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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #470704
Things I find myself only able to express in words and in this journal - welcome!
#190831 added September 7, 2002 at 11:55am
Restrictions: None

To those of you who read this:
Probably something I say in this entry will bug you if not offend you. So, you are now forewarned. It is YOUR choice to continue reading.

The last week or so, people at school have been bringing up some good subjects to discuss. My class really needs a debate team. We've all said that at one time or another, but the school isn't big enough to have one (?). In AP English we're reading The Awakening, I do not know how many of you have read it, so in case I'm gonna write what I've heard it is about and I'll confirm this after I read it this weekend. This woman is opressed by her husband, as far as I know he does not beat her or anything of the such... and some how she ends up having an affair with a younger man. Well, this definitely has brought up some darn good debates in my class.

Guys always say they don't know what women want or understand woman, one of my closest friends being this guy. Obviously some of you may have figured out that I DO know what it's like to have a crush on a girl and to be in love with one. However, I am not saying that Sarah is like a typical girl. But, I can relate to guys liking a girl. One of the first things you have to learn is NOT all women are the same. You CANNOT understand them all at once. But yes, you can understand the generalities between them. Do not ever assume that one girl is the same as another, ok? Anyway, on with the debates. We have a worksheet handed out about all these quotes... ergh, I'll give some loose examples. "Women are machines to produce babies", "They shouldn't be given power", and many many more that were really wrong. Some of the guys in our class were agreeing with them, which, guys... don't do that. We also had questions to answer about what women want. Obviously easy to me since it was just an opinion. But the guys, gosh. They brought up an example of how a girl says she wants a guy with a good sense of humor and personality and then dumps him for some really attractive guy. Guys, lemme tell ya something... if a girl does that, then obviously she really didn't care for you anyways, so you're better off without her, aight? Women are hard to figure out, granted. Guys are too for girls. I think I can give an honest opinion there. Since I'm going out with a girl and I've dated and liked guys also in the past. You treat a girl how you'd want to be treated... but be just a little bit sweeter. (Ahem: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Ahem Golden Rule Ahem) Now ask yourself, would you want to be treated like an object, like you were a machine, like you were completely stupid? Would you rather let all the control lie in the hands of others instead of yourself? Would you like your wife to wake your children in the middle of the night, get them upset, come wake you up and tell you that your child is sick and to go take care of him/her while SHE smokes and does NOTHING? I can possibly see where the guys get SOME and PARTS of their viewpoints, but overall... I just cannot. And no, I am not saying all guys are like this, because I know some of my guy friends are not. Neither am I saying that there isn't girls who do fit into the mean, evil, nasty, cold-hearted, game-playing, stuck-up, shallow witches... in fact, I know at least one.

Another nasty subject that has been brought up has been Abortion. *cringes at the mention of the word* Do you have ANY idea how much they fight over that? This constant non stop, back and forth, yadda yadda yadda. It drives me nuts. Not what they're saying, either side, but just the fighting. But I cannot say anything because I'm in the middle, if I say anything... both sides will attack me, lol. I do think it is murder after a point. I think if the child could be taken from it's mother THEN and still live... that classifies it as murder. Before then, it's a group of cells forming together to make a baby. The child could not make it on his or her own, therefore he/she is part of their mother, thus giving their mother the right to choose what she wishes to do with her body. I understand both sides of it, obviously. That's why my thoughts about it falls in the middle. I really understand the pro-choice thing, It is not about the actual act of the abortion, it's about people's right to choose what they do with their life. That was a large part the civil war was fought, not because of slavery. Hate to tell you guys that who thought it was all about slavery. It was fought because the southern states were standing up for their rights as a state to decide if something was legal or illegal. A lot of the southerners were against it in actuality. But to release so many people into the real world to fend for themselves all at once, that's mean. You do not send a baby into the world to support his/herself. (Do not get ill, annoyed, offended, mad - I am in NO way saying slavery was right - I disagree with it whole-heartedly) Most of the south had plans to release the slaves over the next 10-20 years, SLOWLY. Thus enabling them to "grow up." I guess the south has always been just a bit more laid back and slow about things. (It's the heat guys, I have a theory to prove this.) But anyway. The abortion debate, it's interesting when people can sit down and talk about it calmly without yelling. *sighs* There are a few other things I could say about it, but there are things to contradict it from every angle (seeing how life is mostly grey), so I don't really want to get into it.

I'm finally a senior ya know? And you would think my class would be the oldest and the most mature, but oh gosh. It is so... I would love to duct tape their mouths shut and slap the heck out of them!! I have 3 classes where it's kinda bad, surprisingly, the same people are in each for the most part. My AP English class gets kinda loud, but not nearly as bad as the rest. So it's OK. But my Physics class, they will not shut up long enough to actually be able to hear our teacher. And I KNOW I could do so much better in there if they'd just be QUIET. But they can't be, they wanna talk about everything all at once, all the social ongoings in their lives. Totally ignoring the teacher. It's driving me nuts, I don't really understand why, cause by most standards, I should be acting the same way. Yes, I will not lie, I do talk SOMETIMES, but not non-stop. Jeez. My Adv. Math teacher snapped at everyone, I was so darn proud. It's the same people in there as in Physics. Maybe I'm mean or something, but I do better when I can sit in a corner, isolated, and just focus on what's being taught. Luckily I do sit in the quiet corners of my Physics and Adv. Math class though. But sometimes that's just not enough. So I'm waiting for the day that more of the people in my grade finally grow up. It may be a while too from the looks of it. So, I'll be spending extra time studying my butt off to completely understand stuff. Oh well though... at least I'll benefit from it. And I would so love to get all A's this six weeks, but I betcha I'll make a B in something. =( Maybe not. And hopefully I can keep from making a C any at all this year. I've made at least one C in math every year... bah, I hate math. Thank goodness I won't have to take too much or too horrible of math subjects for my major in college - at least one of them. Majoring in Psychology... so yes, I'll be a useless doctor who doesn't do anything, and then double major in Business Adminstration or minor in it. Hopefully I'll become a mediator or a relationship counselor. Anyway, I have a game to go to tonight. I'm gonna go see my friend at work first though, I think.

Btw, one more thing I've noticed about myself. I always seem to be in the middle, maybe leaning more one way than another, but in the middle still. *sighs* why? I just cannot believe that everything in life is completely black or completely white. That's why.

Closing Statement:
What is normal? What may be normal to one, may be extremely weird to another. What you do is try to find someone with a similar weirdness... and those become your friends.

Closing Quote:
"I thought I was weird until I found you and you actually understood me. Now I've fallen into this weirdness, but I prefer to call it true love"

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