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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/206495-Thumbs-Turn-Ons
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
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#206495 added November 18, 2002 at 9:09am
Restrictions: None
Thumb's Turn Ons
What do I find sexy?

Hmmmmmmm...Let's see.

English eyes...Egyptian nights
Casual hellos...Memorable goodbyes

First I have to differentiate between "initial" turn ons and "discovered" turn ons.

Initial turn ons are those things that catch my eye from across a crowded room. Most of the time my "radar" is on "standby"...I'm not actively looking...But every so often someone comes into view and the "early warning alert signals" start to go off.

Number one on my initial turn ons list would be hair....Yep...Hair...Not breasts or legs or butts or faces...They're all sexy too...but I'm a hair guy. I prefer long hair over short...Dark hair over light. This is not craved in stone...I'm generalizing here. I love ponytails also...ponytails and ball caps.

"Caring" dark eyes.

A friendly smile is always sexy. I like Geena Davis' smile.

A voice can be very sexy. I love Anjie Harmon"s voice...former actress on "Law and Order", or Geena Davis' or Tegem and Sara's voices...(I'm probably misspelling their names as I've only heard their music for the first time yesterday). I think Karen Carpenter probably had the best singing voice that I've ever heard.

Far more important to me are "discovered" turn ons.

"Discovered" turn ons would be like...finding out that someone I knew...had a secert talent...Like being able to play the violin...or being able to tumble like the gymnasts can...or able to swallow swords...Something totally unexpected. It's not so much the actual talent that's the turn on, but that there's more to this lady than meets the eye.

A sense of humor...very sexy...along with a joy for life and a playful spirit...This type of person just oozes sex appeal as far as I'm concerned.

Knowledge of any kind...such as being able to speak a foriegn language...is a turn on to me. Undetectable across a crowded room...but very sexy.

Confidence is sexy...and also very powerful.

There are lots of other things too, but I feel like telling a story now boys and girls...About a boy of 17 and a girl he was going with.

I had gone to drive my honey home from the take out where she was working. Nothing fancy like McDonalds...just a little place that sold ice creams and milkshakes in the summer.

I sat in the back while my sweetie and her co-worker cleaned up. I offered to help but was told I would just be in the way.

I forget why now...but I jokenly said to my sweetie that if she didn't do something or other...I would pour a big bucket of ice cream over her head. She laughed and dared me to as she turned her back to me and bent over to pick something off the floor...BIG MISTAKE...I held the bucket over her head as I called her name...She looked up...and the next thing she knew...she was covered in soft, gooey ice cream.

See..I had thought that the ice cream in that pail was filled with the same type of ice cream that is used to make "Blizzards"...like those sold at "Dairy Queen"...the type that can be turned up side down without spilling out...It used to be that type of ice cream...before the ice cream machine had been turned off to clean it out. Now it was soft, gooey ice cream, that was going to be thrown out.

There's very little that one can say in the way of an apology to someone you've just poured soft, gooey ice cream over.

Lord was she sexy...MAD...Ooooooooh yes...VERY MAD...but very sexy. Standing there before me in her tight fitting blue top with little flowers embroidered on her left breast...Of course those little flowers were now covered beneath soft, gooey ice cream.

Her co-worker came running in to see what all the comotion was about. My sweetie pointed at the bucket...then at me...and the co-worker asked me why?...Why did I pour soft, gooey ice cream all over my sweetie and their once clean floor?

I just stood there with a stupid sheepish grin on my face...I didn't want to start laughing...I just couldn't help it.

That only made things worse.

We still went out after that...but she never asked me for another drive home after work.

Someone who's opinion I value...(Hi Cookie)...suggested that I include more poems in these journal entries. I don't have any written about soft, gooey ice cream...this one will have to do. It was written in the spring of 2002. I wont get into the story behind it...some things are better left unsaid.

For You

I watch you as you sleep, waiting for you to wake.
I love getting any moment I can with you.
"Time to get up" as you're given a gentle shake.
While you stir, I say a kind word that's long overdue.

Looking at me, I can still see the dreams in your eyes.
I only wish things were different and you could stay.
Something needs to be said but you have to rise.
This time is precious. You'll soon be going away.

Catchya later


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