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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/170088-yearbooks
by Seaoh
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #431565
L.I.F.E. L-ove I-ndividuality F-or E-ver, hehe :)
#170088 added May 29, 2002 at 9:56pm
Restrictions: None
Wednesday May 29,2002
We got our yearbooks today, it was so hard to decide who would sign my year book first. After you get it the first signature then it doesnt matter in which order everyone else signs it. One of my fav. teachers was the first one to sign it, so I'm happy :). Then it was JG, we fought on the phone today. I'm getting tired of our fights, speaking of which she just called me and we are talking and we havent fought, so I'm surprised. Eventhough we fight a lot I think our friendship is worth any hardships we must endure. Anywho today I got pissed at 2 of my friends. Ok, remember how yesterday I told u that me YR were helping MRs.Gonzalez so we missed part of our review for resource, well YR was suppose to bring the questions for me today so I got to her did u bring the questions shes like no I finished them and I go I didnt ask you that (remember she always has to tell u when shes done with stuff even when u dont give a shit and pisses the f*** out of u) I asked if u brought it she said no cuz i finished it at home I said but u were suppose to bring it for me today, her response Oh well its at home. WHAT THE f***!! If it was her that needed it she would be on my ass to get it but when it comes to bringing me something its like 'OH WELL". And we were helping mrs.gonzalez for NJHS we were suppose to be doing the questions for CHapter 24 section 1 and shes like we have to do that so shes like u finish here and i'll go finish that and I'll give it to you. So i finish helping MRs.GOnzalez and she finishes the questions and I go to her YR lets tell mRs.G that we'll give it to her tommo so i can take it home today, shes like "so i cant turn mine in, u know its really easy" YOU CANT GET ANYMORE f***ING SELFISH than that. She is the f***ing vice-prez of NJHS and guess what I am, jack shit but i helped mrs.gonzalez i finished what she wanted US to do, if anything she should have finished because she IS the vice-prez. THAT WAS YESTERDAY. and now today not bringing the f***ing questions when I need them cuz our finals are not next week but next week was really a pisser.
the next friend i got mad at is NS, hes one of my best guy friends and he likes this girl M i dont know her other initial so shes M, and M likes him, today I found out that they were going out by LCL and not him. WHAT THE f***, why didnt he tell me, we are suppose to be friends. I havent talked to him all day and guess what he just got on like a few minutes to go and he had the audacity to im me as if nothing happened, he goes hi pal and im suppose to go hey buddy its like our little tradition thing well i just put the away message i made yesterday, it goes like this:
i AM in A f***ing BLIND rage/SADDNESS (I dont give a f*** if thats too many d's or s's or not enough n's)/DEPRESSION/madness.
Choose one of the above........

I'm sorry if this doesn't sound like Xio all pretty in pink, well guess what MAYBE if u lOOOKED a little closer u would see this side all the f***ing TIME!

But for NS to read my away message he would have to im me again which he didnt and then he signed off what i think happened is that a.he saw i put my away message so he went on ghost
b. he went under buddy info and saw the beginning of my away message and saw that i was still pissed and then he went on ghost
c. he had to call M so he really signed off

I dont know which one.

Today was the day the bloody 1950-1959 project was due, 1910-1940's groups presented and I instantly felt bad about my project. Everyone else had little clips from movies, and all we have is a time line wrapped up in a hershey's chocolate bar (SHUT UP-i know its bribery but i like it when the teacher passes out food). Oh well right now i personally do not care but I probably will care once we get our grades. we are going to present on monday or wednesday, maybe i can get a clip from the movie Grease (I'm watching the Miss Universe pagent shit how stupid is that we dont know everything about the universe so how the f*** can we call someone MIss Universe, some of the ladies are very pretty but now I notice all the fake smiling they must do, they have to keep this smile plastered on their face the whole f***ing time, poor them but damn there are some pretty dresses. :) Each of them are probably a couple thou.) Oh about the movie grease i cant get the clip cuz its at my dads house and we still havent spoken. Oh well i just want to end this f***ing year alive, I'm getting these cough attacks, sometimes at the most inconvienient of times when (damn India's dress is pretty and its the only black one almost everyone has pastel, like white, really light pink and her dress really pops out) we are doing silent reading but they are all the time ANNOYING-(cool swinsuits come next)-if I survive the end of this school year then it will be a good year.

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