An evolution in years |
Why is it that people don't believe me when I say I'm sorry?
Today was a long day. I ended up getting around 4 people mad at me, and only one accepted my apology. Why is that? I apologized to all 4, and I ment it, and what happened to make them mad was my fault (I was having a bad day and taking it out on the world). So why is it that people refuse to believe that I'm actually sorry. One person actually said TO MY FACE that they didn't believe me, and no, they don't forgive me. So I decided to take a look at what it is about me that makes people think I'm not actually apolegetic. And I came to one basic conclusion that covers it. People just don't think I actually care. They don't. They've know me (or at least they think they've know me) for a couple of years (except the one who eventually forgave me) and they've drawn the conclusion that I don't give a damn about anyone, or their respective emotions. Supposedly, all I care about is me and my feelings and "screw them if that pisses them off". The one who forgave me, strangely, I guess knows me well enough to realize that when I apologize I mean it - yes, this coldhearted bitch can actually FEEL emotions like guilt! The funny thing is, that I actually like the fact that people don't see the real me. Usually it doesn't bug me that they don't think I care. Because it results in them giving up when they're trying to make fun of me. I've gotten used to the fact that noone in my group actually knows that I have emotions. Maybe I should remedy that situation. Ahh, well, that's it. Pretty much. If anyone has ideas about why people may not belive me, let me know - I'd be interested in hearing them. Kgirlfae ~ Wanting |