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Rated: XGC · Book · Fanfiction · #2328962
The tale of Toadette's wild foot slave life continues. This time, she possess the fetish.
#1081799 added January 25, 2025 at 10:29am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 73 - Pillow Fight Madness
“Where is she? Where is she?”

Only one girl in Toad Town would get a pass to knock down her own servants. The human might have been short, but her legs were a blur to the various Toads in the castle. She yelled in everyone’s face, demanding answers that nobody knew. And the worst part? She left blackened footprints all over the clean floors. Whatever carpet she ran on wasn’t enough to eat away at the filth, causing this demon to be quite the headache for the housekeeping.

“You’re not getting away from me this time,” she panted. “Oh! Captain Toad, sir!”

“Why are you screaming like a banshee?”

“Miss Toadette’s back. Do you know where she is?”

“As if. The girl comes, your mother immediately sends her off, then I don’t even get a chance to peek at her.” Captain Toad’s high-pitched voice getting a snicker out of Penelope as he grunted. “If I were a betting man, I’d say there’s only one place she could be.”

Penelope put a hand to her chin, going deep in thought.

Toad sighed. “Five seconds to reach a conclusion before I leave.”

“Ah!” Penelope immediately rushed for the stairs. “Prepare yourself, Miss Toadette!”

“Don’t get your hopes up,” Toad said to himself.

“Mother, I’m entering your room without your permission!” Penelope pushed the door to Peach’s grand bedroom open.

Her little blue eyes grew. Seated at the end of the bed, working her fingers to the bone, was a weary Toadette. Even in her tired state, she looked incredible to Penelope. The princess’ daughter danced in joy, jumping up and down until she was right at Toadette’s side. She then sunk her head into her chest, purring like a kitten.

“I finally got you in time,” she sighed, sniffling. “I know you’re not staying, but—”

“I am.”


“My brother’s gonna be fine without me for a while. Besides, I need a chance to rest.”

“Colour me surprised.” Toad stood at the door, a folder in his hands. When he finally saw Toadette’s face, his jaw dropped. It was as if he was looking at a different person entirely.

Toadette gave him a brief wave before focusing on her main task: the enormous feet that she was commanded to massage. And to whom did these feet belong? The one and only Princess Peach, who was busy applying her makeup at the same time. The lack of red marks on Toadette’s face told the unexpected visitors just how well she pleased the monarch.

“Around the arches, Toadette,” Peach reminded.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Well, well, Toadette. You look…” Toad stepped forward. “You look like your own mother.”

Toadette’s head snapped in his direction. “Why is everybody telling me I look old?”

“Those glasses really don’t help. Turned you from a geek into a little librarian,” he chuckled, smirking as he walked by her. “A pretty cute librarian, though. Alright, princess, I’m here to debrief you.”

“Penelope, out the room,” Peach ordered.

“Ugh! And I literally just got the chance to see her, too.”

“Tell you what, Penelope,” Toadette said with a smile. “How about you and I have a slumber party in your room tonight? Sound fun?"

“You mean like a pillow fight?”

“If you wanna go that way, you’d best prepare yourself.”

The girl laughed and nodded before closing the door behind her. Toadette’s smile disappeared as she went back to robotically rubbing Peach’s ginormous feet. They seemed to balloon in size every time the girl came back. They were so massive that Toadette’s hands looked like a newborn baby’s in comparison. While she was stuck focusing on Peach’s feet, Toad spent his time trying to ignore the awkward situation unfolding before him.

Feet. Just… Ugh, why feet of all things? Goes for both you and Toadette, princess.

“Shall I read out the news? Or do you wanna remove Toadette?”

“It shouldn’t be anything she can’t know about. She’s upgraded, remember.”

“Yeah, give the crazy girl access to crazy info.” He cleared his throat. “Firstly, there’s talk about Bowser planning something to snatch you up again. You know the drill.”

“Yeah, yeah, wait for Mario if he captures me.”

“Secondly, that law you’ve proposed for the kingdom to adopt following the Star Festival attack appears unlikely to pass. The justices acknowledge the rationale behind a more closed-off kingdom in the immediate aftermath, but they don’t see this as a viable long-term strategy.”

Peach’s lipstick smeared across her face. As Captain Toad waited for a response, he gave Toadette an annoyed look.

“I should’ve expected as such,” Peach sighed.

“I mean, they’re right. But who knows? Maybe you’ll get your next big attack.” Captain Toad pulled out another document. “We’ve got a whisper that the Scapellis might be looking to strike at us again.”

Toadette’s entire body went stiff. It was as if she was transported back to that terrible night in the field. There were bodies everywhere, flames eating away at everything and the sounds of gunfire mixed with the popping of huge fireworks.

“Ow!” Peach kicked Toadette in her nose. “Why are you digging your nail into my sole?”

“I… I…” Toadette glanced at Toad, her eyes blinking rapidly.

“Stay focused, princess,” Toad said with a firm voice. “We can’t say for sure what those Scapellis are up to or if they even have a plan, but it’s up to you to decide if you wanna take pre-emptive measures.”

“There’s no need for defence.” Peach looked down. “They wouldn’t dare to go against us. It’s not in their best interest, believe me.”

“Yeah, well next time that we have a Star Festival, I’m gonna set up a defence that actually makes sense.” He tapped Toadette on the shoulder. “See you around, Nasty Toes.”



“Alright, Toadette,” Peach continued, snapping her fingers, “I think before I get out of bed, I’d like to feel some grazing along my feet.”

Oh great, the cheese grater technique…

That was what Toadette had dubbed the act of grazing the feet. Because of how it involved her teeth scraping against it, she had the cartoonish image of rolls of cheese emerging with each scrape. With feet as big as Peach’s, the job never got easier. It required her to climb onto the bed and carefully position her mouth along the sides of Peach’s feet before she could work her way to the soles.

Once she lightly nibbled the side of Peach’s right foot, the royal chuckled.

The more you keep a smile on her face, the better.

With how Peach curled her toes whenever Toadette applied pressure, it was another indicator that the girl was doing a good job. It stood in stark contrast to just months ago, where every time she was at the princess’ feet, she was treated as some variation of a loser.

Another difference was Toadette’s blushing cheeks. Normally it would take a person she liked to some degree to generate this reaction from her. But for as much as she wasn’t a fan of her princess, being merely in the presence of such large feet had her knees shaky. Especially when they were in her mouth.

“Is there anything else you have planned for me today, Your Highness?” she asked, catching her breath.

“I’ll inform you if something important comes up.”


“Have a nice day,” Minh said with a smile, handing over a killer flytrap plant.

With her shop now empty of customers, she hurried upstairs. Her bedroom, which used to be a cluttered mess of materials, was slowly turning into a more presentable environment. Sofia scoffed at her cousin, sweeping the floor with precision.

“Why is it that every room you touch becomes so cluttered?”

“A busy life means I don’t have time for silly things like cleaning up.” She picked up a sock from the floor. “Thank you, though.”

“I should’ve had Jazz take care of this, to be honest. Teach her a thing or two.”

Minh glanced over at her younger cousin, who sat with her legs extended on the floor, engrossed in a comic book.

From their youth, Minh remembered how Jasmin had always been somewhat of a problem child when it came to keeping things tidy. Right now, her apricot-coloured soles were smeared with dirt, and she had them propped on a clean pillow. Yet Jasmin didn’t notice anything wrong with this, proudly displaying the grimy bottoms of her feet.

Concerning her home life, Jasmin’s lack of attention to cleanliness was present in various aspects. She rarely bothered to throw trash into the bin, with her room being a cockroach’s dream vacation spot. There were days where she skipped showers altogether, causing her dark hair to look oily and unkempt. Sofia was all about pampering herself, booking weekly manicures and pedicures. In contrast, Jasmin had to be begged by the waitress to agree to just one treatment every two months.

Jasmin reminded Minh of young Toadette in many ways. But Toadette was always ashamed to have been dirty, and she was a victim of poverty and an irresponsible single mother. Sofia and Jasmin descended from wealthy parents; Sofia was college-educated, and she worked on the most pristine train in the kingdom.

With all these factors in Jasmin’s favour, her filthy nature was an anomaly.

“Hey! Get your feet off Minh-Minh’s pillow, girl!” Sofia snapped, causing Jasmin to scamper backwards.

“It’s okay, Sofi,” Minh said.

“No, it’s not. She’s eleven years old; she should know better.”

“I… I get that, but I’m just saying I don’t mind. I got a million pillows.”

“It’s not about whether you’re okay with it or not,” Sofia sighed, grabbing the pillow. “It’s the principle. You don’t waltz into someone else’s home and treat it like it’s yours. That’s not how Mom and Dad raised us.”

Minh took the pillow from Sofia and returned it to Jasmin, then gently placed her feet on it. To make things better, she started to wipe some of the dirt off the trembling girl’s soles.

“Jazz, it’s all good,” she said, noting just how rough Jasmin’s feet were. “My home is your home. Just don’t do this at your friends’ homes, and it’s fine.”

“Not something I have to worry about.” Jasmin curled her toes into the pillow, smearing a grey mark on the once-white cushion.

That poor pillow is about to smell something awful, Minh thought, a faint smile returning to her face.

“I’m gonna give you both pedicures while you’re here, if you don’t mind, Jazz. Your feet feel like they’ve been working hard.”

“I hate that tickly feeling, though. And that stupid thing where the cuticles get pushed back a million miles.” She grimaced. “You know my calluses are really tough, so you’re gonna have to press way too hard, and then it’s gonna tickle me and make me feel all uncomfortable, and then—”

“Sofi, what kinda salons you been taking this girl to? Hell’s Finest Foot Care?”

“I, for one, love that cuticle stuff.” She set the broom in the corner. “Jazz is difficult, girl.”

“Well I’ve been doing this for most my life, and I can promise you both that you’re gonna get a comfortable pedicure on the house,” Minh said, giving Jasmin’s big toe a playful poke. “And I’ll throw in a proper foot massage, not one of those half-hearted ones you get at salons.”

“And that is what is makes you amazing,” Sofia said, patting Minh on the back.

In spite of not smiling, Jasmin gave her older cousin a nod of approval.

“Perfect. Okay, lemme get back to…” Minh raised a brow. “You two hear that?”

“Hear what?” Sofia asked.

Minh held still, hearing what sounded like a buzzing bee around her bed. As she got closer, the buzzing grew louder. She lifted one of the pillows and let out a squeak.

“Toadette! You gotta be kidding me!”

“You mean the girl who tripped down the stairs is clumsy? You don’t say.”

When Minh opened the phone, she was taken aback by the wallpaper. It was a picture of herself encircled by a heart filter. She immediately recognised it as one of the photos the girls had taken at the festival. In the photo, she was lying on her stomach, her bare feet in the air, with her toes almost touching the camera. Meanwhile, her cheery face was further back. She hastily flipped the screen down, her blush beginning to form.

“Look, Minh-Minh, there’s nothing to worry about.” Sofia snatched the phone. “Once I get Jazz back to your folks’ place, I’ll find Toadette and hand it to her. I hope she’s not living in another alleyway, ‘cause then…”

Minh’s blush intensified the longer Sofia stared at the screen.

“Um… Interesting pic.”


Toadette hadn’t felt the smooth tiles of the castle floor beneath her bare feet in what seemed like forever. For the last four months, she’d been racing around in nylons or shoes. Now, with her pyjama pants slumped over her feet, she strolled towards Penelope’s bedroom—the only one on the second floor with a bright pink door.

“I’m coming in,” she announced.

The pink door creaked open, revealing its rosy interiors. Similar to her last encounter in Penelope’s bedroom, the number of hazards on the ground was ridiculous. It was like navigating a minefield. In addition to the clothes and snack bags, there were various expensive-looking video game cards scattered on the carpeted floor.

“You really need to learn to clean your room,” said Toadette. The door then shut.

But as she looked around, she saw that Penelope was neither at the door nor on her bed. It was only when scanning the bed a second time that Toadette noticed something off. Of the many pillows, one in the middle was missing.


“I’ll clean it when I feel like it!”

The kid knocked Toadette to the ground with more force than the Toad anticipated. She rubbed her head, feeling like she’d been struck with a sock full of coins instead of a pillow.

Penelope waited for Toadette to rise so that she could begin wailing on her again.

Just as Toadette looked like she was fully up, Penelope swung with all her might. But to her immediate shock, Toadette snatched the pillow out her hands and sent the girl flying into a pile of her own clothes. Toadette chuckled, rubbing her left arm as she practised swinging the pillow like a softball bat.

“If your only way to deal with me is via sneak attacks, then you’ve already lost.”

Penelope threw all strategy out the window and lunged for another pillow on her bed. With a shriek, she charged at Toadette.

The two exchanged blows, but Penelope took the brunt of the recoil.

Just to give the girl a fighting chance, Toadette eased her grip on the pillow. But in a flash, she rushed to Penelope, landing a swift strike to her cheek that sent her on the ground again.

“This can’t be the best you’ve got,” she taunted, making herself a wide target. “Show me some strength, kid!”

With a growl, Penelope unleashed a powerful slap that sent Toadette’s glasses whizzing through the air. As Toadette struggled to regain her balance, the smaller girl seized the moment, darting behind her for another attack. Her smirk widened upon realising that Toadette was now unable to see in these conditions.

“Take this!” She struck Toadette five times before hurling her pillow at her. “What’s wrong? Your eyes all blurry?”

“You’re a cheater.”

“All is fair in war, Miss Toadette.” Penelope snatched the pillow once more, batting Toadette with so much force that she landed on her back.

Striding towards her fallen opponent, Penelope stomped her foot on her chest, curling her toes. The fair-skinned girl then hovered it above Toadette’s face.

“Kiss it or face the consequences!”

“What consequences?”

“The dreaded torment of my ten toes down your throat.”

Considering how small Penelope’s feet were compared to hers, it was hardly a threat. Though upon staring at this foot before her face, Toadette had a wake-up call of just how wide Penelope’s feet were. They were only barely slimmer than Minh’s feet.

So she planted one smooch on the foot.

Penelope giggled. “And with that, I am a—”


“All is fair in war, little girl.”

Captain Toad juggled the yellow pillow in his hands, smirking at the face-planting Penelope. When his eyes met Toadette’s, she was quick to hop to her feet.

“What are you doing here?” she yelled.

“What’s it look like I’m doing, idiot?” And in one fluid motion, he sent Toadette spiralling backwards. “The only way I see either of you being the victor is by teaming up. Plus, I love a challenge.”

“Then that’s what you’ll get!” Penelope charged at him with all the energy she had.

Adrenaline filled her as she threw herself at him. Yet Toad was far faster than her, dodging all her swings. Even when she tossed her pillow at him, all he needed to do was roundhouse kick it back in her direction.

“Heh.” Sensing another foe behind him, he slid to the side just as she swung.

Toadette stumbled forward, gritting her teeth. She bounced back up and shared blows with Toad, her stamina keeping her on her feet longer than Penelope. In a flash, she somersaulted over Toad’s head and whacked him in the face.

“What the—?” He stumbled back, barely avoiding tripping.

“Don’t get all cocky!” Toadette smacked him on the side of his face, then stepped out his path before he could attack her again.

Instead, Penelope let out a scream and sent Toad to the floor with a heavy hit.

The two girls gave each other a high five. Yet their excitement lasted only a few seconds, as Toad grabbed their dropped pillows and hit both in their chins.

Seizing the moment, Toad placed his foot over Toadette’s face.

“I win,” he boasted, his chest puffed out. He rubbed his foot up and down on Toadette’s lips and nose, forcing her to soak in the total defeat. “You’re still fast, but it seems Peach hasn’t improved your battle skills.”

“Wanna find out? We can get rid of the kid, and I’ll show you what I can do.”

“If I didn’t have my own stuff to do tomorrow, I’d be more than happy.” He tossed a lime candy to Penelope. “Same goes for you. Get back to visiting that dojo.”

“That’s too much work!” Penelope continued moaning on her back like a starfish. “I’m strong enough as is…”

“Get some sleep, Penelope,” Toadette laughed, kissing her cheek before leaving the room with Toad. As soon as they were in the hallway, she immediately fanned her face, her eyes avoiding his.

“Did that do anything for you?” he asked.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“And this is why girls are annoying: directness is not in your vocabulary.” He yawned. “I’ll see you when I get back. Shouldn’t be more than—”

“You wanna sleep with me?”

Toad’s pyjama pants suddenly poked forward by a good ten centimetres.

“That’s not what I meant,” she stammered, struggling to keep her voice to a whisper. “I just meant you could share my bed with me. That’s it.”

And as his member deflated like a balloon, Toadette let out a sigh of relief.

“I will not rest until you are holding me in your mouth,” he mumbled.

“You’ll be one sleepy Toad, ‘cause that day is far in the future.”

It felt so relaxing for Toadette to be able to sleep in her own bed without worrying about having to go to another city for a day. With or without Peach, the endless travels had her head spinning. She felt nice and cosy underneath her thicker sheets, and as she removed her shirt, Captain Toad focused on her body.


“What now?” she huffed, adjusting her pillows.

“You don’t get cold easily, do you?”

“I’ve always been better than others in Toad Town when it comes to the cold.”

“Bit of a shame I can’t cuddle with you then.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s gonna make you overheat.” He turned on his side. “Minh T. usually likes the cuddling. You know, before she does that dumbass thing where she sleeps where your feet are supposed to go.”

Toadette bit her lips.

“I mean… If you like cuddling, then what about this?”

Toad looked at Toadette with a dumbfounded expression as she just shut her eyes. Then he felt it. It. Her soft feet rubbed against his legs before descending to his own extremities. And once Toadette felt her toes curve across his arch, she let out a soft moan.

“You are so…” Toad paused, shrugging before attempting to return the favour, a gesture that had Toadette smiling.

“I know I am,” she purred. “And I’m… Hehehe!”

Toadette’s eyes burst open. Despite trying to pull her feet back, it was to no success. She didn’t even hear Toad descending to her feet, yet here he was, firmly holding her ankles while his fingers glided along her faintly damp soles.

“You gotta be more alert,” he said, scratching between her toes.

“Stop it! Hahahahahaha!”

“Remember, red lights mean ‘go’ in my world.”

The longer that Toad tickled the bottoms of her feet, the more sensitive she felt—the opposite of how it should’ve been. She squirmed from side to side, trying to lunge forward to attack him. And yet every single time, she would land right on her back, letting out a shrill laugh. She might’ve been faster, but the five minutes he spent assaulting her feet showed that their stamina was on an equal level.

“I can’t breathe,” Toadette cried, scrunching her toes to the max. “I just wanna sleep!”

“I’ll let you, but first…” Toad pushed his face against Toadette’s right breast, lightly sucking on it.

As Toadette excreted her milk, she set a hand over her pussy, breathing deeply. Toad’s lips were so soft on her nipple, and the suction had her arching her back and curling her toes repeatedly. When Toad finally slipped her nip out his mouth, he smiled, kissing her on her lips.

“Still the best strawberry milk a man could ever taste.”

“You just made me extra tired,” Toadette yawned, removing her cap. “Congrats.”

“Hey, it’s how we guys feel after cumming. Feels amazing, then we fall asleep.”

She reached to shut off her lamp. “You’d better rub your feet against mine all night…”

After falling into her pillow and continuing footsies for ten seconds, Toadette reached under her pillow for her phone. The lights came back on.

“Oh shit.”


Author’s Note:
Bit of a lengthy note here.

I felt bad not using Penelope much in the last arc. This arc aims to rectify that. A reminder that this character was not created by me; she was created by artist Shake-Zula eons ago.

I have had moments like Toadette’s fear in the last sentence. This goes back to elementary school, where a girl just took a sketch I made which casually mentioned a character liked feet. I had to lunge across that desk to get it back before she read that part.

History repeated itself with me continuing to draw characters’ feet in middle and high school. In high school, interestingly, people liked the foot drawings I made. Some of them have been uploaded into my art gallery.
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