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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/117129-Returning-As-A-New-Man-07-19-01-to-07-21-01
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #165682
This is my [somewhat] daily journal!
#117129 added July 22, 2001 at 2:20pm
Restrictions: None
Returning As A New Man [07-19-01 to 07-21-01]
Hey everyone! If you have been reading my little journal about my life, then you probably know that I was leaving on the 19th of July to go visit an old-time friend (his online name is Tolan). Before I tell everyone what went on during my visit, let me try to explain why this visit was such a good thing.

Tolan was a guy I met in Hawaii, six or seven years ago. I had to move to Portales five years ago, and that was the last time I physically saw him. Sure, I saw him in a few pictures and talked to him online all the time..but that isn't the same thing. He is probably the only person in the world that really "KNOWS" me inside and out. I've pretty much shared every feeling/bit of information I have with him. He probably knows me better than I do myself. Scary, eh? Anyway, you can't even imagine how happy I was to have the chance to go SEE him in person!! Now..onward.

-July 19, 2001-
I never really went to sleep the previous night. I took a short 'nap'
before my dad came and got me up. It only took a few minutes for me to be ready to go, however, we were rushed so I actually forgot some of the stuff I was going to take (like my ps2!). I generally hate long car-rides, but this one I didn't mind so much. I was pretty excited when we finally reached the city where my friend lives. We arrived at his house at around 1. He wasn't home, but his mom let me in. After saying goodbye to my dad, I just sat around and waited for Tolan to arrive home from work. Around 2:30 (maybe a little bit later) he arrived. Wow! He hadn't changed a bit, other than his hair was longer. He showed me Chrono Cross. Now, honestly, Chrono Cross looks like a nice regular RPG..but it doesn't do much for the Chrono Trigger series. CT had me hooked from the first five minutes, and I couldn't hardly put it down. CC just made me yawn a lot while I searched for lizards to get scales from. Ahh well.

After a bit of playing, Tolan was informed he had to go do some errands, and I gladly followed him to do it. He had to go to K-mart, and so we went shopping. I never really found anything interesting (other than some really old NES games, and a wierd PSX game I had never heard of before), but it was quality time =)

When that chore was over, we went back to his house, and he showed me some cool stuff (including a model of Vash's gun in Trigun!!!) He showed me volumes 2 and 3 of Trigun, and his mom made speghetti (I don't think I spelled that right) for dinner. It was really good, and I ate a lot. We then decided that we should go see a movie together, so we piled into the car and took off!

He drove the way he thought was the direction of the movie theater, but it turned out that we went the wrong way (we went south instead of north), and we pretty much got lost for an hour. It was all good though. We were both talking and laughing so hard that we were losing our voices! (I havn't come close to losing my voice since Hawaii days!) Since we had already missed the movie, we decided that we should just go rent one. We went to Movie Gallery and got Fight Club. I had always heard about how GOOD this movie was, but I never really had the interest to go out and rent it. I would find out how WIERD it was. But not this day :P

When we returned, we decided to just play some PSX, and use his new game shark to play around with stuff. While looking for Breath of Fire IV codes, we stumbled upon a rumor. We just HAD to know if it was true or not, so we started playing BOF IV! Using Game Shark we were pratically invincible. I fell asleep while he was playing the game, though.

-July 20, 2001-
I woke up to find that it was past noon, and that he was on the last boss of BOF IV! Woah. Why didn't he wake me up? (Actually, I didn't mind. I was tired :P) The sky was getting pretty dark, I noticed, as I watched him get the "Game Clear" save file. Now we could check the rumor. and..guess what? It turned out to be TRUE! I never would have guessed that Rei and Teepo were in this game! For those who don't know, Rei and Teepo are from Breath of Fire III! Rei sells some wierd items, and Teepo gives you a sword. 0.o

Tolan then showed me his intro to his RPG again, and we were trying to find Don Miguel's site, but found out it was down. We did find some pictures of a new Battle System for RPG Maker 2000, and I must say it looks AMAZING! I have NO IDEA how a person would even go about making something even close to that! I'm baffled. I now have something new to try and make! Whee! Anyway, it started to storm..bad..so we had to turn it off.

After turning it off, we went down stairs and watched Fight Club! I must.. honestly say, I am totally amazed at how WIERD this movie gets. I would've never guessed what they tell you later, and ever since they DO explain, my head has been going in circles trying to figure out how EVERY scene would work with the way it REALLY is, and not the way you see it. I think they should release another version of it, for those who have seen the first one. The second version should just be the way it REALLY is. That would put my mind at ease =)

After watching the movie, I noticed the rain had stopped. However, the humidity was really high (if I had to guess, i'd say it was near 100%) and it was making me sick. Within 30 minutes or so, I had a really really bad headache. I thought my head was going to explode. Tolan and I were on our way to get some lunch, but I asked him to take me to a place where I could get some medicine. I mean, it REALLY hurt!

We went to a WinDixxie, and as we walked in, Tolan saw a friend of his from school! While they were talking, I was thinking about trying to go and get some medicine. Eventually I found some, and I went to check out. It was a pretty cute cashier that checked me out, and I still remember the conversation:

*I walked up, and she took the box*
Her: so, how are you?
Me: erm... not bad! doin good! (in all reality, I was trying not to show that I was in severe pain)
Her: would you like this in a bag?!
Me: no, thanks!
Her: *smiles* Bye!!

Don't ask me why I remember that so well :P Just one of those things. Anyway, we were back on track to getting some lunch and to taking medicine. He wanted Taco Bell (I guess he hadn't had it in awhile or something) so thats where we ate. That was fine by me. I ordered, got my drink and barely swallowed two of the pills. (my hands were shaking violently on their own. I don't know why) After that I ate... and we were talking about how much better it was to talk in person than to chat online. I have already stated at the beginning of this entry that it IS better to see them in person, so I don't need to repeat it.

We went back towards his house, and I had to joke with him. Almost right before we turned onto the residental road, our conversation went something like this:

Me: Dang, she was cute.
Him: "Who?"
Me: The chick from the store
Him: chick? oh! the cashier?
Me: yeah
Him: .....*thinks* yeah, she was pretty cute. want her number?
Me: Nah! Its moot point.
Him: You gotta stop saying that. you over-use that word?
Me: what word? 'moot-point'?
Him: yeah.
Me: well, its not a lie this time. it really IS moot-point! I don't live here!
Him: So? you could have at least became 'friends' with her, doesn't have to be a relationship thing
Me: yeah, I guess so. If you ever run into her again, will ya get it? you can always send it to me later on ICQ or somethin.

When we got back to his house, we went back onto the computer and I told him about Morphus, and got that. I was emptying my pockets, and I found the receipt from the store. It had the cashier's name on it. It was Laura! How odd. Every Laura i've met has been really cute =)

Sometime after that we spent four or five hours watching the last four volumes of Trigun! So I can now offically say that i've seen ALL of Trigun! I love it =) Tolan had gotten a program from Morphus, and we were messing around with that. Then we played some Bushido Blade for PSX, and I once again got him to laugh until his face turned red and he couldn't breathe =) After commenting on how much funnier I was in person, I think I eventually fell asleep.

-July 21, 2001-
Tolan actually woke me up this time. I was having a dream about tables, and he woke me from it. It was around nine. About three or four hours before my dad was suppose to arrive and get me. This day seemed so short. We messed on the computer for a few hours, then he showed me episodes 1 and 2 of Neon Genisis Evalagion (not sure on the spelling), which was alright. I bet it gets better later on. After watching those eps, we went back upstairs and played some Quake 3 against nightmare bots. I have to admit, i've lost a lot of my skill. I used to be really good..but now, even the bots can kill me. While playing, the doorbell rang and I knew it was my time to go. After saying some goodbyes, I was once again in the car.. on my way back to Florida.

Not much else really happend. When I got home, I found out that my router isn't really working all that well. Either lightning has hit it, or something has gone wrong inside of it. I don't know what to do about it, and I have no idea whats really wrong about it. I have already e-mailed the one person I know that may actually have an idea. I am still waiting for a responce. Ahh well.. what can I do? I have left a strange saddned man, but I have returned a better person.

© Copyright 2001 James (Himura) (UN: rurouni at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
James (Himura) has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/117129-Returning-As-A-New-Man-07-19-01-to-07-21-01