My life has been through the tests of the tough, but is my heart strong enough for it? |
The stupid things I do and get away with. Gods know I'm gonna die an early death.
OYAH!!!! I finally made a truce of sorts with my brothers. That'll take at least ten years off my existance, up front. So, true to the family tradtion, to get some peace, we went outside and soaked up the sun, swam a lil. I really bonded with Benjamin. What a joy. He and I had always been buds, I mean, if there was ever a chance of someone following in my footsteps, it's Ben. So, here the three of us are, Ben and I on the pavement, Will anchored beside us on his lil float. the sun, high in the sky, is beating down on us, and lemme tell ya, that feels GOOOOOOOOOODD!!! There's a big plate o' peaches, apples, cherries and a necterine sitting on a plate, which my brothers and I were devouring. Just talking... Ben and I decide to just zone out. William, loony that he is, starts floating around like a fool singing "iIiiiiiiiiii'm drEAming of a WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE!!! ChRistMAAAAAAAAASSSSS!! Just like the OOOOOOOONNNESS I used to KnOOOOOOooooOOOOOOWW!!!" Ben and I are head to head, so he just mutters, "Shut up.... Shut up... " over and over... Then he snaps up and screams "Your ass is MINE!!!!" and dives into the pool after his twin. By now I've got the plate of fruit in my lap and I'm watching this with mild interest, munching on an apple. Holy shit! Nice one Ben! No, Duck Vilham!! Ben hauls himself out and snatches a bunch of cherries from my hands and starts throwin' 'em at Will like bombs. this started a rather long afternoon of sun, supersoakers, footballs, fruit and WETNESS!!! We are talking ... Shit... Trouble brewing... many conversations... not cool... Peace, love, and dysfunctional America CerAnaka |