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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/184508-Slanders
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #470704
Things I find myself only able to express in words and in this journal - welcome!
#184508 added August 10, 2002 at 11:18pm
Restrictions: None
I had another interesting day full of slanders about homosexuals. I've slightly gotten used to hearing them. But, yes, after a while, it pisses me off. I don't mind if you don't agree or that you wouldn't ever be with someone of the same sex, you have that right. But don't act so damn immature about it like the people at my school do. I guess that comes from living in a small southern town. They all, pretty much, are like "omg *cringe cringe* that is SO so nasty *shudder* I would so throw up if he/she ever touched me. OMG, what if they ever hit on me?!?!? Ewwwwww, I would, eeewww.... *jumps up and starts shaking while saying 'eeewww'* that is SO gross!!!!!! And he/she looks like they have aids!!! I wouldn't dare touch them or let them touch me!" One girl today tho, she made me appreciate her more. Yes, she's popular, kinda ditzy, but she is really nice. She said something fairly mature, said "Yea, I don't care. Just like "hey, that's cool... but I'm not, so respect that and I'll respect you" - basically. That's just, annoyed me. Several of my friends who do know about myself were getting pretty angry. One was shaking she got so pissed. She doesn't stand for people being so mean for no reason. I have to admire that quality. Haha, she saw one of them that'd been so hypocritical today and coughed out "hypocrite". That cracked me up. Anyway, that pretty much gets my rant out about that. "If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, and walks like a duck -- it's probably a duck!" Anyway though, I think this will be a great experience for my/our school. They need to realize that there are different people out in the real world, our town or school can't always shelter you from that truth.
Other than that, what did I do today. Oh, yes, I had to be lab partners with the girl that reminds me of my gf. Friend busted out laughing. It's not a bad thing, cause hey, outta the rest of the people in there... this girl is probably one of the top 5 smartest, so, hey, I was gonna get my lab done correctly! LoL, nah, I can actually do the stuff we did for a lab, we did a lot of stuff like it for my Astronomy class last year. Anyway, so the point of this is that, alright... maybe I can get used to being around someone that reminds me of my gf... so when I am around my gf... MAYBE I won't act like such a retard. But when it comes to my gf, the whole "I love her so much I can't explain it - I really really care what she thinks about me - OMG, I'M SO NERVOUS" factors will come in... lol. Yeah, so, I guess it is pointless - I'm still gonna like shake, not breathe, stutter, cry, fall over cause my knees go funky. I was so spazzed out last night, started having giggling fits and stuff, couldn't calm down, was smiling ear to ear. I really doubt it'll help me any. So I guess I'll go to back-up plan... finding a way to mail myself to Sarah... OHHHH!!!!! I can do it like the lil retarded cartoon thing my friend made me watch earlier. These 3 evil pigs took this girl and put her into an easy-bake.... (god this must sound weird to you guys, lol) oven - well they had to fold her up, much like I would have to fold myself up to fit into a not so bulky box, so they put her in a YOGA position!!! *the light bulb comes on and shines brightly* I need a book on yoga!
I also got to watch Lord of the Rings tonight! Wooo wwooo! I kinda fell asleep for about 30 mintues, I was really really tired and it was the part of the movie I remembered the best. I dunno, it's a pretty good movie. It's on the top of my best movies list, that's for sure. I don't really have a favorite anymore. Just can't pick one. I still did really like K-Pax though. I love several movies. But I have some movies that are "comfort" movies. Like I can watch them a million times or I can use them to fall asleep too or to stay up with, I dunno, it's weird. AGH, time, lol... it's running out. Maybe I'll get a GOOD night's sleep. The last 2 nights, I've slept long, but not deeply at all. Oh and a friend of ours is back now... like I mentioned from yesterday. He saw me today, ran across this block thing, flew off of it and "hugged" me, more like friggin ATTACKED... god it scared me, lol. He now has 2 tattoos. One of them looks... well yah, I don't think it looks that great. Ah, speaking of those, I think I have an idea of what I want. I want a 4-leaf clover with the constellation of Sag. done behind it in little star bursts and then possibly my birthday or something written under it. About 2 inches tall at the most and 2 inches wide, I drew it out and it was about 1 and a half. So... yep... not big at all. I'm going to go to bed now tho, way past my bed time!

I forgot to add something to this entry the other day. It was my conclusion to why my friend is so willing to help this guy. She thinks she can convert him and if she can't, well, she doesn't have to worry about him hitting on her. She thinks she can get any guy to like her and hey, I guess she's right since most the guys think she's really pretty. So, I like girls like guys do... so she thinks "Omg, she won't be able to keep her hands off of me and she'll be hitting on me. Eeewww" and therefore acted like she did. I can think of 5 reasons I have not to ever hit on her. She was my friend is number one - I respected her. Her personality sure isn't great - I definitely wouldn't like it after a while. She isn't all that when it comes to looks, as she likes to think, I think other girls are prettier. Reason 4 - I am with a wonderful girl who has a terrific personality and whom I think is completely beautiful. And last, but not least, the greatest factor of all... I'm in love and happy. I think this goes to proove that my friend is quite stupid... *shakes head* that was the only conclusion I could come to about why she would react so differently. Unless she, *gasps*, learned from the experience with me not to be so cruel. But, considering the size of her brain, I really really doubt that...

One fact does remain - no matter how annoyed I am at her, she is treating this guy decently and that's great!

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