct differently if the shoes were on the other feet? Would he dare be so arrogant? What would his birth parents say? How would his father handle it? He hadn't known his father, but he had read stories about him in history books and Harold and Hagar had told him about his parents, at least what they knew about them. He thought his father, King Richard, would be firm but fair. He would listen to both sides without predjudice. How could he truly hear King Jon's side of the story without risking death himself? Could he possibly find it in his heart to forgive him? Would the people feel the same way? What would the people think about him and his judgement of him? There were so many questions and things to consider. A tear began running down his cheeks as he thought about how his parents had died and how his mother's dying wish was to save him. He didn't question that story at all even though King Jon had tried to cast some doubt on it. Besides, Hagar had told him her side of the story and knowing his dad and Hagar, they would never lie to him about something like that. His thoughts were interrupted. "Jacob?" It was Judith's voice. "I'm here. He answered as he wiped the tear from his cheek. Oh! There you are. Are you ok?" Judith exclaimed. "Yes, I'm okay. I am just doing some deep soul searching and thinking. How long have you been looking for me?" Jacob said. By this time she was standing in front of him. "Since dinner has been served and you were no where in sight." "I'm sorry. I guess I just lost track of time." Jacob answered. "You do realize that you don't have to keep everything to yourself? Let me help you and your friends help you carry the load of responsibillity you feel right now." Judith said gently. "I know, but some things a man just has to figure out by himself. Besides, I'm not used to all the friends and help." He smiled looking up at her. "Do you think Hagar saved me some dinner?" "I think you can count on that. She knows I went to find you and knows how caught up you can get when you are working on something." she said. Jacob stood up. "Why don't you walk back that way with me then?" "I'd love to." She answered. "Have you heard the plans yet?" he asked. What plans?" She was puzzled. "I'll take that as a no." He smiled. I had a meeting with Mike, James, and Francis this afternoon. We are going to go back into Townsend and attempt an attack on the castle and try to retrieve the locket this weekend." Oh? No, I hadn't heard it yet. I have been busy helping Hagar cook most of the day. She is teaching me some of her tricks of the trade." She smiled back at him. "I guess I need to call a meeting for everyone to make sure everyone knows what is going on. We are taking the next 2 days to plan and prepare for it. I want you to stay here where it is safe. If I am able to retrieve the locket, I want to finish breaking the curse on my family. And the fight will be vicious. I will try to establish myself as king." He stopped, took her in his arms, looked in her eyes and continued speaking. "When I succeed, I want to make you my queen. If I don't and I die, I want you to go on with you life and just remember me. I love you, Judith." He was overcome with emotion. She welcomed his embrace. She looked back in his eyes, "Jacob Townsend, I love you too. You had better succeed because I want to marry you too." The moment was right. Everything felt so right. He leaned down and planted a long passionate kiss on her lips. She felt him trembling. She felt like he had just taken her breath away. "Does that tell you how I feel about you?" He asked. She wispered, "Yes!" "We'd better get back to Hagar while I still have something I can eat." He said as he pulled away. They walked the rest of the way embracing each other from the side. They got back to where Hagar was and sure enough she has saved him a plate. Judith sit down with him as he ate. Then Fred came in. They told him of the love the professed for each other and he approved. Of course they had a talk about all the risks and benefits of a relationship such as theirs. They all agreed that they would wait to wed until after Jacob became king. The next 2 days were a mess of activity. Then Saturday finally arrived. They loaded up their supplies got on their horses and headed to Townsend. The travel to Townsend was uneventful. Everything seemed eerily shut down as they got closer to the city. No one knew what had happened since the battle and prison escape. They were a little worried about what they might be getting into. They all agreed that someone should go ahead of the group and check it out. Francis volunteered to be the scout. Everyone else would wait there for further news. They were on the other side of the kings woods so that they were able to take cover among the trees. Francis made his way up to the edge of the city. The city looked like it had been a battle field too. Most of the dead had been burried at least. Many of the buildings were burned to the ground. Francis stayed toward the edge of the city as he scouted it out trying to stay hidden by what structures were left. Several people were out in the street working to clean it up. Francis almost felt bad for wanting to fight here again. It was sad to see the city in this condition. Many people had just left it. Even the castle had sustained damage. Some people were crying over the debris. Others had already begun to rebuild. There were still guards around the castle, but many of them were working to pick up debris around the castle. Francis rode back to where the others were waiting and told them what he saw of the city. They decided to move forward with their plans in hopes to minimize the damage and loss of lives. This city was already pretty much destroyed. Why destroy another? Plus, there were much fewer people there now. Now would be the best time to make a move. Jacob got into the soldiers clothing. A few of the men went with him. The rest would draw the attention of the guards to the front of the castle into another fight. The men were in motion. Jacob and his group would sneak in from the back of the castle after the other group had started the battle in the front. Jacob waited for the noise of battle. It wasn't long until he saw guards heading towards to the front of the castle. Then he made his move. Him and his group entered and carefully made their way towards the king's chambers. Once there, they were able to enter. They quietly looked around to see if they could find the locket. Jacob made his way into the king's bed chamber. There beside the bed, was the locket. Jacob quickly retrieved it. He made his way back out and the men went to join the battle in the front of the castle. Jacob made his way back out and decided to go break the curse. Jacob got back to his horse and rode towards the pond where he had to go to break the curse. He rode hard and as quickly as he could. He wanted to get it done before anything else happened to prevent him. Jacob found Archer's Pond a couple of miles outside of Townsend. He found the medalion in his pocket and put it together with the locket. He placed it around his neck. Then he swam out to the fountain in the middle of the pond and dove under water to touch the ruby stone on the bottom of the fountain. He came back up for air and quoted the words to break the curse. "Long Live King Richard for ever and ever and his family after him." He repeated the ritual 7 times as it had been fortold in the history books. When he had finished the task, nothing felt different at all. However, he gathered himself still wearing the locket and got back on his horse to go back to the battle. He hoped all this effort wasn't for nothing. Once Jacob came back to the castle, he made his way back into the king's chambers. He was now ready to face him. Everything he had been doing over the last few years were in preparation for this very moment. He found the king in his bathroom blissfully unaware of the battle that was taking place. He was shocked to see Jacob standing there wearing the locket. "How dare you enter my chambers uninvited!" the king yelled at him. He had just gotten out of his bath and finished getting dressed. Jacob yelled back, "What are you going to do? Condemn me to death? Be on guard!" Jacob had drawn his sword. The king also drew his sword and they were ready to fight. Jacob said, "Before either of us die, there are some things I want to ask you?" "What does a scoundrel like you want to know from the King?" King Jon asked. Jacob said, "I know you killed my parents. Why? My father was your cousin!" "You piece of scum! You are so arrogant and defiant just like your father was! I was always in the shadows. He was better than me at every thing. Then he would rub it in how he was better than me and I would never amount to anything. I took his throne! Now look at me and you, his son, are wallowing in my shadow! How does it feel? Huh?" King Jon taunted. So all of this was done just because you were jealous of him?" Jacob asked. "I couldn't stand him and with him out of the way, I didn't have to be in the shadows ever again. I took everything that was his. I made it all mine! And I would have killed you too but I couldn't find you. That Miser of a man stole you away and I didn't know who took you until you were grown or where he had taken you. I had the sorcerer put a curse on you and anyone that came after you so that you couldn't take the throne away from me again. Any more questions? I am ready to finish what I set out to do so long ago!" "Is that why you sentenced me to death? Then you could have your soldiers do your dirty work and it all seem perfectly legal and then my good name and my father's name would have been ruined." Jacob continued. "That's right! The throne would then be mine and my linage forever!" The King said defiantly. "You are nothing. You think you can defeat me?" "That's exactly what I hope to do. I desire to bring justice to not only myself and my parents, but also to the people that you have put hardships on while getting gain and riches for yourself. You have taken properties, family heirlooms, and the lives away from these good people of the kingdom. I aim to take it back and restore it all" Jacob knew then that he would have to kill King Jon and he knew in his heart that this time it was for the right reason. King Jon said, "Enough talk! I am threw with you!" Then he lunged forward and jabbed at Jacob with his sword. Jacob dodged and countered with a swipe of the sword which the king blocked. They stepped apart. For a couple of minutes it was like a well coordinated dance with each move in sinc with the other. The King said, "I'm impressed. You have learned the art of sword fighting very well." "I should hope so. I was taught by an officer in your army and one of the best!" Jacob replied. Again the king jabbed twice in quick succession. Jacob dodged both and blocked and countered again. He lunged toward the King and ripped the king's shirt on the arm. The King swung to the right. Jacob dodges to the left, but the blade caught his side. Fortunately, it wasn't a deep cut and he recovered quickly although still bleeding. The king's strikes were coming faster and more furiously now. Jacob saw the hatred in the king's eyes for him. He just couldn't let the king win. His side was burning as he continued to fight. He jabbed and caught the king in his shoulder. the king cried out as he grabbed it but continued to fight with his other hand. Jacob's whole life was flashing before him. He was determined to finish this once and for all. Both men were growing tired. The fight continued on. strike for strike, block for block, counter for counter, step for step, the men kept trying to kill one another. Finally, the king pinned Jacob again the wall with the sword dangerously close to his throat. Jacob kicked the king back with his foot and the king brought the sword down across his leg. Again the king drew blood. Jacob body was aching and his adrenalin was flowing. He could feel himself growing a bit weeker probably from the loss of blood. The king had lost blood too and it was all over the King's chambers. The fight continued out in the large hall way. The king jabbed at him with his sword and Jacob ducked and hit the king in the ribs with an upper thrust of his sword and pushed him away from him. Jacob stepped back as the King looked at him with a shocked expression. "You've killed me!" He only managed to take a few more labored breaths and then he died. Jacob went to the front of the castle where the battle was still raging. He had taken the King's crown and placed it on his own head. He yelled out King Jon is dead. I have his crown! Who is with me?" The crowd gradually stopped fighting and errupted in cheers. "Long live King Jacob!" They cried. After being proclaimed king, Jacob must have blacked out from his blood loss or something because the next thing he remembers is waking up in a bed chamber with Judith, Fred, Harold, and Hagar by his side. "What are you all looking at?" Harold smiled, "Our new King. You did it, son! Against all odds, you did it! I couldn't be prouder of you." Jacob said, "The last thing I remember is everyone in the battle field in front of the castle. I remember hearing them yelling. Then everything just went black." Judith said, "That's because you passed out. You took a couple of deep cuts in your fight with the king. The doctor has fixed you up and you must stay in bed for a few days to rest and recover. King Jon's body has been disposed of and the King's chambers are in the process of being cleaned and repaired. It must have been quite a fight. I am glad you are the one that came out alive." Jacob smiled, "Me too! I've worked so hard and went through a lot for this moment." Harold asked, "Did you find the right motivation to do so?" Jacob answered him, "I think I did. I went out to think outside of the hideout. I decided I wanted the reason to be justice. I think justice was served. I also know the truth about why he killed my parents. I am going to make some great changes around here for the kingdom. I hope I can make my Father proud and recover the family name." "Good, I'm glad you worked that out. I was a little worried about you for a while. You are a good man. I am sure your father is already proud. What you accomplished has been no easy task. I think you will be a better king for it too." Harold replied. "I know I have learned a lot that is for sure. There is no teacher quite like experience itself." Jacob said. Hagar spoke up, "By the way, Harold has asked me to marry him. What do you think about that?" Jacob answerd, "Oh? Did you say yes?" Hagar said, "Hey, I asked you a question first." Jacob said, "Ok, I think that would be great!" Hagar laughed, "I said yes, Son!" Jacob answered, "That's great, Mom!" He laughed in return. Judith asked, "Do you want to make it a double wedding?" Jacob said, "Do you think that would be fitting for a Queen and King to share their wedding with their parents?" Judith giggled, "We will make it a fitting thing to do! Besides, it will save on wedding expenses and we can share the grandure with them." "It's settled then, if they would like to join us, Let's do it. There! I have made my first official decision as king." Jacob said with a big smile. Then he looked at Fred, "You've been kind of quiet so far. What do you think about all of this? And shall I start referring to you as Dad too?" Fred smiled at Jacob. "You can call me just about anything you like, but don't call me late for dinner. I get hangry if I don't get to eat." All of them laughed. Jacob asked, "Who is handling the business of the kingdom right now since I am down?" Fred said, "Mike, is temporarily until you tell him otherwise. No one is messing with business matters until you can tell us what you want done. Mike has mostly just focused up on clean up and repairing what he can of the city and the Castle. He has no desire to take your place. He was your second hand man at the hideout and is just trying to help you out and whoever he can." "That's good. I passed out before i had a chance to set up any kind of order. I think things are in good hands. I'm so glad Mike joined me. He has been a huge help in all of this. I think I am going to rest and if anything big comes up, then I will handle it. Otherwise, I trust Mike to take care of it. I may decide to keep him as second in command. He has earned it." Jacob answered. It took Jacob about a week to recover enough to get up and get around. He set up an order of command and assigned tasks to various people. The wedding day was set for 3 months out to give the town and kingdom time to recover from the war. The people loved Jacob as their King. He helped them in anyway he could. He was kind and fair and struggled to obtain justice. He remembered his own journey as a common and poor person and prisoner. He had compassion and restored forgotten history. The forbidden section of the library got a whole lot smaller. He believed the people should be informed. They should have knowledge and learn how to use it. The day of the wedding came. It was a huge and lavish affair. Jacob and Judith married and then Hagar and Harold got married following their cerimony and they all left the auditorium together. The reception lasted all night. The entire kingdom celebrated their new King and Queen. There were parties and gatherings all over and in every town. Finally, it came time for them to have their honeymoon. Everyone through rice. Balloons and Doves were released. Fireworks were displayed. Harold finally was able to live comfortably and didn't have to work hard any more unless he wanted to and felt up to it. Jacob was able to take care of him and Hagar now since they were the ones that helped save his life and get the kingdom restored to him. They also had helped him break the curse. Crime decreased as people were restored their jobs and belongings. Jacob had set up a system that would allow them to earn what they could back. He put a tax in place only to make sure their were back up supplies in case of famine or natural disaster. Anyone in need could come to him and he would consider them case by case and help in what ever way he could help them. It wasn't long until King Jacob and Queen Judith were expecting their first child and hope had been restored to the kingdom. ![]() ![]() |