An evolution in years |
For the record, I have always hated Valentine's Day with a passion that is only rivaled by my friend Maury (who's exboyfriend cheated on her with a male, and was born on Valentine's Day). My boyfriend knows this, and decided to take it upon his shoulders to make me like Valentine's Day again.
The past week I've been showered with gifts (which part of me loved, and part of me despised being put in the spotlight). Chocolate Covered Cherries, A stuffed rabbit (the cutest stuffed animal I've seen to this day), Chinese Caligraphy, Devil Horns + Tail... the list goes on and on and on. And yesterday I got the biggest gifts of all - A three foot tall stuffed bear, a bunch of chocolate, and a beautiful glass dolphin music box that plays "Fur Elise"... one of my favourite Beethoven compositions. And then my boyfriend warned me that there would be more.... I never got it. Halfway through the second period of the day, everyone in the school was herded down to the Large Gym. Our school had a gas leak... and we got evacuated (WHOO HOO!!). So halfway through the day we were able to go home. I dropped my carpool off, and my boyfriend and I went out to lunch. So I have never, EVER, gotten out of school like that. I have never been evacuated, I have never had anything like that happen. So I'm happy.... I never got the rest of the gifts though - Having the shcool closed down ruined that. But I have to say, getting out of school, and being able to have a Valentine's Day lunch with my boyfriend was worth anything else he could have given me. Just being able to sit and talk with him for a few hours was better than anything else he could have given me. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Kgirlfae ~ Wanting |